world class utah buffalo


Active Member
Here is some pictures and a story of the hunt
don posted on here about a buffalo guide there was some really good recommendations like terry albrecht and danny albrecht well danny dont guide any more and terrys health now days isnt really the best so don had to settle for me taylor albrecht i work for high top outfitters here in southern utah i contacted don and sent him some pictures and we talked back and forth for about a week and we made a plan i had another hunt during the week that would work best for don and don had a work party during the weekend that worked best for me well we talked and decided if i got done early on my other clients elk hunt then we would jet down to the henrys and kill a buff well that plan seemed to work the best we killed our elk sunday morning and tuesday morning we were heading to the desert
i met don just outside the sandy ranch and we set up camp for the next five day and hit the hills we went to my favorite spot to scout for a lone bull and we couldnt turn up an animal we got back to camp and finally about mid night i got to bed
the next morning came fast as we headed out to find the biggest bull on the hill and in the desert we started low and instantly got on a large herds tracks and started glassing we found the herd and there was about 100 head moving away from us and we followed. as we capped over th ridge there was a smaller herd of about 30 head and just off one side was a mature bulled he had broomed off about 4-6 inches but had awsome mass as we sat there glassing for a better bull they spotted us and started moving off well it was to long before the rest of the herd capped over the ridge and came right to us about 300 yards away i told don that i he wanted a bull with great looks but not a huge scoring bull to look at the one on the left middle of the group and if he wanted one that would score the best and has the best look to shoot the one in the back just coming over the ridge well after about 10 min glassing and making sure this was the best bull we decided it was time to kill after a short hike we were in position to blow the dust off th bull well the first shot didnt find its mark but the second shot after we repositioned did after after tracking the bull for a mile and half the bull knew it was over and stepped out 100 yards away and don put 3 more well placed shots and the bull was finally down and the work began it was a great time and a fun day and don now has a once in a life time true trophy the bull will place top 10 in th state of utah and i think top 30 sci in the world for free roaming american bison congrats don and thank you for sharing your hunt with high top outfitters feel free to add to the story thanks again



that is an awesome bull and story....and that has to be a world record run on sentence...good job

that is a great bull -break- looks like a fun hunt -break- should get plenty of meat out of that sucker -break- congrats -break-

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Hell if i wanted an english lesson i think i woul have asked for one. i was trying to get the story up and loaded before my phone died and if you want to do a grammer check on it go for it
Awesome bull and story. Congrats to the hunter!

BUT, the fact you typed all of that on a phone!! that is a real trophy!
Ya it was a rush big john. going from hunting elk in colder mild weather to sweating to death tracking this guy down in 90 degree heat! i forgot to mention we think this bull was 13 - 15 years old so the steaks may be a little tough. We killed the bull about 11 and got to the trucks with the last load at 8 the horses saved our butts
Holy BULL! That thing's beautiful..... and HUGE!

I've been in on a couple Henry's bull hunts and they are the "real deal". Tough, nasty, fun hunts for a cool critter.

Congratulations guys!

That a dang fine Bull there Taylor, I know you had to work your butt off get him skinned out and cut up for the horseback out.
Any idea(guess) what he finally weighted out.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
You guys should have saddled him up "guy on a buffalo" before you shot him. Then there would have been no need for horses. You could have rode him to the truck. J/K nice bull.
Great job TA. Best looking buffalo I've every seen on the ground. Those horns are outstanding. Hope he is a new record!

Thanks dc i dont think it will be a new record but its def. in the top 10 it was a fun and exciting hunt hopefully be able to do a few more like this with just as goo a people
deer 1975 after we had wounded the buffalo i was hoping he would run towards the road and i could hop on and ride him out but he had other plans and went out into a hell whole (not a bad pack out place but there was no shade and it was dang hot)
This was the sportsmans tag the gov tag killed 2 weeks before and we just killed a bull this weekend thats almost identical to the gov tag her itis

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