
Very Active Member
I am amazed at how many guys on here toss around information about hunting area's like it has no value. I don't mind helping a guy out but judas! I don't know if they need to pump up their "ego" or what. A lot of effort goes into finding some of these not so well known places, why would you post to the world what you Saw and shot in what unit, you must have been one of the guys that got a hand-out and didn't put much effort into finding a less publicized area. Or maybe you just want the drawing odds to skyrocket. A lot of guys bash outfits like the "hunting fool" but I think they might actually help things at least they only pump up the obvious units and don't talk about the not so obvious ones.

Whiner. And a very selfish one at that. You got your info from others......right? No way you did it all by yourself.

Just which of your favorite 'not so well known places' just got exposed here?

And please tell me of what value this forum is these days if not for sharing specific info?
Go to unit 44 and look in the quakies during 4th may see something. The Gunny Basin is still a forkie paradise and there's probably a good buck running around the Henrys and AI.
You would ask huh Strip. Funny your name says it all, most publicized mule deer unit in the world, guess you are a piggybacker. Let me guess you've hunted the Henry's, the basin, 44, 21 and any other unit you can get an easy hunt and info on. I actually pride myself in putting in the legwork to find the not so well known places, and in all honesty I enjoying scouting as much as hunting it's a big part of the hunt to me, and I get a lot of personal satisfaction out the whole experience kinda full circle for me. Maybe you've never been on a hunt In some random area where you DIY from start to finish, if not you should try it some time. Putting the time into some unpublicised area without any inside info and having it come togather Is pretty fun. Or you can keep hunting well know units like the strip and pounding your chest cause you hammered another giant in a well known trophy unit.
While I agree giving someone the exact GPS locations of a animal is asinine. I also feel that giving individuals guidance on areas that hold game is a good thing for our sport. At the end of the day if the beginners get discouraged their is NO FUTURE OF HUNTING period. You wanna know why I will tell someone where a decent buck is if they haven't downed a decent buck? Because it ensures that person is going to go out another day. I have told a few beginners where a nice buck is, those beginners are now avid sportsman and do their own scouting. My largest buck was one I was up against two others who I told where the buck was, I got the buck before they even knew he was there. Now those two hunt yearly. By being tight lipped we are dooming the sport. By all means don't give the location of every trophy but letting someone know of a area to hunt is never a bad idea especially when it ensures our future as sportsman.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
^^^agree^^^. But there is a difference between helping a guy out and giving out specifics on a open public forum, that doesn't help hunting either, it will only make any decent unit a long wait to draw. And if guys can't draw a decent hunt every couple years like many already have will just hang it up altogether.
I always ask for Exact GPS Coordinates!

But there Ain't No Way in Hell I'm giving out Free Info on where I Hunt the Coveted NE Utah PISSCUTTERS!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Guess again, Studly. I've posted a number of my bucks and bulls here recently........and believe it or not they didn't all come from the Strip. Just how many Strip tags do you think a feller can draw in a lifetime?

They all came via DIY, public land, no game buddies along at all. All by my lonesome. more get and utilize info from others.......period. Period. Even if you did extensive legwork started with some level of info gleaned from somebody else.

"the basin"??? Never heard of that one. Can you please, please tell me about that one???

Odd you want credit for your hard work.........but you're not willing to recognize it in others and give it when its due.

I don't see much specific information getting posted. Mostly generalities and a little nudge here and there. More may go on with PMs as opposed to full disclosure posts. At least that's been my observation.

I've been helped by a couple of folks and I've tried to help a few. Usually something something triggers me to offer a little extra, once in a while. Some of the folks have been the kind of folks I've really enjoyed getting to know and glad I give them a little info, other maybe not so much, but that's life, isn't it. Not everything always works out perfectly.

Why do I do it? I guess maybe it's pay back for the help I've received over the years, and it makes me feel good too. I'm selfish that way, "I like to feel good". I spend a lot of time every day trying to feel good! I'm a "feel good glutton"!

