Wooly Dinosaur on the menu



T-minus 48hrs and it's off to the land of Santa Claus and experience what REAL cold is.

Big muskox bull on the menu in the great white arctic.

Hopefully I have a booner class bull and a lifetime's worth of stories to share with you guys upon return.

Thanks to Wade Derby of Crosshair Consulting for booking this for me..I've had this hunt on my radar for far too long now. Time to go see what it's all about!
Hunting with Canada North Outfitters.
SUPER JEALOUS!!! Best of luck to you! I hope you have a very fun and safe trip, and we cannot wait for the story and pics to boot!

That animal is at the top of my list. Even above Alaska brown bear and moose!
One of these days im goin on a muskox hunt.
I think that is a super cool animal.
Post some stories when you get back!
I expect a FULL report scottyboy (email or otherwise).
Have fun, be safe, enjoy the journey brother!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-14 AT 11:14AM (MST)[p]Got getum Scotty Boy!!!!
Thanks much fellas!

I am looking forward to the adventure! Leave out tomorrow and will be back the following Sat. Hopefully I'll be able to share a really cool trophy and adventure with you all.
If you spot something like AW posted DON'T SHOOT!
I think they're on the endangered species list with the USFWS!
Well, at least they should be.
Look for horns man, not tusks!

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