WY Antelope area 62 - South Ferris



Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums here and posted this under the WY section as well.

I'm wondering if anyone has input of past experiences in this unit? I have a 62 type 1 tag in the pocket this fall and pretty stoked to hunt this unit. I've personally never hunted this area prior and just trying to get a sense of other's past experiences here. I'll be hunting solo and planning on tenting out in the prairies and have 9 days set a side for this tag. As most of us, I'm looking for that coveted 80" buck and NOT to just punch a tag on a "good" buck. Have any of you guys took a book class buck out of here?

I've spoke to the regional biologist and the two wardens in this area and they gave some very good information and locations to start. Know where the main ranchers are, where Ed Chipperfield guide out of and have all the BLM lands/roads loaded up in my GPS and have all the mapping data I need. Sounds like the herd numbers may be down a bit from the past but the horn grow is exceptionally good this year, which was good to hear.

Just looking for other peoples opinions in this area, possible road conditions, and your thoughts. Plan on hunting last week of Sept (which is 3rd wk of the lope season). There's only 40 tags issued so hopefully pressure is minimal. Preferably want to do this completely DIY on public land and avoid ranch access fees. There is a good amount of "checker board" land in south half of unit by Rawlins, anyone hunt this area? Any thoughts, suggestions, locations or comments would greatly be appreciated guys!
I have never hunted 62 so my response will not answer your questions, but I do like your style. My son and I nomad/tent hunted another very good unit in Wyoming a few years ago in similar fashion and we had great success.
We also hunted the last week of September and we did not see another hunter. The rut was in full swing and almost all doe groups had a decent buck tending them. We looked over hundreds of bucks and my son eventually killed an 85"er. I also had a chance at a great buck but didn't compensate for wind drift and missed. Since we only had 3 days to get it done I came home with a lesser buck but it was a blast.
We got on high glassing points with a good spotting scope to sort though things, but with 9 days set aside to hunt I am very confident you will find something good as long as you are patient and picky.
You are definitely doing it right from my perspective, and I wish you well.
Keep us posted.
It could take 1 day or it could take 20 days to find and kill a 80"+ buck.

My brother and I just spent 5 days each scouting a "great" pronghorn unit and have yet to see an 80 incher! (maybe we did but we're just not smart enough to know it).

That's 10 full man-days of scouting and we saw hundreds and hundreds of bucks, 297 to be exact, yet nothing over 80 was to be found this trip.

You'd think 9 days should be enough but.....

At least you'll be alone after the first 3 or 4 days and there are darn few tags in your unit to begin with. You should have a great hunt and a wonderful experience.

Best of luck to you!

PS: I've had my hands on LBH's son's 85 incher and that thing is an absolute toad!
Thanks for all your input guys, much appreciated. Feel pretty good about this tag in the pocket. Just hope for good weather and give her a go!

I'll give a hunt report and update upon returning home for others to reference in the future as this is considered a premier goat tag in Carbon County country. Always difficult for a non-res to consider which tag to burn their points on so I'm willing to share my experience to others. Thanks again to all those who replied... hopefully a 80"er in the crosshairs in the near future!

Tiz the season and good luck to all who have tags in their pockets!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-14 AT 12:34PM (MST)[p]Good luck GB! Sounds like you are doing this right. Eager to hear your hunt report.

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