Worlds Best Bird Dog



Two guys that work with each other go out pheasant hunting together for the first time. They pull up to the hunting spot and Jim lets his lab out and they set off to find the birds.

They get to the first field and Jim tells Greg to stop here and let the dog work for a minute. The dog does one lap around the field, comes back to the hunters and paws at the ground two times. Greg says to Jim, what the hell is your dog doing? Jim replies, there are two pheasants out in that field right there. Greg says, like hell there is. Theres no way your dog is that smart! Jim says I'll prove it, lets walk out there and I'll guarantee we jump two birds out of there. So they walk through and sure enough jump and kill two roosters out of that field.

Greg doesn't believe it and insist that Jim send his dog to the next field to see if it works again. Jim sends his lab to the next field and after doing one lap around the field the lab comes back and paws at the ground three times in front of Jim. Sure enough Greg and Jim jump and kill three pheasants out of that field.

Greg is in total shock and tells Jim that he has to have this amazing hunting dog of his. Jim says he won't sell him but finally gives into Greg's overwhelming persistance and sells him to Greg.

The first chance Greg got he called up some of his hunting buddies and told them that he just got this incredible bird dog and wants to take them out pheasant hunting. So the next weekend Greg and his friends meet up and start hunting. Greg sends the lab out to the first field and he does one lap around the field, comes running back to Greg shaking a stick in his mouth and proceeds to hump Gregs leg.

Greg is pissed, thinking that Jim tricked him and the dogs abilities were just a fluke last time. All of Greg's buddies started lauging at him so Greg sends the dog back out to a different field and the dog does another lap around the field and the dog comes back doing the same thing. Shaking a stick in his mouth and starts to hump Gregs leg again.

Greg is furious and storms back to the truck and calls Jim to tell him he wants his money back. Jim happily agrees because he misses his hunting pard and tells Greg to bring him by his place and he will trade the money back for the dog.

Greg shows up at Jims still pretty pissed off but gives the dog back to Jim and takes his money back. Jim is releived to finally having his dog back because he really regreted selling him but they get to talking and Jim says to Greg, so what happened? Why did you decide to give him back?

Greg tells Jim what the dog did two different times with the stick and his leg after he sent him out around the field. Jim busts out laughing and couldn't stop but managed to say in between laughs. YOU STUPID SON OF A B****......HE WAS TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT THERE WERE MORE PHEASANTS OUT THERE TO SHAKE A F888888 STICK AT!!!!!!

-KILLSHOT Productions Guides & Outfitters-
Older but still a good one!


How To Hunt Coues Deer
That is a helluva trick for a lab. REAL birddogs actually point them out individually and wait for you to get there :)

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