working the dog.


Long Time Member
Went out today to let Addy run. She is 5 weeks pregnant so I wanted her to take it easy. We found a couple different coveys of quail and had a blast.



I have an add here in the classified section for her pups.

Nice dog, I like those liver colored GSP'S. I would be interested if I did'nt have two already.
I have a friend who just got a German Shorthair. What a cute puppy!

On a side note I have two weimaraners, a six year old male and a 4 year old female.

I have always taken them on two daily walks. My female has always been a canon ball. She is full speed in everything she does. She does not understand quit.

So I have a question for some of you dog owners about a problem I have with her.

About a month ago I had her out on a walk and she was chasing a Frisbee and shattered her hind leg just under what us hunters know as the hawk. I took her to a vet and they had to fuse the joint and she is in a splint and must remain there for at least another month. Then it will be 3 months on leash. She hates every minute of it and still wants to go on walks, runs etc, but can't. She is not suppose to even get on the bed, or chair, etc. but she is so active and I don't know how to stop her without locking her in a kennel.

Have any of you ever had a dog with an injury like this and what were the results after surgery? How do you keep them from jumping, running etc. during the healing process? Thanks for any help.

Have a good one. BB
I have 2 mtn. cur pups a 5 month male and a 7 month female. About 3 months ago my female broke her hip falling off the porch deck. A few weeks later she broke her leg in the same spot as yours. She howled nonstop so bad I thought we were going to have to put her down.

When the vet xrayed her he found the bones didn't need to be set so he put her in a splint for 6 weeks. She acted like she didn't have the will to live for a few weeks. But she's been out of the splint a couple weeks and is now starting to use that leg. The vet thinks she is young enough she should be 100%. I'm glad we didn't put her down. She seems to be her happy old self now.

The hardest part when she was in the splint is my male still wanted to play and wrestle her so we had to lock her up while she healed.
It is hard to get bird dogs to slow down for anything. I had to keep butch (my previous shorthair) locked up all day and put the leash on him before I let him out and do my best to keep him from running and jumping. He hated every minute of it but it will really help in recovery. Hard but worth it.

Bob, thanks for the input. I am sorry to hear what happened to your dog, but glad to hear she's okay.

My little female is named Lexi and she really is as tough as they come. Had that happened to my big one he would have laid down and quit right there. She on the other hand let out a big squeal and that was it. She has never as much as moaned or made any noise through this whole ordeal with the exception of what I mentioned.

I knew something bad was wrong as the rest of walk; she never once tried to put her leg down. It swelled up within a few hours and then we took her to the vet. The vet felt it and said her leg was shattered and that they needed to x-ray it. The x-ray confirmed his diagnoses. He said there was a 10 percent change that it could heal, but most likely it would need surgery. My wife wanted to go ahead and get it fixed at the time, but I said I thought we should give it a chance to heal on its own. So that's what we did. The vet put a splint on it and said no walking, running, jumping etc. and she was only to be outdoors to go potty. We gave it two weeks and returned to the vet to find that Lexi had broken the splint right where the break in her was, so in essence it didn't even have a 10 percent chance to heal.

The operation entailed screws and bone grafts to fuse the joint. We give her some sedatives to slow her down, but she still wants to run, jump, chase balls etc. Even after the operation and on the day we brought her home all she wanted to do was to play. Every time I walk Oxford (that's my male) I have to force her to stay inside as we leave. She just wants to go and get on with life. I just hope it heals and she can do just that.

I was a person who would not let my kids have a dog and ended up having Oxford dropped in my lap by one of my daughters. I did not want the dog, but learned to love him with in a few weeks. After a few years I got Lexi for the wife and for Ox. I can't believe how much joy and happiness those dogs have brought me. They truly are man's best friend and can sure teach a person a whole lot about life and living. Lexi is a good example of what "to have heart" means. I hope for her sake she heals and is able to once again be the cannon ball she loves to be.

Again thanks for your story and encouragement.

Have a good one. BB
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-10 AT 04:30PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-10 AT 04:24?PM (MST)

juster_86 nice lookin dog, looks stout.. Im in the market for a pup ,,I will check out your add..

Hey BB.. My shorthair just come off the injured list.
She went over a cliff while Chukar hunting, luckily all that happened was severe muscle damage in her right shoulder.
They ended up cutting the muscles that died in two so the others could work freely.
Anyway i feel your pain she did noy want to idle..
The vet gave me some pain meds for her and one was called Tramadol, That stuff seemed to take all the piss and vinager right out of her.. Good luck with yer hound hope she has a swift and full revovery.. And good for your daughter for dumping the pup on you,as you found out,Very few things in this world can bring as much joy into ones life as a good ol hound. 014.jpg
I see that the stud dog is out of Utah. Where are you located at? I'm in southern AZ. Looking for a replacement pup. Had to put my wifes 13 year old GSP down in December.
Northeast Utah, I do make it to southern utah quite often. We could definately figure something out to get you a pup. Or if you would rather it shipped we could do that. I'm not sure of prices but I'm told they are very reasonable. send me an email and I will save your address and send you pictures of the pups when they get here. [email protected]

I love it, probably more than big game. I know, shhhhh. But I chase my dogs around 100s of miles each year huntin chukar. Can't see enough pointin pics.

My GSP has had 70 chukar and 13 quail taken over him this year and he'll be 1 on the 29th. IMO, if they have instinct, hunt em as much as you can.

His name is Chuck but I affectionately refer to him as "La Machine."

Good luck with your litter.
My three yr old wiem. had to have knee surgery last year.She stayed in her kennel for 3 weeks and could only go out side with a sling under her belly supported by me to keep the weight off her leg. and then another 3 weeks of no running,jumping,etc. That was really hard especially with a 3 month old puppy that wanted to play all the time. It was totally worth it though she's 100 % now and back to her old self.Your in for a long 6 weeks and then the rehab that was fun too It's amazing what we do for our pets is it
Ya it is amazing what we do for pets but they are part of the family and for everything they do for you, you gotta return the favor.

I broke my leg in half on a dirt bike a few years back and butch would not leave my side. Now whenever either of my kids, my wife or me are sick addy or Rodney (wifes weiner dog) are never to far off. Dogs are always good to make the day better no matter how bad the day was.


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