

Very Active Member
You are on public land, National Forest. You come upon this road. What does this mean to you?

No tricks here, just asking your opinions.



I see a lot of that out here in northern kali. To me, it means we can't drive on it but we're welcome to go in on foot. Seeing this more and more and these newer "Piss Fir Willy's" running around are loving to write up Federal ticket violations.

No motorized vehicle traffic beyound gate. As if that will do any good. Would have been cheaper to dig two holes and use wood posts and several strands of barbwire with sign. If they want to go around it, as most will do, why pay for a expensive pipe gate.

Where I hunted in WY a few years ago the game cop would show up about 8 in the morning and sit there all day writing tickets as they came out.
Apparently it means drive around the side post and go in as far as you can so you can confront other hunters who did not break the law.

I still cannot understand why those Quad Queers would break the law and then get all mouthy and bad ass on two woman hunters?

So let's see------4 Fat Guys and one youth breaking the law...


1- 5'4 120 lb woman


1- 5'5 125 lb woman

Tough call..............

What this means to the average TARD is:

"I'm going around that gate on my Quad & I don't give a damn"!

"I will take my chances because I know the FINE ain't very much"!

"There's already an illegal ATV trail busted around the gate,it must be OK for me to go around it"!

"It's my GAWD given right to Break the Law"!

"I know it's illegal but what are the chances they'll catch me"?

"I'll go in even though I know it's illegal,but I won't dare leave my QUAD because somebody might Tune the SOB up"!

Want me to keep going.......................?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Too bad I wasn't with them!!!!!

She should had that wolf mask with her! & her partner with the handcuffs!
It was a wasted attempt to keep people from driving through an area where new trees and other plants are growing, probably following a fire. Usually that type of gate is to keep people off during the wet season, you can tell it is a highly eroded area. If they are going to close the roads you would at least think they would not do it in a wide open area.
a seasonal road closure gate that the USFS doesn't enforce much...personally I'd dropped those Yellow Pine trees parallel to the road on both sides and that would help a little better on the enforcement.
Jeez, talk about a bunch of half empty glass guys! Clearly it's a very nice thing the forest circus has done so you won't accidentally drive through that rocky area and maybe damage a tire. :) sheesh

Now the real question: Who here has NEVER followed the traffic around a gate like that? Not you Bess, I'm not asking for a sermonette on ATV tuneups.

That'll end pretty quick if it starts costing these slobs a 4 wheeler every time they get caught. Problem solved. Just have the cops pull an empty 5th wheel trailer in there about 10am and have the dbags load their own quad on their way back out the gate and walk back to where they came from. Take their weapons too. The problem isn't gates, it's having the feds not keep up on this crap and setting examples. Easy access into hunting areas allows for a long list of abuse on the game and land. It's probably a great spot for disabled, elderly and the under 16 crowd which I am all for and there is probably other ATV areas nearby as well.

If there's a story to this then let's hear it.

As much as I despise (sp) dcup he makes me laugh. Thanks for being there for me d.
Guys I know you like bashing the ATVs, but that road to the left is VERY clearly a 4x4 road and not made by ATVs. Not saying none has ridden on it but.........

Zigga, I think the problem is the pukes of this country that think it is ok to brake the law when ever they want, no mater what the law is. The LAW is the LAW, there will never be enought people employed to enforce every LAW all the time, It is our resposability as honset good natured people to enforce our selves. I think this is one of the biggest problems with society today, too many people think its ok to do some thing they no is wrong or againts the law, and then get pissed off at the Law enforcers when they get caught. If more good people would police them selves then there would be more time for the people employed to enforce the laws to catch the really bad guys. As a spotsman it sickens me every time i see another sportsman breaking the law to hunt or fish where or how they want. Its simple follow the LAWs and enforce your self the more people that do that the better things would be.

Sorry for the rant im just sick of hearing there needs to be more enforcment, there needs to be more honest good people!!!!!!.....

To me it simply means don't drive motorized vehicles down that road. I've walked a ton of them in Montana hunting bear and I love them.

It's been stated that new road closures have occured in an area that I deer hunt but I haven't been there since the closures. I welcome them, especially if everyone plays by the rules.

I also love to travel the back-country on my atv but I don't want to break the law or be classified with the slobs who do.

An atv is no different than any vehicle. Simply follow the rules and problems should be of no concern.

Myself, I usually carry the latest travel map available
for the particular FS or BLM district I'm on if I'm in an unfamiliar area. Most cases, the maps will tell you if its a seasonal or permanent closure for motorized vehicles.
Or if special regs for type of travel is in place.

