I guess I'll be perhaps the only WY resident in the entire state that believes this law is BS.
I find it troubling that a state is stopping NR hunters from entering wilderness areas to hunt big-game for a couple reasons:
1. The law was put in place by the outfitters and guides as a way to subsidize their industry. Its nothing but welfare for them, plain and simple.
2. Many of the animals that live in WY's wilderness areas are born, raised, and ultimately die on PUBLIC lands. Since all tax paying citizens support management of public lands, they are being shafted big-time by this type of state legislation. The arguement you hear is that the state owns the wildlife, thats true. But, perhaps WY residents should be charged additional taxes to cover the expenses of the states animals that live on public lands and utilize wilderness areas within the state.
I feel that the states having control of the animals is important, but its equally important that the tax paying United States Citizen should have equal opportunity to any form of legal recreation they desire. Most certainly they should not have to subsidize an industry in any state via ridiculous regulations like this.
Oh, and yes, I feel the same way about the guide laws in AK, the outfitter sponsored licenses in MT, and also all forms of transferable licenses in CO, NM, etc.
The publics resources should not be made available to only the influential, only landowners, only outfitters, etc.
Laws like the above mentioned are eroding the hunting heritage as fast, if not faster, than development.
This crap needs to stop.