Wy antelope unit 46 help



I have never hunted this area and was only looking for a easy draw for my daughter so now we have the tag and would like any help that is out there

Or is this unit like most in wyoming where there is antelope all over and there is a lot of public land

Thanks for any help

Clynt L Citte
Willard Ut
46 is a good area. Lots of goats for sure. One of the ranches North and west of Elk Mountain opened up for "ranching for Wildlife" I think it is the Palm ranch. Anyway, get ahold of WY GF and ask em about it. They will let a certain # of hunters in on his property and it will be first come first serve type thing. Get ahold of em and get on that list, if possible. The other big ranch in 46 was Leeders but it sold this summer and not sure if the new owner will allow hunting, so ask GF about them too. Both ranches hold good quality goats with releatively easy hunting. I have hunted 46 for years and taken several great goats-all on opening day.


Thanks very much for the info this is what info I needed I will get a-hold of the WY game and fish and check out the ranching for wildlife

Thanks again very much

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah

We have always went to the meat locker in medicine bow, to get our permission slip (Maddox Locker) We too have hunted the Leeders ranch, with good success. We have always went later in the hunt, and find it tough to score on bucks over 13". What is the opening like as far as people? I would like to connect on a better buck this year. Any info is appreciated.

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