Worlds Greatest Roper

That some good stuff right there.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Congrats to your cousin Russell there Joey well deserved award.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-10 AT 11:47PM (MST)[p]Yeah thanks, it is pretty cool. Pretty nice for a young guy that all he ever wanted to do in life was to be a pro rodeo cowboy. He pulled in like 65K at the National Finals last year and in visiting with his Dad Russ this Tuesday, Russell won like 20K just this past weekend. "Diesel money", his Dad said.


Good to hear from you sage,
Does this guy ever throw you any "diesel money"?
Just Razzin ya sage,don't get aggitated,you know I'm jokin with ya!}>}>}>
How's work going?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Nice to see somebody new win the timed event. Some day i would like to go watch it. Congrats to Russell for the win, it always nice to have a little cash in your pocket also.
That is pretty cool Sage. That is an awesome picture also.

Is is just me or are more rodeo cowboys from Oakdale CA than anywhere else?
Bessy, Nope, Good kid but he don't be throwing any money his old cousins way!

NMPaul, Yeah, Oakdale has put out a lot of great cowboys. There used to be a set of brothers, can't remember their names offhand though i should, that were among the best team ropers in the biz while i was growing up. I've never been to the Oakdale rodeo but delivered many truckloads of alfalfa near there. i hear it's a great one. Livermore too, where we're from, is a old time cowboy town rich in rodeo history. I remember being shocked as a kid when i found out that everybody didn't have a ranch!!

Kilo, Yeah, i noticed that too! And i like the way that horse is setting up by near dragging his behind. Those critters can cost some serious cash!! My Uncle has paid a couple fortunes thru the years keeping himself and his kid in good horse flesh. I don't know how many dozens of horses he bought that were good but didn't pan out for one reason or another. Russ was a header though, he needed a horse with speed to spare. Maybe instead of cattle, we should have raised horses...saved a bunch of money!! :)

Glad to see your cousin won that roping. I remember him when he was just a young kid, he won alot of ropings over in the valley. For a long time you couldn't look at a Roper Sports News without him being in there several times. Those two brothers, aren't you talking about the Camerillos, Leo, and Gerald ? Also Walt Woodard, he's from Oakdale too.
Thanks Brownie.
Brownie, Thanks for the info! Yes, it was the Camerillos. I remember my Uncle Russ going to a lot of ropings while i played ball and when i'd asked how he did, sometimes he'd say, "well, the Camerillo's were there". Enough said!!

Russ is a pretty fair roper in his own right and Russell's Mother, Lynn Peterson Cardoza, is really good...for a GIRL!! lol


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