If it were me i'd park my truck or atv sideways in the road along side of the gate. Just to make people THINK twice.
It means the hunting in that area is going to get better.
I rarely see someone breaking the rules and going around the fence.
I am pleased with your responses. As PleaseDear hinted, this was an actual situation we experienced this last week. The road is obviously closed to motorized vehicles, although it appears some people have been driving around. We hiked into this area and were set up about 30 minutes when we heard the sound of ATV's.

Not one. 4. I tried to snap a pic as they went by, but had the lens cap closed. When 2 came back down the road, I was standing in it and confronted them. ( ok, I totally WENT BESERK). They admitted that yeah, they saw the gate, but 'we could see that other people had gone around, so'.

Which made me go even more beserk. I pointed out that this is EXACTLY how illegal roads are made, and that people like them are why we can no longer retrieve game with ATV's in this forest and that people like them will cause it to be shut down entirely.

I then was accused of hating ATV's. I responded that my entire party owns quads, but that they were parked at home because we are aware of the seasonal closures, and choose not to rip up the trails once they get wet.

They apologized, but didn't leave and didn't quit hunting. They completely screwed up our plans (yeah, I know, public land) and destroyed my confidence that anyone but our party was even trying to obey any law at all.

This incident was the second one of the day. We called the Sheriff on the first, and if I had had cell service, we would have called again on these.

The next day we parked our truck right in the illegal road to the left. We watched two trucks pull in behind us, and both pealed out obviously pissed off because they couldn't DRIVE anywhere.

I sent some pics and a complaint to the Ashley National Forest head ranger today.....and they got right back to me, thanking me for providing such detailed information and a suggestion on how to fix the problem. The LEO then called me to get more details and promised to check the area frequently in an attempt to do some enforcement.

Sorry for the vent, this is mild compared to what I did that day!!

See it all the time. But . . . . either that's the widest ATV track in the world or people are driving more trucks down there than ATV's. That's probably their justification too. Most road closures are for OHV's not your typical 4WD vehicle. It's too bad. I can tell you this, if Predator confronted me in the woods and I knew she was mad, I would high tail it out of there faster than my 4 wheeler could get me.:D

It's always an adventure!!!
Maybe I should of stayed & showed them what a HIGH COUNTRY TUNE-UP was all about Preddy?

Glad to see somebody with a pair turn their lowlife asses in!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
The toughest part of giving people a high country tuneup is that they wont get their AZZ off the wheeler. lol
Very True Deerlove!

Most of them Law Breakin Beaches are to chicken#### to get off their Quads cuzz they know they are breakin the law & they don't want their Precious machines Tuned!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
This sound's just like the stories you see about UFO's, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness Monster.

"I tried to snap a pic but the lens cap was on " Sure you did.

You punk ass prison bitches do this crap all the time, you grip and complain about quads and where people ride them, tell everyone what your gonna do to them next time you see them. But nothing ever happens.

So your in the road waiting for them. You would turn them in but no cell service,, you parked your truck in the middle of the illegal road. That's illegal ain't it.

Lets see some pics of these illegal quad riders. A big bad ass guy like you shouldn't be afraid to post them here.

You watched two guys pull in behind you , what no pictures of these two guys either. I 'm thinking you thought since they were in trucks and not quads it was OK. Maybe you couldn't get a picture of those trucks without yours in the same picture which would have shown you were on this illegal road to.

You guys whine like little tiny babies. If your gonna do it then do it. If not then just STFU cause frankly this crap is getting old and all your doing is proving what a bunch of big ass cry babies you are , If you spent as much time hunting and scouting as you do whining about quads , I'm sure you would all be in the record books .

We've got a tough Guy on Isle 27!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
>What this means to the average
>TARD is:
>"I'm going around that gate on
>my Quad & I don't
>give a damn"!
>"I will take my chances because
>I know the FINE ain't
>very much"!
>"There's already an illegal ATV trail
>busted around the gate,it must
>be OK for me to
>go around it"!
>"It's my GAWD given right to
>Break the Law"!
>"I know it's illegal but what
>are the chances they'll catch
>"I'll go in even though I
>know it's illegal,but I won't
>dare leave my QUAD because
>somebody might Tune the SOB
>Want me to keep going.......................?
>God is Great!
>Life is Good!
>And People are Crazy!
>I love not acting my age,
>Damn I love my NASCAR race,
>And Hell yes I love my

Good Gawd LULU, you actually nailed that one, and made perfect sense while doing it! }>
It means I poor 2 boxs of roofing nails on the left side of the gate and you pricks who wont walk buy 4 new tires when you finally get back to town....
Lifetime, I have no idea what your real problem is, but I don't lie. I was running down a trail to get to the part of the logging road they were riding up, if you can deploy your camera while doing so and hold on to your muzzleloader and walking stick, then you are some superman.

