WY Pronghorn safari



Just returned from a pronghorn hunt north of Sinclair WY....Boy was it a BLAST! Nothing monsterous was harvested all in the
12-14 "... but we all had a great time stalking these hardy critters.


Wow, a total of 14 'Lopes for the group and only 7 hunters. I take it that you all had 2 tags a piece. Thanks for the pictures who had the biggest Buck?

Looks like some nice bucks in there - and a LOT of tasty meat too.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-06 AT 10:36AM (MST)[p]Most of the guys had one buck tag and two doe tags. My brother (to the left of me in the group photo) did not have a buck tag...just two doe tags. I did not purchase and doe tags...wanted to make sure I had plenty of time to help my brother out and act as a photographer/cameraman for the others. At teh time of the photo, Ken (furthest right) still had his two does to kill...which he did easily the next day.

The biggest buck was killed by my frind Russ...second from right.
Mine was the second biggest...all the rest very close.

Thanks for the kind words...we all had a GREAT time.

Next on tap is my Montana deer hunt...not leaving until mid-Nov though...wanna catch the rut.

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