WSF and GSCO Settle Lawsuit


Long Time Member
I just got this announcement:

It is with great pleasure that Grand Slam Club/Ovis (GSCO) and Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) jointly announce that a settlement agreement has been reached, signed and executed on November 2, 2010. This agreement heads off any further appeals of the long-standing legal proceedings between the two organizations. The tentative agreement was negotiated by WSF president Gray Thornton and GSCO executive director Dennis Campbell in early October, when Gray came to Birmingham, Alabama expressly for that purpose. After two days of respectful negotiations, Gray boarded his plane for Cody, Wyoming with a realization that a viable tentative agreement had been reached. The WSF board worked in concert with Gray throughout October, while the GSCO board and Dennis worked toward a final agreement. All the details were approved by each board, and as stated, it was signed on November 2.
GSCO and WSF, with this agreement, have pledged to work together as affiliate organizations for the future. It is with extreme optimism that both WSF and GSCO approach the future as being bright for wildlife conservation. This dark chapter in the history of each organization is now finally finished. GSCO and WSF wish to jointly pledge to the big game hunting communities, of which they are a major part, that they will look to the future and not dwell on the past. They jointly ask their
respective memberships to honor the spirit of this agreement, which is cooperation and mutual respect.

Let the healing begin.

One can only hope that we haven't lost the battle while everyone has been fighting! I hope we can now go back to helping sheep!
Bunch of whining babies on both sides. Just shows how egos drive the world. Imagine what those millions would have done to benefit sheep rather than chase lawsuits over words. We could have bought domestic grazing allotments and protected every wild herd in Utah. After supporting them in the past, I won't give either organization another dime.
+ 1 2_point!

What a waste of time and $$$

Glad it is seemingly all over now.

Thanks for posting it Rick.

I received the email also. I read it several times but failed to find any of the details of their "deal".
Seems like they simply quit pizzing on each other.
What a waste of their time and our money.
Egos abound!

Thanks littlebighorn for the info.

Heard that the WSF had to pay Dennis Cambell 1.9 Million (300,000 of that going into habitat.) The judge threw out the request to have legal fees paid, so each group had to pay their own legal fees (about 2 Million each).

So to sum it up, lawyers got 4 Million and sheep lost 6 million.


Those are about the numbers that I heard also.
Huge egos = huge waste = huge losses for wildlife.
All for what? Oh I'm sure someone will tell me it was for a reason that makes sense to them.... but not to me! I've been shaking my head for years.

Thanks for the info.

So I wonder what the agreement says. Will I have to give Dennis Campbell a fee if I use the words "Grand Slam"? What if I say it at a WSF convention? Campbell should be fired for all of this wasting money. Did ESPN pay anything to be able to say it on Sportscenter?
Huge waste of money. Lawyers win, sportsmen and women and wild sheep lose. Dennis Campbell is an egotistical prick. He did not coin the trademarked terms, I dont care what the judge decided...there should not have been a lawsuit in the first place.

Now we have full curl (and similar terms)trademarked. Uh - wonder why? Because if an organization used those terms...that prick Dennis Campbell my trade mark them and then bring a suit against any organization using those terms.

We have him to thank for all this nonsense - keep that in mind when deciding if you want to support lame a$$ GSCO.
I have not seen any publications on the actual settlement, but I noticed recently in a WSF publication that they were raffling sheep hunts in their "Superslam" contest. So Now I am thinking Dennis is allowing them to use "his"term.
You are all right. It was big egos spending money we gave them to improve sheep herds!
I will stick with support of my local FNAWS organization, where I know that at least a good portion of my money actually hits the ground for sheep!
For what it is worth, here is the WSF summary of the settlement, which is pretty close to what some of you were hearing. It all still makes me sick.
Dear WSF Member,

It is over! As you are aware through our joint press release sent by email this week, the Board of Directors of the Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) and Grand Slam Club/Ovis (GSCO) reached a settlement agreement November 2, 2010. We are very pleased to report to our valued membership, exhibitors, and donors that this tragic intercommunity saga is now over.

The litigation began in November of 2006 and proceeded to trial in January 2008 resulting in a judgment against FNAWS and ISHA in the amount of $1.9 million plus interest and court costs. The parties filed post trial motions and after more than two years in court delays, a recusal of the trial judge, and several unsuccessful settlement attempts, the motions were briefed and heard by a chief federal judge in April of 2010. On September 22, 2010 the chief judge ruled on the post trial motions declining all of FNAWS and ISHA?s motions as well as declining GSCO?s motion for attorney fees. The judge also reaffirmed the $1.9 million judgment, interest and costs which totaled $2+ million.

With no recourse other than appeal, further litigation and additional legal expense which to date have exceeded $1.6 million, the WSF board reauthorized Gray Thornton to reengage in settlement negotiations which commenced the first week of October. On October 13th the parties reached a tentative agreement which was then redrafted into legal documents. The final settlement agreement was approved unanimously by the WSF board at a special conference call meeting November 2nd.

