Would you?


Long Time Member
There are millions of unregistered guns in the United States. Guns that were bought many years ago, guns that were traded between friends, and even strangers. Nothing was ever reported or registered. Or your grandpa died and left you with a few guns. Nobody knows where grandpa got them as far as that goes.

So, if a law was passed that everyone shall submit all their guns to be officially registered, would you? The penalty for not complying would be a felony. A felony conviction means you can't own guns (there goes your hunting).

Well Eel!

We don't allow that kinda thinking in TARDville!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
My grandfather recently passed away. Over his own children, he gave me his rifle that he served our country with during the Korean war. I would/will never give it up no matter the penalties. They will have to pry it from my cold dead hands and even then they better hope I'm not just playing dead! I also have several other family service weapons that I will NOT part with.
Yeah, I meant to edit my post but the fridge called again and I spaced it. (Guess I should be playing the drinking game post and not messin' around with serious hunters:).) But to answer your original question, it would depend on the fine print in the registration. But most likely I would not. Dont get me wrong my hunting privileges are second only to my wife and daughter and I will avoid jeprodising that at all costs, but I just don't trust our government. My grandfather also gave me several boxes of ammunition for his rifle but I doubt I'll ever fire the weapon, to me it's de-commissioned and if the government wants to know where it's at they can ask my grandfather THE US VET.!
I'm not going to answer this one and I hope I never have to live through it either.
As far as my weapons that I have purchased, they have no sentimental value so I assume I would register those if it meant my family air looms would stay with me no questions asked.
The Day this takes Place We will have lost Our Freedom!

I hope there is an Up-Rising the day they try to pull this BS!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
Registration usually means later confiscation!! Confiscation means to me the beginning of the revolution. I sure hope we don't go there....
Why take a chance and be caught. It's not worth the problems associated with being a convicted felon.

they do that I guarantee they will want everyone to pay a yearly registration per gun soon after they get their lists. I believe this is coming too, and it will be a revolution
Registration is the first step to confiscation through taxation. The majority of firearms will be rounded up this way. It will make it easier for the gov't to deal with rounding up the rest of them.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-12 AT 05:25PM (MST)[p]>Registration usually means later confiscation!!
> Confiscation means to me
>the beginning of the revolution.
> I sure hope
>we don't go there....

It may be inevitable and/or necessary.

Our freedoms are being stripped away from us as we stand on the sidelines silently watching becausse WE are law abiding American citizens.

The day is likely to come when this is real. The worst part of this is the fact that our own citizens will have to shoot and kill our own police, ATF, and military personell in order to take this country back and uphold the constitution.

.... And they will call us crazy....

The 2nd amendment is my gun registration and concealed carry permit.

Even if they come with battering rams and tear gas to take my guns, they will have to take them from my cold dead hands.

How many of our forefathers fought and died in the name of freedom? Every law abiding citizen who gives up their constitutional rights without a fight is spitting on the graves of all those before us who did the right thing.

Stand up for what's right.

Coach Bobby Knight said it best... "Do what has to be done, when it has to be done, as well as it can be done, and do it that way all the time."

DO NOT register you guns. It does nothing thwart criminals, it does everything to take the fight away from those who are stealing our freedom.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-12 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]264mag, all the guns I own are already registered. The few guns that I had at one time that were not registered have all been lost or stolen.

It's my God given right and responsibility to take care of myself and my family. I take no such orders from, nor request permission from, any government. I'm kinda like Ted Nugent in that regard.:)

Thank's EEL FOR YOUR RESPONSE.The younger generation is going to have a hard time keeping their guns afther we are gone.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-12 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]It wasn't long ago in New Orleans that that mayor declared martial law and all the citizens had there firearms taken away. That was in America!!! Not a scare tactic but a true story. I dont think the folks of Arkansas would give up the guns as easily as the people in New Orleans. See the sig line.

cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
I will say this only a fool would think they could make everyone regester their guns. After this post I see about 1/2 of the gun owners become felons the rest can't remember where they burried their guns. If I lived in Ca. I would become a Utarded Republican.

>AT 06:48?PM (MST)

>It wasn't long ago in New
>Orleans that that mayor declared
>martial law and all the
>citizens had there firearms taken
>away. That was in America!!!
>Not a scare tactic but
>a true story. I dont
>think the folks of Arkansas
>would give up the guns
>as easily as the people
>in New Orleans. See
>the sig line.
>cold dead hands
>NRA Life Member

I watched some video clips on that..Scary chit.. SOme never got their guns back, they got "lost"... A lot of them were just thrown around and piled up into makeshift bunkers..Can you imagine you're favorite rifles being handled and scratched/banged up like that...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
If the law says register then I would register. Not sure why everyone is worried about the gov taking them if they were registered. They haven't come after the ones I own that are already registered. My trucks are registered and no one has tried to confiscate them. I don't understand the constant worry about the gov taking guns. Guns are one to the easiest items to get. They sell them everywhere. All types. Hell you can even get them at Walmart again. Guns sales have gone up since Obama has been in office. If he and the Dems are hell bent on taking our guns then they suck at that as much as everything else they do.
So when you guys say they are already registered, what exactly do you mean? Registered by virtue of the fact that you bought them post Brady Bill? Or is there some registration requirement I don't know about?

