Would Utah DWR really promote this?



Just recieved this in an email, is the state now trying to promote sales of the tags at the whce? I just think that would be weird that a goverment agency would promote something? Maybe I am wrong...

Show Details FROM:Utah DWR Message flagged Friday, January 27, 2012 4:51 PM
Dear Utah Hunter,

The excitement of preparing for this year?s hunting opportunities continues as the 2012 Big Game application period opens February 1st. In addition to what is offered through the state?s traditional Big Game drawing, the Utah Wildlife Board also provides 200 Limited entry and Once-in-a-lifetime permits that can be obtained at the Western Hunting & Conservation Expo in Salt Lake City, February 9-12, 2012. These permits are unique in that you may apply for any of them you want, even if you are on a waiting period. You are required to validate your application in person outside the Hunt Expo but are not required to be a paid attendee of the Hunt Expo to apply or draw. To learn more-- and to apply for these permits, go to www.huntexpo.com/applyUDWR.php

Applicants must have a valid hunting license to apply, be sure to get yours early by clicking here https://secure.utah.gov/hflo2/hflo

Thank you for your interest in Utah?s wildlife.

Please do not reply to this email as it will not be delivered to a recipient.


Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
It doesn't seem weird to me and they may be trying to cover their reaerends so nobody can say they didn't know about those Expo tags. It's definitely more free publicity for the Expo that the sponsor won't have to spend.
I agree, I was bothered by that as well. Not suprised the state would be pimping for SFW, just bothered.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
I have to admit, it bugged me a little too. Now if I knew those funds were going to go towards conservation I wouldn't mind it. Maybe more of that money is going towards conservation than we think. I would like think/hope so.

It's always an adventure!!!
One thing to think about. To apply for those tags you must purchase a hunting license. They have a setup there for the purchase of buying a license. So with that in mind it is a benefit to the DWR to do some advertising.
>I have to admit, it bugged
>me a little too.
>Now if I knew those
>funds were going to go
>towards conservation I wouldn't mind
>it. Maybe more of
>that money is going towards
>conservation than we think.
>I would like think/hope so.
>It's always an adventure!!!

That is exactly why there should be a statutory requirement that at least 90% of the proceeds from the application fees for the 200 convention permits be used for actual conservation projects. We should not have to think, guess or hope that these groups are doing the right thing without any requirements or accountability.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Again not the point of the Expo tags. The Expo tags are serving the purpose the state intends them to serve. Bringing people to Salt Lake to spend money. They are have success with the Expo, it adds license sells to the DWR, it gives all of us added opportunity to draw! It supports organizations that support our wildlife!!!! Good lord you guys blow me away!!!!!

We get it you hate the SFW!!! You are all worse then a scorned exgirlfriend!!!!!
The DWR cant give out your info to the expo. My guess is that's why the E-mail came from the DWR. Sound like not many people are putting in this year and they're desperate.
>Again not the point of the
>Expo tags. The Expo
>tags are serving the purpose
>the state intends them to
>serve. Bringing people to
>Salt Lake to spend money.
> They are have success
>with the Expo, it adds
>license sells to the DWR,
> it gives all of
>us added opportunity to draw!
> It supports organizations that
>support our wildlife!!!! Good lord
>you guys blow me away!!!!!
>We get it you hate the
>SFW!!! You are all worse
>then a scorned exgirlfriend!!!!!

>Again not the point of the
>Expo tags. The Expo
>tags are serving the purpose
>the state intends them to
>serve. Bringing people to
>Salt Lake to spend money.
> They are have success
>with the Expo, it adds
>license sells to the DWR,
> it gives all of
>us added opportunity to draw!
> It supports organizations that
>support our wildlife!!!! Good lord
>you guys blow me away!!!!!
>We get it you hate the
>SFW!!! You are all worse
>then a scorned exgirlfriend!!!!!


Unfortunately, you are wrong yet again. The express purpose for the Convention Permits was to ?generate revenue to fund wildlife conservation activities and attract a regional or national wildlife convention to Utah.? That is not me speaking out of my backside?that is a direct quote from the Utah Administrative Code (Section R657-55-1). You will notice that there are two stated purposes: (1) to generate revenue to fund wildlife conservation; and (2) to attract a wildlife convention to Utah.

