WY Ant question


Very Active Member
I apologize if I'm covering old ground.

Don't get on much anymore.

Any input on Table Mountain Outfitters
for antelope ?

Larry, I just got a postcard from them today and threw it away.

They like to cater to the Outdoor TV hunters. Their prices are not all that cheap either.

I have nothing against the outfitter in question...but of all the species you can hunt DIY, pronghorn in Wyoming is it.

I'm sure they'd get you on some pronghorn...dont see any way they couldnt.
I just got a postcard from them a couple days ago too and agree with Brian and BuzzH. Antelope are the one animal in Wyoming that you should be able to do a DIY hunt and have fun while filling some tags. You may not kill a booner, but not many do, and they are a great animal for a family to hunt.
Ditto to the above comments.
I have seen many of their TV shows and they seem like really nice people, but I have never seen them take the quality of bucks that I have found hunting DIY.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-12 AT 01:58PM (MST)[p]Can't believe guys fork over that kind of cash for average sized looking animals. Or at least that's what it seems whenever I happen to catch an episode. On top of that, they need to get a hot looking co-host. That dudes ol' lady is rough looking...
We are going DIY next fall in Wyoming. If I wasn't, I'd start with the last couple years of Wyoming Outdoors (the guides and outfitters association magazine) and look at who's consistently taking the biggest antelope in the state, one name comes up ALOT.
They kill average antelope for the area they hunt. Three guys I know went last year with them. They killed a 72, 74 and a 76. I dislike the fact they are trying to lease up most of the private land I hunt. Seth and Angie have really grown their business in the last decade. They are honest, but why would you hire a guide to hunt antelope unless it was for private land access?
>AT 01:58?PM (MST)

>Can't believe guys fork over that
>kind of cash for average
>sized looking animals. Or
>at least that's what it
>seems whenever I happen to
>catch an episode. On
>top of that, they need
>to get a hot looking
>co-host. That dudes ol'
>lady is rough looking...

Agreed on the female thing....

In most cases these TV show folks don't pay for anything except transportation, tips, and maybe the permit fee. The outfitters do it for the exposure/advertising. Often times they will save a specfic animal for that guest to shoot on camera. They will keep all other paying clients out of the area. Any outdoor show who uses a guide service is not paying retail for it. This is the reason it sounds like an infomercial at times. The TV show is then graded on the how much business the outfitter received as a result. This will help determine if the TV program is invited back a second time.

Often times an outdoor show will simply lease a ranch or piece of property for a self proclaimed "DIY" hunt. Any dipwad who had access to 50,000 acres of premium habitat can take a trophy animal. I've seen ranchers trade hay for exclusive hunting rights. Payment comes in all forms I guess.

Either way all parties involved are running a business and need to make ends meet. Nothing wrong with it, just understand hunting shows are like any other reality TV.
Using a guide/outfitter in a decent unit in WY would be a waste of money IMO. I had a very good tag last year and you could have drove anywhere in the unit and stopped and seen antelope. In 4 days of hunting I think we saw 300+ bucks. Trying to find a big one in all of them is always the toughest part. I cannot judge them to save my life and ended up shooting a 78" buck that I thought was over 80".
I have hunted with them several times. They run a very good outfit. I don't judge outfitters by TV shows. Like I said I have hunted with them and if I could afford it I would hunt with them every year. And I SURE DON'T AGREE witht the comment about Angie. I think I have very good taste in woman and I can tell you Angie Denny is a very beautiful woman. She is an awesome person also. I sent you a PM.

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