Can't help everybody but "what's wrong with giving a guy a little help, especially on these once in a life time LE hunts? Hell, fullthrottle you could be right, maybe it is my fat ego that needs a meal every now and again. I'll have to consider that the next time I go to offer a little info. Thank you for your insight.


what does it matter to you? some of my best hunts someone off MM gave me a push in the right direction, most of the time just enough info to get me started and help make my scouting more productive... my walls, garage and shed are full of proof of that help...I have been burned a few times when I have helped someone and never heard now I am a little more careful. I choose to help those I have seen help others, contribute to MM. I will not help those who are just along for the ride, one and done guys. I feel it is the right thing to do. I treat them the way I want to be treated. there are times I look back at my PM's and realize I missed one and feel like crap
Chillax Strip, looks like you have hunted the strip 2 more times than most. Good for you nice lookin bucks. Simmer down on the hypocrite talk, you don't know me if you did you would realize I don't hunt for info. Basin- gunnison.
Appears I'm the secretive selfish putz judging from the posts. I have no problem giving out info in post mails to those that seem like they have made an effort. But you won't see me dropping info on an open form about easy draw units, then your just doing what many have complained about the magazine groups doing. Now a unit that takes a few years to draw is totally different in my eyes I would give you specific info of what little I know if that is what you want.
I just found the location of the next city pisscutter 38.8673? N, 104.7607? W classic.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
Cool. Ain't it great.

Glad what you do, works for you too.

We all get to do exactly what we want.

What a concept.

Life's short, make everyday as good as it can possibly be.

Keep it to yourself or share it. To each their own. It is frustrating to see good areas become more overrun with hunters, but it is part of public land hunting. I'm not sure I would criticize others for being charitable.
You are on this forum for 1) entertainment, and/or 2) info. Period. Something somebody else posted has tripped your trigger here, and that's fine. But you didn't gain knowledge of what the Gunny Basin or the Henry's or the Strip is all by yourself. You gained it from others.

Now that you explain yourself a little bit better, I agree with you on 'helping only those that help themselves'. And this doesn't mean free, unearned info.

Nothing ticks me off more than a person who comes on a forum and asks for help after only 1 or 2 posts.........when they haven't contributed diddly to the forum or helped others. Those people are selfishly comical......but at the same time prolly can't kill a biggun anyway even if given coords.

Since you're on the topic of bigguns from a non-famous area's my pronghorn that gross scores 88.3 B & C, net scores 86.6, and is 17 1/4" on both horns. I've whacked 'em in 6 western states...........and this one is from one of the worst 2 western states for big trophy goats.....Utah. Found him myself in a unit near my home in June and watched him all summer.

TARDville might be the Worst Speed Goat State but We have a few Damn Nice Bucks!

Too Bad most Guys that put Deer & Elk above Pronghorn will never get the Chance to Hunt them in this State with the Current Draw System!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-15 AT 11:05PM (MST)[p]I would have to agree with fullthrottle for the most part. It irks me when I see someone give out hard-earned info on an open forum. I have seen too many of my good hunting spots get messed up and overrun with people because of a few loose lips. I learned that lesson the hard way by entrusting a blabbermouth and even taking him hunting to a great elk hunting spot. He assured me that his lips were sealed as far as telling anyone about my little honey-hole. Next time I went to work everyone was asking me about the hunting. He had freely told everyone at work about not only the good hunting, but the location of said hunting as well. Lesson learned.

While I do give out info on occasion, I'm much more careful about who I give it to; and how much. I recently gave a member here some good info on a LQ unit here and he was able to kill a nice buck. But it wasn't until we had pm'ed many times and spoke on the phone a couple of times as well. To just hand out that info over an open forum is something I won't do. Sweat equity ain't free, as far as I'm concerned. Lots of early mornings, tanks of gas, strained eyeballs, and sore calf muscles tell me that.

Before you guys crucify me, know that over the years I have helped over 5 MM'ers take very nice quality critters( elk, deer, antelope) here in Wyoming.

