WY Antelope Area 56


Active Member
Does anyone have any info on this area that they want to share? How many antelope would one expect to see? What is the area like? Is there much BLM lands or is the area mostly private property? Is it easy to get access on private property? How does the area lay - mostly sagebrush flats or rolling breaks or what? I did not draw the area I usually hunt and am looking for a backup plan. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

There is a reason there are leftover tags in 56. The entire unit is checkard-board which means every other section is public and then private. You have to have permission to hunt all public land that doesn't border a public road and almost all of 56's public land is landlocked. In other words, 90% of 56 is off limits unless you have permission. If I were you I'd check into other units. It is a bummer that the BLM doesn't do a land swap or something to open up the millions of acres of public land that is currently landlocked along the I80 corridor!
Thanks for the reply. I have been trying to talk to someone at the Game and Fish office but haven't been able to talk to anyone that could answer my questions.


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