WY draw results



Received my antelope tags for unit 53 in today's mail. Good luck to you in the drawings...
You received your tag? I have never seen tags mailed before the posting or being able to call in. For sure WY. tags. If so good job thats a great unit.
Mine was posted this a.m. and looks like my whole party drew unit 45. Oh happy day!!!
Didn't draw my antelope tag...damn.
I am a Wyoming resident and have only drawn twice since 1993 and I put in every year. Prior to '93 I drew every year, except for when I was gone in the military.

I got lucky and got my tag too, so did my nephew. We put in for a predominately private area though...unit 113. Got out permission lined up and can't wait now!

Any one ever hunt that unit; I've never been there, so it'll be a learning experience...

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