Would you give $$ to a "Predator Fund"?



One thing I came away with in all the presentations at the RACs, Tony's KFAN discussion and in the WB meeting was how big of an issue predator control really should be in trying to restore our herds. In particular, coyotes. 47% survival of our fawns. That really needs to be addressed. I'm glad there are organizations that are trying to improve habitat. That is a huge positive in all of this, chaining, deer-proof fencing, all are a step in the right direction.

But I think a very focused predator control program would have an immediate, measurable impact on not only our deer, but all wildlife. Coyotes prey on just about everything. But gone are the days of unlimited poison baiting and bounties. Things that I think directly led to the great deer herds of the 60s and 70s. You just can't have the level of predation and grow the deer herd. Or any herd for that matter.

But let's face it the DWR doesn't have the $$, the man power or the desire to address this part of the problem. Not to mention the BIG problem, the political BS from tree huggers etc. if they proposed an intense, focused coyote reduction effort.

Which brings me to the purpose of my post. We donate money to SFW, MDF, FNAWS, Elk Foundation etc. Would you give money to any of these organizations or a new one that had a fund set aside with a budget that went 100% toward predator control efforts? All money raised by the fund stayed specifically to that use. The money would be put toward reintroducing a bounty program--which the DWR won't do for political reasons. The beauty of doing it outside the DWR is you wouldn't have to listen to the wackos. Set up a bounty program that would encourage trapping and well as hunting to reduce predators by giving people an financial incentive to do it. Upon kill cut the ears off the coyotes take them in to get the bounty.

There would be money to fly areas in special need of attention with helicopters to reduce numbers.

I'm a full disclosure guy, so the fund would have to have a completely transparent, annual audit.

We are all about habitat and I applaud that. I think a focused 5 year trial program doing something like this would bring about an immediate improvement in our deer herds. It would mean less winter-kill, less harassment by coyotes during cold winter months. It would improve our deer, elk, moose, ducks, geese, pheasants, grouse, rabbits, etc. And I bet it would be in ways we would see almost immediately. If there were accurate deer counts each year would could measure the effects we were having. If after 5 years if it wasn't working then try something else.

I myself would give $$ if I knew that money was going to improve all hunting by reducing predator #s. I bet even the cattle men would get behind this with some $$.

Would you give $$ to such a fund?
I would donate Bullets/Shells. No money because really I don't think it would be spent right. never has been their is always a loophole or two to get thru.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
We have a $20 bounty in Beaver County. I believe Iron County pays $25. Sfw puts up some money and county matches it.
First thing the DWR needs to do is take the handcuffs off the trappers. They need to eliminate the 48hour trap check law. all the 48hour trap check does is make it to where a trapper has to run less traps over less of an area. 99% of trappers have a full time job and it is impossible to check very many traps every other day. I would like to see a once a week trap check or at least a 96 hour trap check.
The Wildlife board voted to have that readdressed at the next RAC meeting. Hopefully they will lengthen it...


It's all about the good times...

The big bad Don Paey and SFW got $500,000 dollars per year, ear marked for the past few years for coyote control. They have been killing coyotes in problem areas.

SFW and MDF has helped with coyote bounties for coyotes. $20.00 per coyote. SFW has a guy keeping track of the bounty programs and coordinating flying time. We have talked with county commissioners for matching money as well.

I agree. Coyotes need to be killed more.

Sheep ranchers do pay to help control coyote populations as well. ADC flys and kills coyotes.

More trapping and poison would help. I doubt allowing poison will be allowed again.
+ 1 elkantlers.
Trappers would be more than happy to help. LET THEM!!!!

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