WY Sheep Draw ?



Wasn't it about the end of this month last year when the results were posted?

I think WY will be keeping my money this year , but you know how that goes. the suspense is killing me.

Stay thirsty my friends
Friday May 3rd should be right on schedule, last year was on friday May 4th.

Good luck all, maybe I will get a random draw tag, only about a 0.5% odds. Almost a sure thing...LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
A few hours left to modify hunt choices, but I'm pretty sure you're not all going to switch just because of my choice.

So, I'm in for area 4 with 15 NR points.

Stay thirsty my friends
>A few hours left to modify
>hunt choices, but I'm pretty
>sure you're not all going
>to switch just because of
>my choice.
>So, I'm in for area 4
>with 15 NR points.
I thought you were going to apply for area 3?
I was going to apply in 3, but my outfitter said he'd rather hunt 4. less hunters , more country to move out into if needed and not a problem to find as good of ram as 3 has. if two other top guides hadn't told me the same thing I'd be a little worried. you just have to know where to go and maybe hunt a few days longer.

Unit 4 did have a die off and tag numbers were cut in half last year, scaring some hunters away no doubt. that along with Garth not putting it in his top picks this year has me feeling pretty good about my odds. pretty good, but not that good.

Stay thirsty my friends
I'm pullin' for ya Mr sixpack!
It's cool to have a fellow MM'er draw because I know we'll get a good story and some pics.
I'm not quite close enough on sheep points but a moose hunt in unit 26 might just be in my future this year.
Anxiously awaiting,
Curious as to what Garth's top picks are. I think JJ was leaning towards 4 when I spoke with him last year. I'm at the top of the points heap and am doing a point only this year. Was leaning towards 3 since I know the area pretty well. Looking at a DIY in 2014. Had to pass this year since my buddy with horses couldn't commit to a 10 day hunt until next year...
If I draw I'm going with JJ in 4 so I can let you know. if you're at the top of the points pile I'm sure 5 is better, just not an option for me.

Garth says in order, 19-5-12-3-2-7. I seldom agree with all his picks but it helps to know what the masses are thinking.

Stay thirsty my friends
I really can't wait!
I'm about to blow a cork!
I wanna know on sheep and moose.
Sheep would be a random (long-shot) but I'm really close on moose. I'll take either or both! I just don't want all my money back again!!!

Hey TG, we like each other, and all, but I'd rather have THEM keep a cut of it this year!
Good luck to us all!

>If I draw I'm going with
>JJ in 4 so I
>can let you know.
>if you're at the top
>of the points pile I'm
>sure 5 is better, just
>not an option for me.
>Garth says in order, 19-5-12-3-2-7.
>I seldom agree with all
>his picks but it helps
>to know what the masses
>are thinking.

I was talking with a biologist for 19 a few years ago. He said they had two rams that folks were confident would make B&C. However, they were both moving between two different chunks of private property. Each landowner was wanting $5k for a trespass fee. Never did hear if they got shot...
A nonres it takes about 17 pts in most areas. A res it takes about 16 pts to have good odds to draw a sheep tag. On moose as a res it takes about 11 pts to have a good chance in most areas.
Not looking good for tomorrow, nothing on the Wyoming site yet...maybe next week...hope not.
You're right.
I keep logging in and nothing has changed.
I already can't think straight.... it will be even worse if I find that I've drawn a permit for something really cool!
I think they are going to post results May 8th for wyo sheep, goat, and moose. Area 4 for sheep is a good tag. Ive hunted that with a friend who had that sheep tag. Lots of sheep you just half to hunt hard for that super big ram. Rugged country with lots of grizz and wolves. The trip I went on we seen 5 wolves. The next trip when they went (I had to work) they seen all grizz.
I hope the giz are at a distance.

Garth Carter sent out an email today saying results will be posted by 8:00 tomarrow morning. not sure where he got that info or if it's correct.

Stay thirsty my friends
That would be awesome if it is. Im stoked to see if I drew a moose or mt goat. I will probably get my money back, Thats the usual. hahahahaha
>I hope the giz are at
>a distance.
>Garth Carter sent out an email
>today saying results will be
>posted by 8:00 tomarrow morning.
>not sure where he got
>that info or if it's
Sounds right to me. would match lasts year deadline. I know the day I drew a mountain goat tag the very next day I had letters from all outfitters in the mail. They might have a list of who drew a tag pretty quick. Not sure on that though
>Stay thirsty my friends
You guys got me all excited, now im bummed out hahahahhahaha.
I prob will just get my money back anyway. CANT DRAW A GOOD TAG IF YA AINT TRYIN !!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON May-03-13 AT 09:00AM (MST)[p]I was hoping for today also.I have enough points to do the Moose tag. If things go as years past. I just want to know now.

I know the game and fish has got the money tied up in some sort of market account that becomes due on the 8 were there abouts. They can go ahead and hold the money until then, just let us know.
>sounds like we all cried for
>at least 20 minutes here

I think I'm still whimpering a little right now!
Well now Garth sent an email saying they screwed up and it will be May 8th.

It wouldn't surprise me if it's early next week.

Stay thirsty my friends
Go figure with Garth....

Blame game on his lack of fact Email alerts..

Kinda glad I bailed on HF in 2008....

Hang in there fella's...

There are only two reasons I stay a member, one so I know what the masses are going to do. and two it keeps me up to date on the drawings and deadlines so I don't forget.

My biggest gripe is all the membership drives, how dumb do you have to be to not know the more members in on the " secrets " the less valuble the secret is. maybe most people get it but I wonder.

Any way you look at it , Garth has a huge impact on western draw statistics. I think I get my $100 worth but not any more than that.

Stay thirsty my friends
+1 440, but don't forget about the stories and the pics. I have been a member of HF since it's inception. Information is what you make of it. Hope you draw your sheep tag and let us know how you do, I'm in for unit 12. Good luck
Has the members helping members been a real benefit to anyone here?

As I understand it, they'll give you a list of members drawn (those that have reported in) for a specific unit/species.

I've been a on again off again (currently off) member. Seems like every other year to every 3 years for summary info.
>Has the members helping members been
>a real benefit to anyone

IMO that is one of the best reasons for membership, assuming you draw any "far-away" hunts. I found the info very useful for 2-3 hunts, not so great for another because the "list" only had 2 people on it.
Yes, I have provided info on desert sheep in NV. After I drew and killed a desert sheep in NV I was contacted for info a couple times. I gave a narrative on access, areas where I saw/killed sheep and had them send me a map which I marked up and made comments on.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I dont think I will be able to sleep tonight! (Even though I will prob get my money back.)

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Urge 2 Hunt

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J & J Outfitters

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Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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