My hope is that one day those folks I gave a helping hand to will be able to return the favor. I also know they feel the same way( I hope).

Awesome goat, Chris!
There there. Rock a bye baby in the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will rock....
Me giving someone these coordinates for an elk spot:

43.4803? N, 110.7481? W

I put in the legwork, even rented horses to be sure to get to them. Watched them for a week over Summer and a week over Winter and there were just always a few bulls in the area. I'm just not a stingy person when it comes to helping folks pinpoint wapiti.
I have been known to give valuable info to non-resident hunters coming to this part of NW Wyoming. I do this for residents if it involves a goat, moose or sheep hunt. The reason why I do this is simple, most of the high value LE tags these folks draw are once in a lifetime type tags. They won't be back anytime soon and I don't mind helping those who really live too far away for proper scouting. I would never disclose my honey holes nor anyplace where I might hunt for a general deer or easy LE elk tag. I believe in karma and would hope that others would extend me the same courtesy if requested. My biggest regrets have involved showing "friends" some of my favorite general season deer hunting spots. It will never happen again, as many are no longer my friends because they abused my trust.

I don't post a whole lot, but with that said I have helped many fellow sportsman that have requested help on these forums. Some lived to far away for proper scouting, some were beginners, some were new to the area. I don't really post information on the open forum, hardly even write it in text period. I meet them personally or it is on the phone.

The reason for this help is so that a few can experience what I have/do. There are a lot of people that draw that coveted tag. Some of these people again, live to far for proper scouting, can't afford to hire a guide, or have many other reasons for asking for the help.

I have made some good friends off this site by helping others, I still talk with many of them and still hunt yearly with a few of them. This hunt for the "trophy" animal has made a lot of us "sportsman" forget what these activities are actually about.

On another note, I helped a guy off here last year with the early youth elk tag in Utah. I could not join him and his son as I had a LE tag at the same time. I was kind of disappointed because I never heard back from him last year. but not to long ago he reached out and told me about his son's hunt. they were successful and he thanked me for the information, having the ability to help someone from the knowledge that I have acquired and being able to help someone else have a successful hunt is just as valuable to me as my successful hunts.

Hey Strip Hunter. Just out of curiosity, how much did your antelope grow from June to September. My wife has a pronghorn tag this year.
I wanted to get out before I got torn apart and then I saw a first time poster on the Colorado side asking for help in unit 33, Prime example just thought I would give all you "do gooder's" a heads up. I'm sorry I couldn't help myself and my smart ass attitude:) seriously though I never said I have a problem helping a guy out, my problem was with giving a hand out on a open post to someone that doesn't appear to have put in much time or research of there own, especially for a easy draw unit. But I am kind of selfish that way. Huh, reading this back I'm thinking I probably shouldn't let this fly, but it is pretty entertaining. I just hope some don't take it to seriously. For the poster on unit 33, no hard feelings I think most probably get my point. Good luck if you get after it you have a good chance at finding a great buck, winters have been easy and the deer are gaining ground. Actually looks like it's shaping up to be a solid year in many areas. Can't wait!
Fullthrottle I was guilty of the very same thing about a year ago. I'd drawn an LE tag and started my research. I came to mm cause I figured guys here gotta know things I don't about the area. I threw a wide loop with several websites, books/mags, talked to locals, and my own gas and boot leather. I wasn't aware of "forum etiquette" as I'd never been on a forum. I can see your point about the first time poster but I just look at it as a guy doin all he can to make the most of his hunt. If I can help a guy with some generalities of the area I figure why not. If it's specifics, I might pm it. I do these things in hopes of getting it payed back should I someday draw my sheep, goat, or moose tag, and as lumpy mentioned it feels good to pass on somethin that was passed to me. I dont begrudge you for posing your question as its sparked a good conversation amongst us. Who knows, maybe that first time poster will stick around and have some info for you, or me one day.

