WY Region J Ranches



I am looking for a trespass fee ranch in region J for Muley and Antelope this fall. I have a group of 3 maybe 4 hunters. Anyone know of a good one?
What exactly is a tresspasse fee and how does it work? Us here in MN don't have that and I hear about it and always wondered what it is. How much do people typically pay for a trespase fee? Is it legal or do land owners get upset? Any information on this topic would be great!!!
A trespass fee is an amount an individual pays a land owner for the right to "trespass" on there land for hunting or other purposes. The amount depends on what you are hunting. Some times it is per animal or per day. I have hunted a ranch in Laramie, WY the past few years for antelope and it was $200 for a buck and free for a doe.

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