To answer the question, I would register both of them. The one my wife gets in the divorce and the one I get. The rest DO NOT exist! ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-12 AT 05:54PM (MST)[p]Why would I hide elkun? I'm not stupid as to forfeit my freedom or rights as a citizen by being convicted of a felony.

NVBighorn---I believe they are probably talking about handguns for the most part. Here in Michigan that is all they require to be registered through the local PD and it goes into the State Police data bank in case of theft or so they can match up a handgun somebody has when they are arrested for a crime to see if the gun was used by them or any other crime. Long guns of all types are exempt up here. I don't have any guns in my house, as the two safes are just for keeping my other personal items safe like hunting magazines, etc., LOL!
All you have to do is go over seas anywhere and everyone you talk to will argue with you how you or look down on you for owning a firearm. I've personally had these arguments many times when I'm out of country.

I think there are quite a few guys owning guns in america that haven't seen the writing on the wall yet. This crap is coming and it aint good! We need to fight tooth and nail to make sure it never happens.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-12 AT 05:15PM (MST)[p]Keep that attitude mulecreek. Then you won't be surprised when it happens to you. Some things aren't the governments business. mtmuley
"So when you guys say they are already registered, what exactly do you mean? Registered by virtue of the fact that you bought them post Brady Bill? Or is there some registration requirement I don't know about?"

NV, maybe it varies from state to state, but generally after about 1992 or 93, (post Brady?) every gun sold is registered to the original owner with the DOJ. If you sell it that also is supposed to be recorded. That's why you need a licensed dealer to sell to another private party. Also each buyer must undergo a background check to make sure they "qualify" to own a gun.

I think the idea was to give law enforcement another tool when tracking down criminals, or a gun used in a crime.

The government could also use that information to confiscate guns if they wanted to. In the latest Supreme Court decision, the vote was 5-4 when asked if the 2nd Amendment meant that citizens have a right to own guns. We kept our rights by only one vote. ONE VOTE.
>So when you guys say they
>are already registered, what exactly
>do you mean? Registered by
>virtue of the fact that
>you bought them post Brady
>Bill? Or is there some
>registration requirement I don't know
>To answer the question, I would
>register both of them. The
>one my wife gets in
>the divorce and the one
>I get. The rest DO
>NOT exist! ;-)


I'm gonna clue her in on her Half!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
Eel, I guess I'm lucky because Nevada does not require the registration of any gun except for Clark County (Las Vegas) which requires the registration of handguns.

Here is a link to some information that is very helpful in understanding the laws, both Federal and State. Scroll down two or three pages and there are links to each states individual requirements.

I dont disagree that it is not the governments business. I just dont understand why there is this irrational fear that someone is coming for our guns. I have tons of guns. Even more since after the Brady law and that was suppose to be the first step towards taking our guns. It did not happen. I could go buy a gun right now. I could buy one tomorrow and the next and so on. I see nothing with any credibility behind it that would indicate that any government official with the power to do it is currently trying to take guns from law abiding citizens. The NRA feeds this state of fear that we live in. This is how they get their funding. Since I can remember the NRA and other gun rights groups have been telling us how the government is just one step away from taking our guns. It has not happened.

I have travelled to other countries, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, Italy, Spain and have not had one negative exprience in regards to my gun rights in the U.S. Apparently some other have and that is a shame. Countries that have more stringet guns laws got them because the citizens wanted that and they voted in people that agreed with them. The vast majority of american citizens do not want our gun rights to go away or change. As long as we as citizens continue to vote for people that uphold the constitution we have little to worry about. If this changes we have no one to blame but ourselves. Or we could worry about this boogey man that is coming to get our guns. Just my opinion so I could be wrong but it is doubtful.
I thought only handguns were registered?...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-12 AT 07:36AM (MST)[p]mulecreek stated: "The vast majority of american citizens do not want our gun rights to go away or change. As long as we as citizens continue to vote for people that uphold the constitution we have little to worry about. If this changes we have no one to blame but ourselves. Or we could worry about this boogey man that is coming to get our guns. Just my opinion so I could be wrong but it is doubtful."

