Workout routine/diet



Interesting thread CRC posed about creatine, but what about your workout/diet in general?

I workout six days a week. Here is my diet and routine, what's yours?

Breakfast - 3 eggs, 2 slices white toast, 1 orange, 1 apple, 8 OZ orange juice
10AM - Precision Enginering Muscle build shake with 2 cups frozen yogurt and 8 OZ soy milk
1PM - High protein lean meat, and dried pasta or baked potato
3PM- Shake (same as above)
5:30PM - Spinach and romain salad, lean meat, 2 cups green veg., baked potato brown rice or pasta
8PM - Shake (same as above)

Monday - Incline Decline and flat bench, Flies (both machine and free weights), Lats front and back, shrugs (free weight and 45 degree). All done max weight 3 sets of 10
Tuesday - Decline lats, curls (freeweights and preacher), triceps (overhead and chain pullsdowns), dips, and forearms. All done max weight 3 sets of 10
Wednesday - legs - Leg press, leg curls, calf raises, squats, revearse curls. All done max weight 3 sets of 10
Thursday - Same as Monday but instead of max weight I do reduced weight and max reps
Friday - Same as Tuesday but instead of max weight I do reduced weight and max reps
Saturday - You guessed it, same as Wednesday (you get the idea)
Sunday - Nascar and rest.

Supplements - LGlutamine, VitaminC, NOSBlast (more energy during workout)
Also I work abs daily in the evenings, as well as cardio. They just are not a part of my weight "routine".

I cut booze out of my diet (except a six pack on Saturday night).

In case you were wondering I have entirely to much time on my hands since getting laid off, using that time to get healthy.
Mine is pretty simple until getting ready for a comp.
Right now I train mon-fri.

Mon- chest/ tri's
Tues- legs
Wed- back/rear delts/ bicepts
Thurs- shoulders/traps
Fri- legs again

Food intake-
Homemade 7 raw eggs shake with 2 cups dry oatmeal, 2 cups non fat milk, 1 whole banana, 4 big strawberries.
3 solid meals after that during work hours (changes everyday)
one dymatize elite shake sometime through mid day
Aproximately 5000 calories each day
Train after work
post workout high carb/protein shake
big meal when i get home prior to bedtime.

Supplements right now are-
creatine nitrate fuel by twinlab (twice a day)
3000mg amnio acids with 1000mg vitamin C
30gr Glutamine per day split in 5 gr doses
Time realease high potency multi vitamins
MSM and glucosamine for joints
Omega 3-6-9's with each solid meal.

and that about sums it up!!

You don't even want to know what happens at showtime......i don't have that much time to type it all, nor do you have time to read it!! Lol

+1 on the dymatize it tastes great and not too many calories and no sugar!

Here is my routine:
Mon - Chest
Tues - arms (bi's and tri's)
Wed - fat burn
Thurs - Legs
Friday - Shoulders and Back

I do Abs and 30 - 45 min of fatburn per day

Still trying to find out the diet part but have some great ideas

Am leaning toward the evolution creatine for pre and post work out
I do something similar.

My days are like this.

Mon. morning - chest
Tues. morning - biceps
Wed. morning - legs
Thur. morning - shoulders
Fri. morning - triceps
Every morning - abs

Then on Tues. & Thurs. evenings and Sunday mornings I go on a 4-5 mile run.


my workout is similar to slammy but my diet is closer to archer. The exception is that between bfast lunch and dinner I have homemade shakes. They consist of whatever's in the kitchen. Lately I've been putting in 14oz tuna, 4 egg whites, a granola bar, some pinto beans, creatine and lglutamine. Blend it all for about 1 minute and chug! Then swallow my fish oil and amino acids and I'm good. I workout some weeks 7 days a week and others 4 days a week depending on my shoulder. I don't do any cardio since my left lung has so many holes in it so I suffice with weight workouts. as far as what muscle group on what day???? my body tells me that and every day is a different workout as compared to the week before. I've been getting awesome gains lately from this insanely mixed up workout and have way better results since my body cant build up an immunity. I'm currently getting awesome leg results from deep narrow squats and century press's. As for listening to me? I wouldn't do that. I have to keep reading the latest issue of muscular development to keep on track lol!

He who stomps the greatest stinky wins!
"Lately I've been putting in 14oz tuna, 4 egg whites, a granola bar, some pinto beans, creatine and lglutamine. Blend it all for about 1 minute and chug!"

You are a disgusting man!!! I laughed out loud when I read that. How the hell can you stomach that? I'm still laughing...

It's all about feeding the machine. It really doesnt taste that bad once you get used to it. Until you do you have to close your eyes, hold your breath and chug. It's all over in about 30 seconds and the filled stomache lasts a long time. Just make sure you buy lots of tp. If you think thats bad ask slammy how his thanksgiving shake tasted. He put gravy, taters, cranberry sauce, turkey, and I believe some raw eggs in it and blended it all together. It was mainly 50 grams of turkey protein im sure with some starch carbs thrown in and cranberry sauce and gravy for flavor. Am I right slammy?