Yes, one of the purposes was attract an Expo and bring people to Utah. However, the other stated purpose was to generate revenue to fund wildlife conservation. SFW and MDF are currently using the 200 convention permits to generate millions of dollars. Unfortunately, there is no requirement that any of those monies be used for actual conservation. At the time these permits were created, there was discussion about imposing a requirement that a ?significant portion? of the application fees from these permits be used for conservation but these groups opposed such a requirement. If such a requirement were in place, SFW and MDF would still be putting on the Expo but they would be required to spend at least some portion of the resulting funds on actual conservation projects.

This has nothing to do with hating SFW or the people involved. It has everything to do with requiring accountability for a private entity's use of a public resource. It is really pretty simple.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Yep like I said generating money for the state and for conservation groups supporting wildlife....SFW and MDF. Pretty sure if one of you guys could hang them for wrong doing it would have already been done???

Actually, that's not what you said. When I mentioned that there should be a statutory requirement that a fixed percent of revenues generated from the Expo tags be used for actual conservation you responded with the following comment: "Again not the point of the Expo tags. The Expo tags are serving the purpose the state intends them to serve."

As stated in the Utah Administrative Code, one of the express purposes for creating the Expo tags was "generate revenue to fund wildlife conservation activities." Unfortunately, the State (at SFW's request) did not impose any requirement that those monies be used for actual conservation. So once again, the Expo tags are not serving the purpose the state intended them to serve--at least not the purposes set forth in the statute.

As it stands right now, SFW is not required to spend one red cent of those monies on actual conservation efforts. As a result, we are all left wondering, hoping and praying (like AWHOLELOTTABULL stated) that SFW will do the right thing and spend those funds on actual conservation projects. In essence, SFW and MDF have successfully created a multimillion dollar slush fund with no strings attached.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD

I understand what you are say. What I'm saying is if the state was not happy with how it is being ran I don't think they would have given the 5 yr extension last year??? The money is supporting conservation groups. The DWR seem ok with it the Governor seems ok with it.

Good luck on slaying the giant, Mayor Barry.
Maybe SFW needs the advertising to get more $$$ to spend on the legal defense of their boy in AK???

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln

Most people, including many of our government leaders, have no clue how the convention permit system works. For instance, the Average Joe thinks that when he applies for tags at the Expo that his money will be used by those "conservation" groups for actual conservation projects. After all, it is called the Hunting and "Conservation" Expo. I thought the same thing until coloradooak pointed me to the applicable statute a couple of years ago.

I agree that the Wildlife Board and the Governor are happy with how the Expo is being ran. Personally, I don't think the Board or the DWR give a hoot what SFW or MDF does with the application fees so long as they help generate additional license sales--hence the email from the DWR.

Let me give you one example, under the applicable statutory provisions, the DWR has the right to conduct an annual audit of the Expo and the monies generated therefrom. As of last year, the DWR had never conducted a single audit of the groups running the Expo. Simply put, the Wildlife Board and the DWR have turned a blind eye to this issue even though one of the statutory purposes for the creation of the Expo tags was to generate revenue for actual wildlife conservation efforts. If we are counting on the DWR, the Wildlife Board or Governor Herbert to require some accountability, good luck.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
The silence is deafening!!!

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
When you want to know why the expo was created and under what promises were made with it ask me. I created it and it is not being run or used like was promised.

This is not an opinion of someone that heard something 2nd or 3rd person, this is a fact known by the guy that created the expo.

So just enjoy it for what it is "a glorified raffle with NO accounting" and stop trying to make it something it is not.

Tony Abbott
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-12 AT 06:04AM (MST)[p]Welcome back Tony!:) Let me ask this question, IF there was an accountability for the funds generated, would everyone quite complaining about the tags and let it be or would the frustration of not having the tags in the general draw continue. Cody has stated before, and I agree, it does provide an opportunity for residents to apply for more hunts than just your once in a lifetime and your deer, elk, or antelope permit. As it sits right now, residents of Utah will probably only ever draw one deer tag, one antelope tag, and if you live long enough, an elk tag and a OIL tag. Non residents can put in for multiple species every year. Now that's something to complain about. I appreciate the fact that I have a chance to draw these permits. I get 3 chances at buffalo, 6 chances at bear, 10+ chances at deer, elk and antelope, multiple chances at OIL hunts. While I agree with those who are wanting accountability I couldn't disagree more that these are taken from the general pool. Call them what you want, raffle tags, ransom tags, expo tags, etc. I will personally call them wanted in my pocket tags!:)

It's always an adventure!!!
Bull, I guess with me after dropping hundreds of dollars every year in draw I would hope it was actually benefitting wildlife. When I know it's not it's discomforting.

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