WY antelope, driest top ten areas?



Looking to go to Wyoming in 08 for antelope with my bow. Was wondering out of the top ten areas to draw, which ones are driest. Will be doing the waterhole thing.

for some reason that link doesnt work if I click on it, but it does work if you copy and paste it into your browser window.

sorry about that.
>Looking to go to Wyoming in
>08 for antelope with my
>bow. Was wondering out of
>the top ten areas to
>draw, which ones are driest.
>Will be doing the waterhole

how about 90-2, 93, 53, 62, 64, 57, 58, 60, 61, 95.

I know 60, 57, 58 & 61 are concidered red desert but the others I dont know how dry they are?

What you might want to look at is not precipitation so much as consistent water sources like reservoirs, tanks, and springs and the amount of those in the area you want to hunt. Most areas have these and the antelope will congregate there. But, even in the supposed dry areas, a storm will shoot your hopes and dreams down really quick. I've been in some of the above areas when it has been very dry and I've seen years when it's been wet as heck and muddy. In other words, don't depend on the weather. Look at the map and single out remote water holes, check with blm to see if there is water there if you can't look yourself and plan on sitting there. If you draw one of these "top" areas, I wouldn't worry about much competition.

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