Would you have the confidence (refined) forget the old thread.


Very Active Member
How many of you out there would take this bet. Here is the scenario:

You can choose any general deer tag or OTC tag in the West that takes 2 points or less to ensure 100% draw odds.

The minimum bet is $15,000

You have to come out with a 175 + buck. If you do you win that amount, if you don't you lose that amount.

How many think they can get this done? How much are you betting?

I personally would not take that bet.

Public land DIY only

If you choose your state you're a resident, if you choose another state you're a non-resident.
How many of you out there would take this bet. Here is the scenario:

You can choose any general deer tag or OTC tag in the West that takes 2 points or less to ensure 100% draw odds.

The minimum bet is $15,000

You have to come out with a 175 + buck. If you do you win that amount, if you don't you lose that amount.

How many think they can get this done? How much are you betting?

I personally would not take that bet.

Public land DIY only

If you choose your state you're a resident, if you choose another state you're a non-resident.
I believe I could do it, but it would require a lot of time scouting/hunting.
What weapon and do I get to hunt the entire season without any other worldly interruptions?

Muzzleloader with the entire season to hunt, solo, at my pace? yes.
No bet.

There just aren't any guarantees in hunting, and if you are in a two-point-draw area, the chances of finding ANY bucks above 175" are even less. There might be a couple around, but they are going to be hard to find, and when they are found everybody and their cousin is going to be chasing them.
Very good question! Maybe 10 years ago I would take the bet. Today, there’s no way! I do not see/find that many big bucks in the general Utah unit I’ve hunted for the last 30 years. And I think the unit can be drawn with 2 points.

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