*** I don't know how or where you got those ideas, but they are far from correct. If BO is re-elected and the Libs would gain control of the House and Senate, we are in deep chit! Have you not looked at all the laws that are introduced every year in the House and Senate to try and take away what we have at least to some extent if not a total ban? There are many more people that think just the opposite about guns or who are on the fence here in America than you stated. The only reason there are millions of guns in this country is because of people like a lot of us on this website that have big numbers of them. That really makes it look like every person in the country has one, but all you need to do is look at the big cities with huge populations that are controlling what happens all the way up to the Presidency. Look at the map of the last Presidential election to see where all the votes were cast to elect the Liberals we have in there. It sure wasn't from our votes in most of the states where hunting and shooting are popular! Look at the wolf situation that was forced on the western states by all those big city Lib folks! If it were not for the NRA and their clout, especially at the National level, we would have been in deep dodo some time ago and it won't take much other than for BO to get re-elected to see you eat your words when he's a lame duck with four years to really push his agenda! That agenda, Sir, is to go along with the United Nations and eliminate as many firearms from this world as they can! It's happening right now with Hilary Clinton as his Secretary of State and Eric Holder as his AG!!! One immediate thing that comes to mind is the recent ban just by Presidential Directive to not allow the citizens of our country to buy any of the over one million Garands that Korea just gave back to us that were given to them by us during the Korean Conflict! Have you not looked at all the crapolla like that that they're spouting and doing every day? With all due respect Sir, I feel that you need to take your head out of the sand because with your kind of complacency and statements about the NRA it appears you don't have a clue as to what's going on in your own country!
Heres where I got those ideas. Gallup poll taken in October 2011.

Gun Ownership by private citizens
26% of Americans favor a ban on handgun owner ship.
43% of Americans favor a ban on semi-auto (assualt weapons)ownership. Down 10% from 2001.

Stricter Gun laws on who can have them and how easy it is to get them and where you can take them.
44% of Americans say they should be left as they are.
11% of American believe they should be stricter.

I am sure that you can dig up some other poll that differs so i have no illusions that this will change your mind. The fact is however that not one crediable piece of legislation has gotten any traction that would result in guns being banned in the US. Feel free to continue driving decisions based on fear. I have no fear of BO, or AG Holder. These two dipchits cant get anything accomplished. Their single biggest "accomplishment" was to try to give all Americans better and cheaper access to health care. They can't even get that done. And you think they can wipe away the 2nd ammendment?
So they can't get anything accomplished huh! What do you call Obamacare that was forced down our throats when way over half of the US population stated and still states that we don't want it? The polls you mention are typical of someone who is trying to prove a point by stating a few numbers and not telling the whole picture. The two numbers in the second poll, for example, only add up to 55%. What about the remaining 45% of the people in the second poll you mentioned? Do they not exist or are they "on the fence" and one little thing might sway them to join the 11%, which would make it 56% in favor of tougher laws. Polls and stats are what you make of them because they can be made to look like whatever the person running the poll wants to make them look like just by the way the question was asked! We will just have to agree to disagree on this one, but if we get one more appointment to the Supreme Court from a Lib President like BO, you dang betcha the Second Amendment could be wiped off the parchment it was written on. This Government of ours on both sides of the aisle is getting scarier by the day and if you can't see it, then it's really too bad.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-12 AT 11:58AM (MST)[p]Agree with Justin - huntinco. +1000!
Obamacare is a joke. That is what I am referring to. This is the landmark accomplishment for this guy and it does nothing. No more people currenlty have helathcare than before it. Actually the number of americans insured has gone down. Insurance rates have not fallen. The cost of insurance for my employees has gone up. This is the best this guy could do. Sorry but I am not scared one bit of the current president.

The other 45% want the laws to ease up. I'll explain it to you. They can get stricter, 11%, they can be left as they are, 45% and they can get easier, bingo the remaining 44%. I have no idea what would make the other 11% move one way or the other. Maybe some crazy madman getting a gun at Walmart and shooting up a school. Maybe a family that is not able to protect themselves because they can't have a concealed carry permit. i have not swayed the results of the survey, I just listed them. The interpretation is up to the individual. I interpret them as a positive for gun ownership, you as a negative. By the way the Second Amendment Foundation agrees with my interpretation.

As far as the supreme court goes, one of BO appointees, Kagan, has started hunting with Scalia. As a matter of fact she is coming to Wyoming this year to kill and Antelope. That makes 5 republicans and one gun loving dem. The other remaining dems have not indicated a desire to have guns banned in America. Your statement that it will only take one more appointment of a liberal judge and the 2nd amendment is gone is outright false. This is what I am talking about you are trying to instill fear into peoples decision making. I have no doubts that we need to to be vigilant but making outrageous claims that we are only one person away from getting guns banned in the US is wrong. This kind of fear mongering is what leads to poor decisions. Americans are too afraid of everything and it causes us to make stupid decisions.
If he can't get anything done then why are we 15 T in debt? Looks like he is good at something.


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