WOOT! Woot!


Long Time Member
A perfect ending to a Friday. I have had the T3 .223 propped up by the back door for the last year, waiting for a coyote to walk by across the wash behind the house. I've seen quite a few 'yotes, just not one that I could get a shot at. Cooking dinner tonight I glanced out across the wash and there it was. One coyote wandering along the rim. I turned the stove off and stepped out the back door. The yote had vanished. I stood on top of the picnic table hoping to catch a glimpse, I finally saw him about 400 yards out moving in and out of the sagebrush. Wrong direction for a shot and a little far. Suddenly he turned and trotted straight towards me. I'm standing in the snow, in my socks, with the rifle propped on the fence. At 300 he stopped and turned broadside when a neighbors dog barked. Bam, down he went, no whirling or running, just stiff legs pointing skyward. I'll get a picture in the morning, the mud is ankle deep.

wtf is a woot??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>wtf is a woot??

From urbandictionary.com
Woot originated as a hacker term for root (or administrative) access to a computer. However, with the term as coincides with the gamer term, "w00t".

"w00t" was originally an trunicated expression common among players of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game for "Wow, loot!" Thus the term passed into the net-culture where it thrived in video game communities and lost its original meaning and is used simply as a term of excitement.


--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
Here's where the shot was taken from. The coyote was on the rim in the background just left of the juniper and to the right of the Lilac in the foreground.. I used the fence for a rest.


As it lay


Spark gettin a bite on the rear. No exit 55 grain JHP
'Woot' is an exclamation I picked up from mountain bike riders younger than me. It is used as an exclamation of triumph after cleaning an obstacle or a climb.
Cat's outta the bag Bean. You didn't use a 223, you used some fancy scorcerer's stick or a spell didn't you? JK, nice avenging Sparky.
RE: Decompostition process

Did you shoot it too Bean? :) Come on show us the pics!!! LOL They are actually worse predators than that poor Gyp you shot.
RE: Decompostition process

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-10 AT 05:41PM (MST)[p]This afternoon it's a baldy, I wonder why it took two weeks for them to discover it?

RE: Decompostition process

you didn't bury it?..........lol....better hope a condor don't show up. Apparently they don't eat around the lead like eagles do.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I get it now! A Bald Eagle is a Golden Eagle that eats a lead bullet.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

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