World's Largest Army...


The world's largest army? America 's hunters

Monday, December 6, 2010

I don't spend my fall weekends tramping around the woods in pursuit of a buck, but a lot of my friends and neighbors do.

This blogger adds up all the hunters in just a handful of states, and comes to a striking conclusion:

The state of Wisconsin has gone an entire deer hunting season without someone getting killed. That's great. There were over 600,000 hunters.

Allow me to restate that number. Over the last two months, the eighth largest army in the world ? more men under arms than Iran ; more than France and Germany combined ? deployed to the woods of a single American state to help keep the deer menace at bay.

But that pales in comparison to the 750,000 who are in the woods of Pennsylvania this week. Michigan 's 700,000 hunters have now returned home. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia , and it is literally the case that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.

His point? America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.

Hunting ? it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security.

Now, if we could get them all to vote, join the NRA and.......send me a dollar each!

"'ll shoot your eye out kid!"
?America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.? and ?Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as a heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.?- Abe Lincoln
When it comes to the US, we have more firepower than everyone combined...strategic or tactical warfare we'd whoop ass on anyone!! Aliens (not the illegal kind) might be able to invade us but I think they'd prolly take out the entire planet at once...

>?America will never be destroyed from
>the outside. If we falter
>and lose our freedoms, it
>will be because we destroyed
>ourselves.? and ?Our defense is
>in the preservation of the
>spirit which prizes liberty as
>a heritage of all men,
>in all lands, everywhere. Destroy
>this spirit and you have
>planted the seeds of despotism
>around your own doors.?- Abe

More need to read this... wonderful quote. Think I'm gonna copy and paste this and send it on.
Morning Brian,
IMO Even with all those number of hunters with weapons I don't feel it will mean nothing because the attack will come from the sky and with in a few minutes they will all be gone. The few that survive can use there weapons to protect them and there families from other hunters that made it through the first few strikes.
>When it comes to the US,
>we have more firepower than
>everyone combined...strategic or tactical warfare
>we'd whoop ass on anyone!!
>Aliens (not the illegal kind)
>might be able to invade
>us but I think they'd
>prolly take out the entire
>planet at once...

Hell we've been getting invaded by the illegal kind for decades,
and!!!!!!!!! they never even had to fire one shot......
When Hitler threatened to invade Switzerland he sent I believe it was Goering to meet with the Prime Minister of Switzerland the most heavily armed country in the world per population.(Every male citizen under the age of 65 had to be proficient with a rifle) He said to the Prime Minister you may have 700,000 with weapons but what would you do if we sent 1.5 million across your border the PM's response, we would each shoot twice. Hitler never tried it. I've hunted in some of those states mentioned and watched the shooting, I don't believe we have enough ammunition the way many hunters shoot today.

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