Would U Camp? "problem bear"


Very Active Member
There has been a big discussion going on a different thread about that poor kid who was killed by a bear. Putting aside what you think about that story, I'm wondering how many of you would still have gone camping in American Fork Canyon if you had seen signs and known there was a problem bear in the area? Would you do it if you had kids with you?
Me? Yes. With a family? No. Although I would NEVER anticipate what happened to that family. What a tragedy that was. Watched a show the other night about Glacier and "The Night of the Grizzlies." You want something to think about while your're laying in your tent this fall, check it out. It'll make those breaking branches a lot more exciting.
<Yes I would camp, I would have a good chance at 1.9 million.>

LOL, I choked on my food when I read that!

I as well would have camped, but I wouldnt want to put someone else at risk. Just be smart and dont leave food in your camp. But I have to say it would be a little tough falling asleep.
One of the 1st rules in bear country is to never leave food unattended. I would have no problems either myself or with my family, setting up camp in known bear country. You just have to be smart and vigilant and just take the proper precautions, especially if you have children with you.

Camping, just for the sake of camping, in a problem bear area is dumb.

Now, if I was on a hunting or fishing trip and all my plans were set, I might be tempted.

Common sense in ANY wild area is always required, but like they say, you can't fix stupid.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I was in Colo scouting for Bighorn sheep with my son (in 1990 he was 13). After we made camp, a wounded bear was spotted, CLOSE to us. He was limping around within 50 yards. We packed up camp and moved before it got too dark. The Fish cops were notified and I don't know the outcome.

Had I been alone I would have stayed (.357 in the bag since I like shooting bears). I would NOT have camped, or in my case stayed, with a young son!

What I do to risk my life is up to me but to knowingly risk my son's life, when I have direct control, is unthinkable.

Yes, I would still camp in AF canyon with my family if I was unaware of serious previous bear problems. But, I would like to know if a bear was on the rampage just before I pitched my tent.

I know we all must assume risk. That's life. I think that if someone knows something which they could tell me to save my life, they have a moral duty to do so. THEN I CAN DO WHAT I WANT AFTER THAT.


sorry, that post was too long.
I'm with Chewyman55- Besides my wife not signing off on sleeping in a tent where there was a problem bear, I wouldn't put my kids at risk. I could do it myself, or maybe if we had just one tent for everyone...

I think the risk out weighs camping in that particular spot...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
+1 on eldorado post.. plus vigilant for me is everyone in "one" tent where I have best control of people as well as a situation if one developes and I'm pack'n plenty of heavy artillary.

Me and freids camping with a "problem bear" in the area, sure. Not a problem whatsoever. Even me and just the wife, why not, we are both big kids, have been around bears, in close proximity even.

You throw my kids in there, and HE!! no. We will find another campground and have a good time there.

I have mentioned on other threads regarding this incident that there should have been more signs put up. Especially because the bear, or what was most likely the same bear, had a major incident just 12 hours earlier. Anytime a wild animal reaches inside a tent, that animal is NOT acting like a typical wild animal. Most bears avoid humans, unless they have been conditioned to expect food from humans and their camp/home sites.
"Known bear country" is very different from A BEAR that HAS gone inside a camp and torn a tent and coolers up earlier that day.

I too have fished and camped in "known bear country" I have fished 20 yards from a large male black bear grubbing down on pink salmon. I have no problem with the situation of being around bears.

However, you throw in the mix that THIS bear went into a camp just 12 hours earlier. It aledgedly took a swipe at another HUMAN. It tore their tent up and tried to eat the cooler. You are a fkucking idiot to stay and camp in that area.
LAST EDITED ON May-06-11 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]Naturally, there is a big difference between being in bear country and a known rouge bear in the neighborhood. But, if you are unaware of this threat you still need to be vigilant and careful and if you are aware of this threat, then more reason to move on and not risk one's safety, especially when family is involved.

Problem bears were the order of the day back in the 60s and 70s when I was into backpacking. Nobody ever heard of tying your food up off the ground. Maybe we invented it because we used to tie our packs up in trees while we were gone fishing for the day. Bears were liable to come into your camp anytime day or night. During the day if you weren't there and during the night after you went to bed. We ran into several folks who had bears come into their camp and destroy tents, sleeping bags, everything.

I think problem bears around Yosemite were transplanted up into the wilderness back then.

I can't say we DIDN'T worry about bears, but it sure never stopped us. We were never far from our .44 Mag pistols though.

I used to rub bacon grease on my buddies sleeping bag, and then sleep like a baby.:)

Yes, I would still have gone. I'd take my son along, too....and a gun.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Somehow, the world seems ever so much safer to me now, knowing there are so many tough guys in it....

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Nickman, you said yourself you'd be tempted to camp out with the problem bear if you were gonna catch three, 8 inch brook trout the next morning. That sounds pretty tough. Either that or you really like brook trout. :)
I know this exact area extremely well, been there many times during my life. Its ALWAYS had bear issues and the signs are right there at the entrance of the campground guard station, always have been.
Where this family was at fault (IMO) was they decided to go BEYOND the campground where the paved road turns to dirt and have a more "rustic" experience. They admitted to being intoxicated and went to bed, leaving all food out in the open. (I could imagine if i were drunk, cleaning up camp would be the last thing on my mind).
I know who this family is, they bought a house from me...they are not the "camping type"...no campers, trailers, and obviously minimal outdoor gear at best.

To answer the question you asked?
I would not be scared to camp with my family if i stayed in the designated campground.....common sense!
Nope...why would you?? If you're just looking for a camping trip with the family there are plenty of other places to go, no need to deal with a problem bear tearing up my tent and my food!
Yeah, i would have camped there if i wanted to but not in any tent. I have a camper. Great invention, any ol Bear wants in, he's going to have to work at it and by then, i've got the advantage.

Alcohol involved? I'm not a party guy for many years now but i hate to see blame placed because of some drinking in camp going on. Talk like that is just another reason/excuse for "big Brother" to put the arm on you for having a few in camp after a hunt. Blame for stupidity or ignorance, not the festivities.


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