Wy #5 Ram


Active Member
Well the country kicked my ass on the first try but on the second trip it all happened just the way it does in the magazine articles. It's been awhile since I posted any pics so hopefully this all works. I swung for the fence on the first trip and headed for country that I figured would separate me from the opening day crowds as opening of rifle coincided with the Labor day holiday. I was sure right about thinning out the crowds as I never saw a soul stupid enough to be there but me.
Unfortunately the rest of the plan didn't work as there were no boys around- only tons of women. I moved every day to see new country and the country took it's toll on my pack llamas on some of the "unmaintained" (as in non-existant) trails.
I saw some of the most beautiful country on earth from a perspective few people ever get to see along with my faithful hunting buddy Topaz my dog and 4 llamas, Lester,Levi,Lucky, and Larry. After 5 days I headed home to go with my buddy on a m/l elk trip in Co.- so many tags and so little time!!
After the elk trip a trip to Arkansas for scuba and spearfishing to keep the wife happy took another 10 days from my sheep hunting time- don't try this at home kids, leave the heavy recreating to the professionals, it'll ruin your work ethic.
Came home throwing stuff from suitcases to panniers as I was under the gun for time now as on the 12th I had to be back in Co. for another elk hunt with my dad. Took off immediately for Wy. slept in the truck at the trailhead so as to speed up the packing the next am. Headed up a new trail at daylight and when I got above treeline saw rams immediately- 2 groups of 11 total.

Stalked to 150 yds of the best one for a closer look thru the scope and debated whether to shoot for 1-1/2 hrs. as he lay there chewing his cud. Finally made my decision based on his growth rings of which I was sure he had at least 8, possibly more. When he stood to feed some more the shot was pretty much the anti- climax. The day had been a long one already but I went back to the tent retrieved 2 llamas and went back and butchered him up and made it back to the tent just in time to eat and collapse with meat and cape scattered around- stupid,stupid stupid hunter. Ok stupid and tired hunter giving myself some benefit of the doubt- but mostly stupid.
It blew hard and started snowing in the night and I woke up at 2:30 realizing how stupid I was and couldn't sleep till it turned gray and I could look out and see no sign of Mr. grizz.- good news to say the least. Packed up in a blizzard and took off down the trail and there in the snow, fresh as a daisy, 150 yards below camp grizz tracks!! I don't know why he was such a nice bear to leave me alone but I certainly appreciated his good manners and promised myself to never get so sloppy again.

I haven't put a full tape to my ram yet but his basics are 36-1/2" by 14-1/4" with 10 birthdays under his belt. I promised myself as I was agonizing over my decision to shoot/not shoot that I wouldn't let the tape measure make/break my hunt if he was old and pretty I was going to be happy with him, and I am. thanks to the Wy game/fish guys for advice as well a several of the folks on MM who pm'm me with helpful info.

Kevin I have been waiting to see how you did AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heck of a ram for WY, nice mass, old etc. Great job! More pics please! You had a CO goat tag to right????

I got a bull in CO, decent.

Unless you are dereranged or are looking for 1 certain ram that is a 1st day ram. Any 8 year or older ram in WY is a keeper. Congrats on your persistence.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Thanks guys I don't know how you can see my pic when I cannot I can't figure out what I did wrong. It sucks to get old not only does it take forever to learn this stuff but in one summer of not playing on the computer I seem to have forgotten everything I thought I learned last winter!!!
Kind words kilbuc to be sure, and I'ld have to plead guilty of the deranged charge. Either someone who actually knows how to run a computer helped me out on the pic or my slow computer finally got around to showing it. Now if I could just figure out how to downsize it so it is easier to read. The only disappointment with my grand adventure was it was shorter than most of mine, the original plan was to just go sheep hunting for the whole 9 weeks. Everyone wanted a piece of my time and it all added up to a lot, leaving just 10 or 12 days out of the 9 weeks. But it was still great country and I got to see moose sheep black bear whitetail and mulies and tons of elk. You know you are in great country when a 320 class bull comes into camp with you sitting right there and asks your llama for a date( Lester said NO!) but the bull kept hanging around bugling at him and raking his horns on some trees, it was comical but not to Lester.
Here is a pic of us packed up ready to leave in the storm.


Here is a better pic of the sheep w/o the stupid hunter detracting from him.


I hope all these pics turn out as it takes me 1/2 hr to load each one!! Here is a scenery shot from the first segment in "girl country".


This is a satelite bull if you can believe it- I couldn't till I saw the one who booted him out of the herd- no pics of him I was distracted by my sheep.


This is a pic of the basin where I got my ram, God had a good day when he made this country!


This is the bull who made a pass at Lester one evening.

It took 15 yrs. of applications to get this tag but after seeing the size of the elk and deer there maybe I'll go into the country again just not for sheep, unless exta ordinary luck takes part.
This is a scenery of forbidden ground to us unworthy non res poor folk with out the wherewital to cough up $8500for a guide. In this panorama there were 8 mature rams and 40- 50 ewes.

And one last shot of my boy, my apologies to those of you with stone age internet like me since it will take half a day to download this thread. Do it yourself it's only a dead animals'
head if you don't earn it!!
Great for you, Squirrel!!! Looks like you were able to squeeze everything into your once-in-a-lifetime hunt. To kill a beauty of a ram had to be icing on the cake. Thanks for posting the story and photos!
WOW!! Great story, very nice animal and some beautiful country. I'd say you are living the dream there squirrel.
Thanks for sharing

Great story, Great pictures, great adventure, great ram. Beutiful work and thanks for taking the time to post. Some of us love looking at this stuff. What day did you kill? I just came back from the Dubois area and quite a bit of snow dropped on the Absaroka range this past weekend. I only have 20-25 more years to wait for the tag.
Great Wyoming Ram!
P.S. I would have gladly shot either one of those photographed bulls given the opportunity.
Fantastic job! Sounds like you made the best of that tag. Way to go and Thanks for sharing your hunt with us. I'm glad Mr. Grizz stayed away,.....Providence. :)


Proverbs 3:5-6
Congrat's! Beautiful ram, loved the photos and the story - I know the area well, and the pic of the basin where you got the ram is a great one; looks like the area I mentioned to you - I knew you would do well there. Someday maybe I'll draw another permit for that area. You said it all when you said God had a great day when He created this place - it's one of my favorites!
You son of a gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

until this very minute I have been marveling that I am not missing the mountains & the high country yet. Now I am. A lot.

Awesome pics! We never got snow down at the elevation I hunted at, love that early season snow for some reason. Great pics, I mean great. Awesome. Great ram again and keep posting those pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still haven't figured out how to scale down the pics, thanks for the help guys. I figured it out late last spring but sheep fever must have erased those brain cells! 'Tis a shame sheep are so few and so popular to hunt making it such a rare occurence to get a tag. Here is the shot of where I headed on my first segment of the hunt leaving the established trail behind.


This is looking back towards the truck from the "dividing ridge"


The first hunt about killed my wimpiest llama although the tougher 3 did fine, the unmaintained trails were loaded with blown over lodgepole and you had to fight for every yard. This country has the most incredible rock/earth slides I've ever seen. Spring runoff must be an awe inspiring thing. At my farthest point Topaz and I were around 12 miles from the truck and up against the wilderness boundary, with no boys sighted. Here are the llamas relaxing "with a view"

Here is the only shot I got of his left (and best) side.
I absolutely love all of your pictures. Got any more!! Great story and sounds like an awesome hunt. Can't wait til I draw my tag! That country looks familiar, not far from where I live believe. Is that a trailhead on the wood river in the background? Anyways congrats on an awesome hunt!

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