In summary the settlement includes the following:
1. $1.65 million paid in cash to GSCO from the $1.9 million cash bond currently held by the court in Birmingham. The $250,000 balance to be returned to WSF.
2. $100,000 per year for three years paid by WSF to conservation and advocacy programs in the name of both WSF and GSCO with $50,000 per year directed to Conservation Force, $25,000 per year to an international project and $25,000 per year to a North American project mutually agreed by both organizations.
3. WSF withdrew opposition to GSCO Trademarks and applications.
4. GSCO will provide specific licensed use of the GRAND SLAM? and ? SLAM? marks to WSF and our chapters for specified use in our publications.
5. The Permanent Injunction is modified protecting WSF and chapters from overly broad interpretation of the injunction and allows licensed use of the marks noted above. The Injunction is no longer required to be listed on WSF?s website. A dispute remedy is in place to foster communication and cooperation not future litigation.
6. WSF and GSCO will again become affiliated as ?affiliates? pursuant to each organization?s Bylaws.
7. The International Sheep Hunters Association (ISHA) will be phased out. WSF international recognition programs, initiatives and awards will be promulgated and executed under the WSF name.
8. WSF will not create a North American Big Game recognition program similar to GSCO?s ?North American 29? ? or Super Slam? program.
9. WSF?s international sheep and goat recognition programs and awards will not copy or be based on GSCO trademarks or copyrights.

As noted above, a license agreement was executed as a part of the settlement which outlines the specific allowed use of the GRAND SLAM ? and ? SLAM ? marks. We will provide WSF chapters with a copy of this agreement and will work closely with our chapters to ensure only authorized use of the terms.

This has been a painful and expensive dispute. Much time, talent and treasure has been expended on both sides. It is time to put this behind us, focus on our mission - a mission that is noble and one in which we excel. We can now put all of our collective energy back into ?Putting and Keeping Sheep on the Mountain? and building the finest mountain hunting and conservation organization in the world!

We will appreciate your support in this effort. So, please join us in Reno February 9-12, 2011 for our 2011 ?Sheep Show? convention as we rebuild in Reno!

To the future and wild sheep worldwide!

Inches and egos, what can they do for you? All this is inches and ego driven. It shows the organizations are not in it for the animals. The average member yes, he is in it for the animal. The Organization and leadership plus some of the high fliers are in it for themselves. These sad events should show hunters to take their ball and play elsewhere. I'll never jump on a GSCO court again with the trademarked achievements. Why do I need a trademark recognition to make me feel whole as a hunter? Inches and awards are what is wrong with our hunting heritage.

Now I'll climb down off my soapbox.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-10 AT 06:10AM (MST)[p]Guys like this can kiss my a$$. Since all the fighting began I let my membership go. I refuse to give my hard earned money to people that use sportsmans money to support their egos. What they did should be illegal. I replied to their email stating my disgust. WSO replied with a somewhat apologetic letter but the the other SOB's said, "Sorry you feel that way. We are taking your name off our list." No explanation. No sorry it happened. Nothing. Their egos are bigger than their wallets.

That's exactly why they separated from the Western Hunting Expo last year. Couldn't get along with the other groups. Wanted all the recognition to themselves. Didn't want to share the money. They wanted their own little elite convention. I really think this whole thing is going to blow up in their face for a while. It will be interesting to see how much fall out they have. The public is a lot more informed these days and sportsman will not take this crap anymore. Accountability is huge.

It's always an adventure!!!

I'm a member of WSF - I've been for 2 1/2 years - and will remain so. This was started by GSCO, a country club that exist to collect money from people looking for recognition, while WSF is much more a conservation organisation. I was pissed off by the lawsuit and seeing that much money spent on lawyers, but in the end WSF is there for the right reason and I will continue to support them. I undertand why some will come to a different conclusion.


LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-10 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]>Guys
>I'm a member of WSF -
>I've been for 2 1/2
>years - and will
>remain so. This was started
>by GSCO, a country club
>that exist to collect money
>from people looking for recognition,
>while WSF is much more
>a conservation organisation. I was
>pissed off by the lawsuit
>and seeing that much money
>spent on lawyers, but in
>the end WSF is there
>for the right reason and
>I will continue to support
>them. I undertand why some
>will come to a different

I'll admit that i'm not the most informed person on here about this topic, but I agree with the above post. As I understand it, the whole turd sandwich was brought on by Dennis Campbell and GSC. WSF (FNAWS) got sued for using a term that Campbell decided was his. I believe WSF is still trying to do good things for wild sheep. Campbell needs to be boycotted, removed from his seat, and audited for how he pays for all of his hunts. Who's paying for him to hunt all around the world?

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