WW ll HD Series



Have any of you guys been watching WW ll HD on the history channel?

Pretty amazing color footage of the European Theater and the Pacific Campaign. Had to have been some pretty scary stuff if you had to live through it. My dad was in the south pacific during the war and the one thing he saw of the coast of Okinawa that he had a hard time believing until he actually saw them were the Kamikaze planes. One hit the high octane hold on a fleet oiler that was anchored next to his ship, the plane flew over his ship so low he could see the pilot just before he put it in the ship. He told me he never wanted to live so bad in his entire life as he did that day. By the way his favorite president was Harry Truman.. He always said that Truman just might have saved his life by putting an end to the war.

So far this is the oldest I have ever been.
yes i've been watching although i missed the first days. its very interesting amazing to say the least, i think everyone should watch it.
They were ordinary men and women doing extraordinary things. If today's people, expecially these loser politicians we've got today, had 1/10th the determination and integrity of the WWII vets we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today. My hat off to them and those who have served with honor since then!
> They
>were ordinary men and women
>doing extraordinary things. If today's
>people, expecially these loser politicians
>we've got today, had 1/10th
>the determination and integrity of
>the WWII vets we wouldn't
>be in the mess we
>are in today. My hat
>off to them and those
>who have served with honor
>since then!


This series really gives you a kind of a feel for some of what the men and women went through. I agree with you and my hat is off to all those that have served their country. I have always said if you are going to live here in this country and enjoy all it has to offer than you should be more than willing if called upon to stand up for the U.S. and if you choose not to go somewhere else. just my 2 cents.
I agree, pretty amazing series.


Later, Brandon
I started watching as soon as they started showing. Pretty awesome show.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Great Series!!!

I actually got to see Saipan, Guam, Tinian and been to Okinawa. Very scary jungles and coral! You have the most respect for our Military who fought in that environment.
One of our infantry company's, they got to helo on Iwo Jima.
I wish I could have went. One of my buddies brought back a Jap Arkiska rifle! The wood stock was gone, as it was just the action, barrel and trigger rusted pretty good.
He banged the bolt back and there was a live round still in!
In Tinian, I took pictures of Atomic Bomb Pit 1 and 2, where they have a plaque.
I got to see the War Memorial for the War Dogs they used, on Guam.
Lots of history and I had relatives who fought in the Pacific and in Europe. My Dad fought the Chinks in Korea.

Great series. My grandfather is a Pearl Harbor survivor. How he did I dont know? I have always thought that he was one of the greatest men on earth. After watching this I now know this is true. My family has lots of vets myself included. If you guys get the chance to go to D.C. visit the war memorials and Arlington national cemetary it will bring this series into perspective.
I've seen most of it. It is very good.


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