LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-08 AT 06:08PM (MST)[p]Has anyone has any experiences with an outfitter for moose in the Jackson WY area? I am a non-res with enough points to draw 23, 20,5, etc. possibly this year or next. I had planned on a diy, but talking to others do not feel this is possible due to time constraints and the wilderness rule. So I am looking at outfiiters and doing some research and just looking for opinions. I have looked at WY guide assoc., now I am just looking for more input. Let me also ask is a DIY hunt possible, if I allotted 2 plus weeks to the hunt. I'm just a working stiff so i need to keep the guided hunt under 5 figures. I have heard good things about Barlow Outfitters. Any ideas? Thanks for any help.