WY antelope



My friend and I are looking to try Antelope hunting, we have no points as we have never entered a draw but I was wondering if anyone could point us in the right direction of any Wyoming units that we have a good chance at drawing and at getting a buck not a monster and not a dinky thing just a good Antelope buck for a first one, this will be my friends 2nd year of hunting and his little bro. just finished hunters saftey so it will be his 1st hunt. Any help is appreciated, how much do most ranchers/land owners charge for trespassing?
Unless you put in for one of the 100% units up in the Northeast you will not draw. Look at the Wyoming website to find the areas with 100% draws and you might have a chance.
My January 2007 issue of the Huntin Fool on page 70 listed units 32 type 2, and 48 type 2 as 100% draw in 2005 and 2006 regular license draw, these are non-trophy units that are public land hunts. If you went special draw, paid the extra $200, then units 32 type 1, 47 type 1 and 2 also are 100% draw. Time to do some research! hope this gets you started. Jason R.
My experience has generally been, the further north and east you go in Wyoming for antelope, the better the draw odds. The catch is the better the draw odds the more likely you will run into access problems (private land). Camo is only partially right in that you could get lucky and draw a good unit (25% of tags go to less than top points), but it is not likely. So if you absolutely must go this year, you are going to have to look at easy to draw units. The Wyoming Game and Fish website gives you the last few years drawing odds, so you need to look at those and figure out where to put in. Every year in Wyoming there are tags left over after the initial draw. You can always pick one of those up, but count on private land issues.
I have paid as little as $20 to hunt someone's property, and it just goes up from there. The better the ranch, the more you will pay. You will pretty much have to do your homework, but I have done it before and had a great time! Good Luck.
Here's a strategy that could work and help you out for next year. Apply for a good unit in the western side of the state as your first choice. Then list an undersubscribed unit as your second choice (like 48 type 2). That way you not only have a great chance to hunt this year, but you could also have a preference point for the 2008 draw.
Thanks for all the advise, this is why I love this website, I appreciate any more help I can get. I've been trying to go to the Wyoming Fish and Game website today but either my internet is sucking today or their website is down.
I am a WY resident and usually hunt 88,89,90,or93. Lots of public land and we usually kill 15 to 16 inch bucks and it usually only takes a day or two to get it done. You may want to consider putting in for a good public lands unit, getting a point if you don't draw and then buying a doe permit for the area and go get some knowlege of the unit for when you get your buck permit. Your pals sound like newcomers to hunting and may enjoy even getting a doe. Another option anyway.
I did a one day doe antelope hunt in Area 48 around Oct 10 last year and I was really surprised at the number of good bucks I saw - that usually happens when you have a doe tag! Get a BLM map and look for the larger chunks of BLM land. We hunted half a day and saw very few but when we got onto them we saw well over 100 in a couple of hours. They were bunched up in big groups from the hunting pressure and a snow squall was blowing in.


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