WY 62


Very Active Member
Ok fellas, any help is here is appreciated. I have a brand new goat hunter coming with this time, and she is waaaaay excited!

Cabuck, sent you a PM.
Congrats on the tag! Sorry I don't know much about 62 but I bet you'll kill a nice one :D

All i got in the draws this year was a unit 60 antelope tag... <sign> it will have to do. Can't wait for August 15th!!!

Good luck!

Last year, I traveled from St. Louis to hunt deer in that area. Although I had never been to that area, I did get around fairly easily and saw a fair amount of shootable pronghorns. You won't have any trouble finding bucks in that area. I stayed in Rawlins and saw some good bucks close to town, which are in an area open to the public. Get a BLM map and check the hunter management areas from the WY website. Post your pics when back home. I'm building pref points for that area. You'll have a great hunt.

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