Would U sign it?????



I just seen a clip on a petition for BGF (big Game forever) it is a petition against the wolves I think? Wanted your thoughts on it. In my interpretation it says the more signitures the more voice that BGF has in the fight for states to control the wolves. I am in Utah and I have seen one wolf two years ago on the any bull rifle hunt by Brownie Lake north east Utah no doubt it was a wolf!!! I don't want them here like everyone else on this site and am more then happy to do whatever it takes to do my part. Which brings me to my next topic... I am a member of no orginization and wanted your thoughts on who any of you are affieleated with or your recomendations? I have seen the post's of how much some people hate so and so and for good reason in there mind's I am sure. If possible I would like constructive conversation/debate on what impact you think the petition has and the same with any of the special interest groups!!! Thanks for any and all input.
Bgf lobbied against the bill that enabled WY and MT to start hunting wolves. Other than that little gem, continue to ask for signatures and money, what have they done?
Are you sure they lobbied against hunting them,as far as I have seen they have put out superb info on the management that should be going on and the bad impact that wolves have caused all other wildlife
S.F.W. next money making plan Big Game forever.
Cause people finaly see S.F.W. isnt working after 20 years and they need another way out!

If you think i'm full of it then tell me why would they start a new org?

your money is better spent in support of SCI, USSA, or RMEF who have been deep in the trenches on this wolf thing. BGF is all about show and money...research what they have REALLY done and you will see what im talking about, imho of course.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-11 AT 09:05PM (MST)[p]Great question Chub, I'm sure there are many others who have the same desire and the same concerns.

I made my decision to join and donate to Big Game Forever, I hope you will too, however, the thing you need to do for sure is join some group that is actively fighting for the delisting of wolves and the rights for States rather than the US Fish and Game or the EPA, be it BGF or some other highly motivated group.

If after you have heard from the many diverse opinions about BGF here on the MM form you may wish to do this:

Your from Utah so you could start by contacting Senator Hatch (202) 224-5251 or (801) 524-4380 and Senator Lee 801-524-5933 or 202-224-5444, ask them if they think BGF is a viable organization and actively engaged in the "wolf war" and if they are effective.

You may want to do the same with Representatives Chaffetz (202) 225-7751 or (801) 282-5502, Bishop 202-225-0453 or 801-625-0107, and Matheson (202) 225-3011 or (801) 486-1236.

Then, you might check with the Governors of Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, also the Directors of the Fish and Game Depts of these States.

You might call and talk to Mule Deer Foundation Director, Miles Moretti 801-230-2207

Maybe a call to The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation President & Chief Executive Officer M. David Allen (406) 523-4500.

This wolf war is 100% political and it's being fought through the political process so it seems as though it's the politicians that you need to talk to, to get the actual answer to your question.

Finally, you may wish to call Ryan Benson the fellow running the BGF effort, he's an attorney, as you'd expect in this arena, and get his perspective. That way you'll have your own knowledge rather than accepting any of our opinions.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-11 AT 04:08AM (MST)[p]
Habitat, they put out lots of info on what should be done, it gets people to donate.
What have they actually done? If BGF had been successful in getting the wolf rider removed, nobody would be hunting wolves in ID and MT as they currently are.
If they actually did anything, a lot more of us would join.

And Chub, don't forget to ask the NRA, SCI and a few others what they think of BGF.
From the NRA:

"Congressional offices and members of the media should exercise caution in accepting as fact, or repeating, any claims made by Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, Big Game Forever or any person claiming to represent them. Due to the blatant misrepresentation contained in the press release circulated by these two groups, any claims they make in the future should be thoroughly investigated and independently confirmed."
WB I have herd consistantaly a good reputation of the NRA and is one I have been thinking hard about I dont want to just sit in the shadow and then b!tch about what is or isn't going on... Where r u guys finding your information perferably a independent source? Is it as simple as a Google serch or more in depth then that? To me theese Orgs are just like politicians and like the US gov politicians how can you trust what is coming out of there mouth?
i might not be happy with sfw right now. (cuting tags). but no body has done more to fight wolves than don pay nno body..
There's also about 60 other senators and congressmen you could call who were co sponsoring a bill that would have removed wolves from the E.S. list for all the states. Get a hold of Ryan at BGF and ask about a mtg with Sen. and crongressmen that the lobbiest for the other 2 groups walked out of and announced their support for a bill that only included 2 states. of course they announced they supported all efforts to delist but the damaged was done Wy. and the uppermidwest, UT, AR, CO, and NM were hung out to dry and now we are facing the Feds raming mexican wolves right up our backside, Utah has a pack running in the Wasatch the DWR can't do anything about because Sportsmen would rather fight amongst themselves over crumbs and leftovers than see the big picture put their pride aside and get something worthwhile done. If you really want to you can get a hold of me it might take a little work but you can figure it out.
In my opinion RMEF was way too slow on the draw fighting wolves. They were too busy raising money for more habitat when the habitat that was out there was empty of elk. They were also busy making a magazine that is just short of something that would make PETA proud. I got sick of reading about the " royal master bull that was too grand to shoot so the hunter let him walk on by to see another day" I want to puke every time I pick one up and I am sorry that I even touched it.
RMEF would have been better off jumping in the fight from the start and aiming all their money at keeping wolves out instead of what they did. By the time RMEF got into the fight they were losing members and money. They don't care about elk all they want is elk hunters money. When the money slowed down then they got into the fight.

The MDF is nothing but a money making scheme for the top dogs in the organization. I know one and all he does is travel from banquet to banquet making a GREAT salary and driving a new truck every year.

All of these organizations are started to make the top dogs a pile of money first and foremost. if anything gets to the ground then they didn't work hard enough to skim all the money. I won't give any of them a dime. Ron
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-11 AT 07:35PM (MST)[p]

That Bill didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of passing and most everybody knew that.

So what have they actually accomplished for Joe6Pack that sent in the money?
Montana is hunting and killing Wolves, without BGF or SFW.
Idaho is hunting and killing Wolves, without BGF or SFW.
Must be some of those mysterious "behind the scenes" accomplishments.
Find an organization where nobody recieves any financial gain of any sort except the wildlife, habitat or cause that they claim to be doing it for.If the people running these organizations need to get paid than its just a scam for someone smarter than the person DONATING,something their obviously not doing themselves.
Wildlife issues are political battles that are now fought in courtrooms and on congressional floors. They cost money and need people in high places in order to win. And yes it is not free.
Anyone who thinks that the anti-hunting community doesn't have a strong presence in those arenas, has his head up his &#$$. Unfortunately in our community many choose to just complain and keep their fists tight and their hands in their pockets.
I signed the petition and I belong to 4 organizations that continue to fight for hunting. Yes it costs me a little, but it is worth it to fight, so perhaps my grandkids can hunt too.
>Wildlife issues are political battles that
>are now fought in courtrooms
>and on congressional floors.
>They cost money and need
>people in high places in
>order to win. And
>yes it is not free.
>Anyone who thinks that the anti-hunting
>community doesn't have a strong
>presence in those arenas, has
>his head up his &#$$.
> Unfortunately in our community
>many choose to just complain
>and keep their fists tight
>and their hands in their
>I signed the petition and I
>belong to 4 organizations that
>continue to fight for hunting.
> Yes it costs me
>a little, but it is
>worth it to fight, so
>perhaps my grandkids can hunt

Sure we need to donate and be involved but we need to push these organizations to be more transparent with where our money is going. The higher ups are making to much and the cause in getting too little with SFW, BGF, NRA, RMEF, MDF, etc...

The mountains, not the hills.

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