
The boys was running hot at the shootout! 206mph lap speeds... eeehaw! NASCAR craps down both legs & decides that's too fast. Now they are going to make the air intake smaller & screw around with the restrictor plate to slow them down for the 500.
HEADS UP MR. NASCAR... take those stupid plates off & let the boys race!!!


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"

That's what I've said for years!

But they'd be running Indy Car speeds if you turned them Loose!

Somebody would get killed for sure!

All this Technology at building BIG HORSEPOWER & now they can't use the Horsepower,WTF?

Nothin irritates me more than a PUKE PLATE!

It'd be kinda like putting a Speed/Velocity Limiter on REDDOGS long range Gun!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-11 AT 04:58AM (MST)[p]They are going to make them run a different pressure cap on the radiators to so if they draft tight behind another car for more than a couple laps they'll be spewing water out the overflow!

I understand they have to try to keep the driver safe but they have been testing and fine tuning those cars down there for a month now and just days before the race they make huge changes like this :eek:
I'm all for limiting the drafting. That drafting shizz is BORRRRRRING! I turned it off in the middle of the race and then turned it back on towards the end. It looked like I had never turned it off. You knew the leader wasn't going to win it in the end. You knew somebody would slingshot around him and they did. It's too predictable. I will say this, if they are 4 wide and going those speeds on Sunday and somebody wrecks, look out. They will have a 20 lab yellow just to pick up all the pieces.

It's always an adventure!!!
I guess if you name is Mark Martin it's OK to wreck Kyle Busch?:D

Bet if that happens to Kyle during the Daytona He won't be smiling about it!
Well sage according to all the conspiracy theorists he will win Sunday because NASCAR is going to let him because it is the 10 yr anniversary of Dale Sr's death in that race.
Comp, That sucks! As much as i've pulled for the guy, only to be disappointed time after time, sounds like he can't win Sunday. Even if he does come in first place, the "conspiracy" theory will discount that victory.

He has talent no doubt, you don't win 18 cup series races without it, but according to all the nay sayers he will forever be riding his daddy's coat tail!
Junior has always run well at Daytona and Talladega and if he wins on Sunday it is because he has the talent to do so, not that NASCAR let him. But, I know for a fact that if he does win, a lot of people will say that they let him win. Kind of a lose lose for Junior no matter what he does. If he wins it's because he's riding his daddy's coattails and NASCAR lets him win but when he loses everyone complains that he is nothing like his dad. I feel sorry for the guy.

This post isn't directed at anyone on MM, just thought I would clarify that.
My thoughts exactly rutnelk! I've always been a fan of Dale Sr and Dale Jr but JR is in a spot where he can't win no matter what.

I will say this though, after what happened to Neil Bonnet (Dale Sr's good friend) and to Dale Sr, both killed in turn 4 at Daytona, it takes some balls for Dale Jr to keep racing.
Way to much thought put into a sport that only turns left.....Oh ya and upside down. It's just NASCAR??? A bunch of guy's that hardly spell their names and fight like baseball players!!! Geeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzeeeeee!!!! Just kidding fellas!...I love watching the Daytona 500.
Anybody catch the Dale Earnhardt special on the speed channel.
It was called "The Day" I beleive. It seems like yesterday, but its been 10 years already. Good show.
I watched it and really enjoyed it. Love him or hate him, the man was and is a legend.

NASCAR hasn't been the same for me since 2001.
I heard about Sr. death over the radio coming back from Austin, Tx headed back to Abilene, Tx. I thought someone was pulling a very sick joke, so I called my Dad back home in WV. I knew he was watching the race; he answered the phone and I asked him if he was watching the race. He told me he had just turned off the TV about 10 minutes earlier; I asked him to turn it back on but I didn't say why. My Dad and I found out almost at the same moment, my father is a huge Sr. fan. I think him and one of his co-workers (his co-worker owned a machine shop down in Raleigh-Durham area, so he had almost all the big racing teams doing some type of work for them at one point or another; in fact he was asked to come to a couple of the end of year banquets held at Dale Earnhardt Inc.) were depressed for a couple of months after the crash. We all like to believe our heroes are invincible, but that day just goes to show otherwise.
I think if you look at how Jr. drives now vs how he drived prior to his fathers death, you can see he's driving scared. Sr.'s death is gonna haunt him on the track till the end. Don't think anyone can fault him, it's just a shame, cause he can drive.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
I dont know anything about Nascar. I have been thinking about watching it. I Follow Supercross, and a couple of my favorite racers are going to give nascar a chance. Ricky Charmicheal and Travis pastrana.
Not to take the focus from Dale Sr and Jr. but will these new guys be any good? Pastrana has a good car racing background since he drove rally car.
Maybe I will start to watch, it is always better if you have someone to cheer for.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
You know that he's on his third car now down there this the one he crashed Saturday night they are going to try to repair and use for a back between now and Sunday if need be.
I guarantee there will be lots of bent sheet metal today!
Is anybody here gonna be at Vegas the first week of March for NASCAR??

I'll be there in the Caterpillar box.. I have a feeling I should have gone to a race BEFORE I quit drinking..

I am really wanting to talk them into racing in the opposite direction for this race just to see what happens..

This will be my first NASCAR race ever.. I've never even watched it on tv

well if you get by the caterpillar box stop in and say hi.. I'll probably be the only one there that looks like he is from New

NASCAR has screwed around with restrictor plates for 20 plus years now and still hasn't got it right. Cost teams millions and millions of dollars. All they had to do to slow them down was narrow the width of the tire. Go from a 12? wide to 10? wide for super speedways?way less grip in the corners mean slower speeds but still have power?
I will be there too canyonwell.
So how does someone that isn't a NASCAR fan get to sit in a box?
Do you work for Cat or win a prize?
Either way it should be a fun experience for you.
I've been spending some money with caterpillar lately.. would have been cheaper for me to just build my own race track I think..

Good lord!!!! What a great start for the 2011 season. Michael Waltrip sneeks in a win at the line. If you all missed the Truck race it was a dandy. Bubba..... that's racing.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"

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