WY Moose Who's In?



Gonna be interesting to see how everything shakes down this year.

So, are you putting in? Are you buying a point? Or are you throwing in the towel, and keeping your $$$?

I'm putting in with 6 points. Good luck!
I have 6 points also.
I've thought a bit about it and I think I'll buy a point this year.
I'm guessing most people will be putting in & the draws are going to be difficult this year.
I am planning on putting in soon, maybe 07.
Between the wolfs, grizzleys & expense it needs to be soon.
I've got six non resident points and I'm in this year also!
My buddy also has six non resident's points and is in also!
I'm not in ....Hah , didn't expect to see this did ya , AZ is the only place outside NM I'm playing...Too many wishs' , not enough $$$$
Yep, 6 nonresident points like everyone else. I'll just be buying a point this year. I think the draw odds may be tough this year as guys will try to draw and be done with moose in WY.
6 N.R. points,also.Will buy another,thinking some will use THEIR points.For sure MANY will drop out,Good Luck either way.Its that FUN time of the year ---
I've got 6 points. The application booklet is still on my desk. I'm about 90% certain I'll be throwing in the towel. But if I hit a couple Super Bowl pools, I may send in for a point. CB
I have 7 points and will stay in. I think those with 5 and more point should probably stay in. There was alot of units that took 5 or six points to draw last year. Even if alot of people start to burn their points and put in you should be able to draw in 2 to 4 years. Compaired to the price of a NR moose tag another 300 bucks is not that bad. You may never be able to draw one of the top three units, but if you just want to hunt a good bull moose it would be worth it. Or atleast that is my theory.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-06 AT 08:58PM (MST)[p]I also am a 6 pointer and I decided to buy a point only this year. I will not be waiting for one of the 10 point Bighorn units. There are lots of 6/7 point units that will provide the decent hunt I am looking for without dumping years of $75 donations. Should be able to draw in 2-3 years. However, this is a one & done hunt. After I draw, no way will I get back into that $$$ game. ****em & feedem fisheads for that deal.

For the price of the tag & points, I can drive a shorter distance and hunt a bigger Canadian variety moose every year with a cabin for 2 weeks included, in Ontario. That would also include a boat & walleye fishing if I tagged out early. I'd just like to experience one hunt for a Shiras, so I will stay in the game.
I'll bet if some of you gave up ONE WEEKS worth of Bud Light and cigarettes you'd have enough money to buy the point. LOL!
>I'll bet if some of you
>gave up ONE WEEKS worth
>of Bud Light and cigarettes
>you'd have enough money to
>buy the point. LOL!

I am 47 and have never smoked one cigatette in my life. Now as far as beer goes, I don't buy it enough to know what it even costs at the store, but I'll guess 50 cents a can. I drink about one can every two weeks, so that comes out to 25 cents a week.

So your anology doesn't fly with me.

Personally, in my opinion, deceiving thousands of sportsmen into thinking they have a realistic chance at a public land bighorn tag while fleecing their pockets, is not a laughing matter.
Points only; I have 7, but the oldest son and I booked two leopard hunts in Namibia for next year at Reno SCI. In money conservation mode this year, while the wife settles down! :)
Another of the 6 pointers. I'm in with a point this year, going to see how things fall out. Odds will be terrible this year for sure. An additional comment on the beer and smokes. It burns my butt everytime somebody makes a boneheaded comment like that. With jobs goings overseas, taxes going thru the roof and gas spiking people are having to adjust their lives. My salary has not gone up as fast as the tags have increased. And as a responsible adult I have to look to the well being of my family first. Sorry for the rant but anytime anybody speaks their mind about tag increases or the PP system some jerk has got to tell them how to spend their money.
I got 3, gonna just buy the 4th this year. Can't believe how many guys have at least 6pts. or better. I'd definately be puttin' in with those kinda points.

Going on 9pts. here in WA. and still not opptamistic about my chances.

Did book a Northern Alberta Moose hunt for Sept. of this year....so not all is lost. :)
I am in, have 4 points, going for a random tag in a god unit, hoping to draw and save $75 a year from now on.

I think random odds will be better, many guys will not want them keeping $75. I am going to plan to draw in the next 3 years then no more WY moose for me. Sheep staying in with 6 points.
Just sent in. Went for the sheep tag, moose points. Currently have 10 sheep and 6 moose points. Picked a sheep hunt I would have got if I went for the tag instead of points last year.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-06 AT 09:07AM (MST)[p]im in moose sheep and elk in wyoming they have 4 grand of my money . im a fool for such a slim chance of drawing at least i will get most of it back
I have 8 points. Didn't put in this year and didn't buy a point (I can skip a year without losing the points). Just giving you guys a chance to catch up with me..lol.

I'll either put in or buy a point next year. I have maximum-1 deer points in Utah, so I'm debating which hunt I'll do in 2007 and which one in 2008.

Why not THIS year? Lost my job in November which makes it VERY difficult to justify. If things get better then I can always pick up a N. Utah ML deer and/or an archery elk tag over-the-counter later.

Good luck to the rest of you. I'm curious to see the impact of the new pref point prices on the demand. I'm also curious to see the impact of the increasing wolf population on the moose population - there was DEFINITELY a change in things last year for the *deer* in the area of Region G where we've hunted for many years. We were warned by a WY F&G guy that there had been sightings where we were going into, and Yes, we actually saw some wolves - and VERY few deer...wonder why.


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