Good luck this fall,it's right around the corner!
I'm from Utah, never been to Eastern Canada but I wanted to visit Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City, because I was born in Canada and wanted to see a part of the country that I'd never see before. I was going to fly into Up Sate New York, rent a car, see some country on the US side then cross over into Canada for a couple of weeks.

I like to fish.

Some locations in Ontario and Quebec apparently have some outstanding small mouth populations. I've never caught small mouth, beyond a few, by accident at Lake Powell.

I figured, maybe, while I was going to be in Ontario and Quebec for a couple of weeks, seeing the country, maybe I could catch a small mouth or two.

I have no friends in either Province, no knowledge of the area, the lakes that have small mouth and which lakes don't. No idea where I could rent a boat/canoe. No idea if the season for small mouth was good or bad in September/October. No idea who or if there were guides or outfitters, (that didn't involve a float plane flight to a fishing lodge), that I could drive.

I had no idea about where, how, if, when, or who.

What to do?

I figured maybe I could find a "fishing forum" from that area where I could inquire as to small mouth fishing in Ontario and/Quebec, like folks do on MM.

I did a google search and after a little effort found three relatively active fishing forum from the Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Ontario, as well as the US side of the border in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio (that border the Great Lakes in the northern forest areas.

Based on my experience here on MM, I figured, maybe someone back here could give me a little direction, maybe a suggestion, point me to an outfitter/guide, recommend a lake or two.

I figured wrong.

On two of the sights, I got zip, noda, nothing. Not a "go away", "get stuffed", "sorry, can't help".............completely ignored.

On the third sight I go three responses, two that suggested I offer a little more content to the sight, share some information that might be useful to the forum, and such. One gentleman suggested a guide that's he'd used a few years ago. (This number had been disconnected when I called.)

Bottom line, I spent a little more time trying to put something together but never could get a feel for anything at all, short of a $4,000 lodge/fishing trip into the wilderness of Ontario or Quebec. Not what I was interested in or not what I was willing to do.

Lost interest and left the fishing gear home and spent my time doing other activities.

I understand exactly what you've said, and what your saying. I simply don't agree. If I know something about a "special" place to hunt/fish and somebody that trips my trigger is asking for assistance, I'll help and if it's your "special place" your "honey hole" your secret, too fricken bad.

If you own it, it's yours, if you don't.................hi!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-15 AT 01:17PM (MST)[p]I have no problem sending a PM to a long time poster. If I'm not in the game for that tag I'll help. I am disapointed when they kill a dink though. lol It's nice when you see a person wants to help others in return.
I have certainly seen info on MM which piqued my interest.

I reached out to a MM member who seemed to be a straight-shooter.
He was! He helped me beyond measure! We've become life-long friends and I'll forever be grateful!

BUT, there comes a point where a guy probably shouldn't blast out the info on the WWW for every swinging d!ck to read.

I've been helped by members, will continue to help others on MM but I doubt you'll see too much from me which is just broadcast for the world to see. If someone asks and they seem "normal", they get answers and that's the way it should be IMHO.

I have yet to hunt an LE unit here in Utah fullthrottle. I have had opportunity to view wildlife on a few units, and have participated in family members' hunts on 2 occasions on LE hunts. So, I have had little success when it comes to hunting "good units".

I basically feel like information on any LE unit should be shared pretty freely. The DWR regulates the tag numbers already so there are few hunters out there anyway. If I give a guy a starting point for a tag he drew, I don't see how is hurts anyone. He may have the greatest hunt of his life just because I told him to look for a sign that said "Lollipop Springs" and hunt from there...

Over the past 5 years or so, I've definitely handed out info on units that I've been on and hunted. I can say with much joy that I receive photos every year from guys that I communicate with through this website. They send photos of their buck, or their wife's buck or their daughter's buck in a unit that they asked me some questions about. I love it. The information is both worthless and priceless, just like our memories. They didn't steal anything from me, I wasn't hunting there. Many times they are Non-Residents who have never been on the unit until they drive in from Illinois or New Mexico or California. Having a starting place made all the difference for those guys and I'd give them the info all over again.