He who stomps the greatest stinky wins!
Actually the worst one I had was about 3 weeks ago. I wanted to change up the carb type and added a cup of bran, a cup of wild rice and 1 cup of uncooked oatmeal to my 60 grams of tuna protein. The amount of water needed to make that thing anything but sludge was unreal. I guess oatmeal can suck up the water. I gagged on that one and looked like I was pregnant when I got done. I'll never do that again. ROFL!

He who stomps the greatest stinky wins!
Mon - Chest / tris
Tues - back / biceps
wed - lower back and obliques
thurs - Legs
fri - upper, mid, lower abs / shoulders

7:00am - 3 egg whites and musclemilk oatmeal
9:00am - 8 oz orange juice, 12 oz muscle milk light shake
11:00am - half green salad, 4 hard boiled egg whites, small can of tuna
1:00pm - v8, half grilled chicken breast, cup of brocoli
3:00pm - 2 cups brown rice, some sort of fish, high protien beef, or chicken
5:00pm - 7:00 pm workout
changes periodically but its pretty much base for food types.

Stinky said-
" I have to keep reading the latest issue of muscular development to keep on track lol!"

I know why he "reads" that magazine, and it aint for the workout routines.
Tell 'em about the paper cuts you get on your tongue stinky!!

And yes, my "thanksgiving delight" was very interesting to say the least. But got me from my mothers to the in-laws without going hungry! Lol

Alright slammy, I leave your extracarricular activities out of this forum and I expect the same from you. And if you must know I have the pages laminated to prevent paper cuts. ROFL! I just bought the may issue today. Goin to the library tomorrow to get it laminated!

He who stomps the greatest stinky wins!
My wife got me the P90X DVD's for my birthday. I am going to give it a try. I will be starting out on it real soon, anyone else tried it?


One of my friends is on the P90X program and swears by it. He told me that you would need to stay on the program and dedicate yourself to it. I would say that is true with every program you go on.
He also said it is very intense!
My wife did P90X, also a couple folks I work with. It works, but if your cardio is not already somewhat conditioned you may want to do that before you start. It is a really intense workout and requires discipline.

Don't turn into the P90X Nazi. Everyone I know that has done it tries to push it on everyone else.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-09 AT 07:55AM (MST)[p]Every Morning:

Abs and pushups.
Work on a farm.

Lunch hour 12 miles a week jogging. I'd do more but that's what my knees accept.

Evenings: 3 days a week a high intensity road or mtb bike ride. Obviously this doesn't work well in the winter. I mix in backcountry skiing in the winter. I have a very bright set of night lights for the bars and helmet so I can ride at night during the hot Grand Valley summer.

Weekends one long high intensity mountain bike or road bike ride 3-5 hours.

Hopefully a long hike with the Sparkmaster and a rifle on my shoulder on Sunday afternoons. It helps to live on the edge of the Grand Mesa and have a house bordering BLM.

I've never been obsessed with body mass, It just does not help you get up hills. (Caveat, I wouldn't mind having Slam or one of the other lifters to help carry that elk out).

My Wife and I do most of this together and we eat a sensible diet with a lot of lean wild game in it. For long rides I use Hammerjell and cytomax during the ride with a recovery drink afterwards. Sometimes that is a microbeer.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-09 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-09 AT 09:54?AM (MST)

Monday: Legs, back, biceps 4 sets, 12 - 20 reps, about 65% of max
Tuesday: Chest, shoulders, triceps; same set/rep pattern as above, all with a rhythmic lifting pattern.

Wednesday: racquetball or basketball

Thursday: Legs, back, biceps: 3-4 sets, 4-5 reps at about 90% of max
Friday: Chest, shoulders, triceps same set/rep pattern as above, all lifts done with as much explosive force as possible.

4-5 minutes of rest between all sets will help eliminate lactic acid and enhance glycogen replenishment.

Weekends: rest, maybe ride my bike.

Diet: I follow what is in here: "Power Eating" by Susan M. Kleiner. One of the best sports nutrition books I have seen.

A couple other books to consider: "Power, A Scientific Approach" by Fred Hatfield. "Periodization Training for Sports" by Tudor Bompa. I met Dr. Bompa a few years ago at a convention of professional coaches. Good guy. Periodization is a must if you want to avoid the training plateau.

FWIW, for those of you interested in obtaining the services of a personal trainer, it would likely benefit you more to seek those who have either NSCA or ACSM certification. I taught/coached at the professional level for two years before the Navy took me away, and continued to pracice until I retired two years ago. I don't know of any pro sports or NCAA Division I team whose strength coaches aren't certified by either or both of those organizations.

Watch this video for a good cardio workout.

Man, I get tired just reading this. I do lots of prime rib, cheese and deer sausage followed by ice cream. A few beers in between. I guess that's why I'm fat and need to lose 20lbs. Cheese isn't my specialty, I'm just originally from Wisconsin. Can I get in shape and lose it in 6 months?

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