Would you have the confidence part 3? (Easier now)


Very Active Member
How many of you out there would take this bet. Here is the scenario:

You can choose any general deer tag or OTC tag in the West that takes 4 points or less to ensure 100% draw odds.

The minimum bet is $4,000

You have to come out with a 170 + buck. If you do you win that amount, if you don't you lose that amount.

How many think they can get this done? How much are you betting?

I personally would still not take this bet, but by part 4 (coming soon🙂), I may take it

Public land DIY only

If you choose your state you're a resident, if you choose another state you're a non-resident.
No way.
I've been hunting Mule Deer in the west for 58 years now and will be hunting again this year but no way I would bet that I would kill a 170 or better buck this year.
I hope I do but definitely not betting on it!
My main problem (I tell myself) is I don't have enough time on my hunts, with obligations to family and work. Give me two days to scout, and a full second season Colorado tag I'm thinking of, and I would take that bet. I would possibly lose, but I'm evidently a gambler.
Two years ago, I hunted a prime second season unit in Colorado every day of the season. My son and I hunted hard from sun up til sun down and never saw a 170 buck.

Save your bet money and go hunt Africa.

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