It sucks when what you believe to be "your" honeyhole is found by others. Guess you better implement your own advice and go find a new area.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Rage you best go back and read through my posts bro, Iike i said the whole time i would happily share info about more limited units. Give it rest bud!
With Lo tags and conservation tags in the majority of states, you can bet there are some folks there hunting every year who may not want a whole lot of info going out on some units.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-15 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]I met a crazy nice guy here on MM! He offered to help privately and took time out of his schedule several times to help this flatlander as I aimlessly wandering a limited entry unit attempting to tag my first ever elk. When I finally put a bull down, he even showed me the proper way to take care of it in the field and pack it out. Those are the kinds of people you don't forget.

I'm dissapointed my wife didn't draw a tag this year. I want her to see him pack out a rear quarter in daypack and a front shoulder over one arm.

Sure hope the time comes soon to return a favor like that. My legs and back will always be ready...that's for sure.

But I digress...the point is I couldn't fathom giving up honey holes in an open forum. Morover, I couldn't fathom not returning a PM to those who have offered advice no matter how general it is (even if I didn't checkout the area advised).

I'm holding a Book Cliffs archery deer tag right now and am incredibly gratefull others have been sharing advice. No doubt I will do my best to document my hunt an tell them about it. I am keeping notes on everyone who has helped so far and will personally reach out to them hopfully in August. Hopfully someday they can leverage any information I learned as well.
>Hey Strip Hunter. Just out
>of curiosity, how much did
>your antelope grow from June
>to September. My wife
>has a pronghorn tag this

Howdy Broadside,

Goats are all different with some almost peaking early in the summer while others put on quite a bit thru the June to September period. They all keep growing until hunting's just a question of how much. Most will have noticeable difference between June and September.

This buck was a big goat in June and prolly only put on 5 - 10% more by September.
I have friends that I have helped in filling their deer, elk, and turkey tags. I never got a verbal thank you for assiting them but they have responded in other ways that I accept as them being grateful (not $$$). There are places that I have worked hard in developing a relationship which allows me to hunt their ranches. Friends ask me if I will get them on the property, I feel these are the areas that are off limits it takes time to gain the trust of the owners and I will not take a chance on ruining that trust. Take an Area like unit 61 which is a unit hard to obtain a tag. Chances of me getting a bull tag again there is nill. I would help someone going into that area as I have hunted elk and taken family in to hunt the unit several times.

I answered your question as post #37 above. It came out in a strange place in this string.
I posted up specifics to one of my best horn hunting spots in oregon once. I was leavin the state an knew I'd never be able to hit it again. Man oh man were people pithed. I can say NO ONE hunted this spot but me, an I unloaded that mountain of incredible amounts of deer antler. What was odd after the beating I took ( not that I gave a shitster) but all the private messages i got from the same folks later wanting to know if I had any other spots. Worthless basterds
Thanks Strip Hunter,

I think it is going to be a good season. I have found some nice bucks that I would have her shoot now!! Mid 70's score

If they grow even a little more, that will be icing on the cake.
If they grow alot more, they will be making the record books!!

I'm definitely thankful for the help I have received and continue to receive on MM. I also try and help others out on LE units whenever I can.
I guess if someone post the coordinates to your "Honey Hole", then it must not be that great of a "Honey Hole".

I mostly just commented on this to get my post count up so that when I ask for help I might get it...
>I mostly just commented on this
>to get my post count
>up so that when I
>ask for help I might
>get it...

I think you have to have at least 17 post count to get help. Almost there!

I have found an area for elk that I won't even let my family members know about. Call me selfish, but I have hunted my whole life to find an areal like this on public land. No way am I giving it up! I will share my experiences and pics on here and thats it! Sacred is sacred. I like to keep those areas to myself. That being said, I have helped guys out on more than one occasion by pointing them in the right direction for deer. Heck, I've even taken them into my areas that I have found and set them up on bucks. I can find good bucks anywhere. When it comes to elk, I treat those honey holes as sacred ground, not to be shared with anyone! Not even family!

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