I put punk asses in prison, thank you very much. Did you miss the part that we called the sheriff earlier in the day for something very similar right outside the cabin? And that was also after trying to be sportsmen about it and talk first. When the talk hunter to hunter doesn't work, then you get a ticket, simple as that.

We didn't park beyond the gate. We did park where the new road left the old, if you want to split hairs about whether or not you can park on an existing road, then go ahead.

The trucks were the following morning....IN THE DARK, WHILE WE WERE 400 YARDS UP THE TRAIL. Again, if you can take a pic with a tiny digital camera in the dark while walking 1/4 mile away, then you are superman.

Perhaps you also missed that we all own quads. We don't bring them because we choose to use them to recreate, not hunt from. We spent the previous 4 days walking several miles into the backcountry, we picked this spot to have more of a rest day.

I have done most of my hunts solo and afoot. So has PleaseDear. So before you start calling people names and implying they are lazy asses, why don't you try to get to know them first.

The end of the story is that as of Monday morning, the USFS has the folks license plates and descriptions. Are you happy now, or am I still just a #####?

Lifetime, I have no idea what your real problem is, but I don't lie. I was running down a trail to get to the part of the logging road they were riding up, if you can deploy your camera while doing so and hold on to your muzzleloader and walking stick, then you are some superman.
I put punk asses in prison, thank you very much. Did you miss the part that we called the sheriff earlier in the day for something very similar right outside the cabin? And that was also after trying to be sportsmen about it and talk first. When the talk hunter to hunter doesn't work, then you get a ticket, simple as that.

We didn't park beyond the gate. We did park where the new road left the old, if you want to split hairs about whether or not you can park on an existing road, then go ahead.

The trucks were the following morning....IN THE DARK, WHILE WE WERE 400 YARDS UP THE TRAIL. Again, if you can take a pic with a tiny digital camera in the dark while walking 1/4 mile away, then you are superman.

Perhaps you also missed that we all own quads. We don't bring them because we choose to use them to recreate, not hunt from. We spent the previous 4 days walking several miles into the backcountry, we picked this spot to have more of a rest day.

I have done most of my hunts solo and afoot. So has PleaseDear. So before you start calling people names and implying they are lazy asses, why don't you try to get to know them first.

The end of the story is that as of Monday morning, the USFS has the folks license plates and descriptions. Are you happy now, or am I still just a #####?

"tough Guy on Isle 27!" Now that's funny!

WifeTime, you're chewing shoeleather and you can't even taste it because of the sh!t in your mouth.

My problem is this is probably the 6th thread about quad riders and where they ride that has been started in the last couple of months.

Again there are numerous people posting to let the world know how tough they are and what they would do if ... Well I've been hunting the west for 35 years and only one time have I seen quad riders breaking the law. That was in Az. Guys brag about how hard they hunt/ scout and how far into the mountains they go. Then all of a sudden here comes a quad. B.S. if your less than 4 hours from your truck to where your at in the woods. Then your not very far from it. I seriously doubt any quad rider is gonna be riding past the first steep ridge they come to and surely not gonna be going so far into the woods that they might be caught by the GW they know when the're breaking the law and don't won't to get caught any more than you guys want to see them in there. If you can hear or see a quad then you can hear and see a truck. I know my quad is a heck of a lot quieter than any truck out there.

Maybe you couldn't get a picture running after them in the dark with your walking stick. Ok. But you stated you had a talk with them in the middle of the road and really let em have it. Sounds like the perfect time to snap a picture to me.

Without some kind of picture to prove where these guys were , then you got squat. It's he said /she said.

A smart guy would just tell the cops that you were pissed off cause they got to the area you wanted to hunt first and you are lying about the whole thing.

I see that you have quads , who dont these days. I have em also. About to head to Co. for an elk hunt and yes I'm taking them. I'll ride em wherever I want to as long as it's legal and won't get me a ticket. I'll park em on the side of the road somewhere and leave em while I hunt.
The're insured so I wont worry about someone giving them a tune-up. Just smile for the trail cam will you .

You put people in prison, then you must be law Enforcement, if so then you must be sworn to serve and protect all the time not just when your on Duty . So why didnt you hold these guys till GW could be called or why didnt you get names , address, and such.

There's no sign on that gate that I could see from the pic you posted. Just a gate over a washed out portion of the road. The new road has obviously been there a while and been used for a while, so most likly not a high priority for local law.

I'm just sick of the tough guys on here that just talkand do nothing else. ##### or get off the pot. If you see it and say it then be able to back it up with some proof. Everyione sure as heck post those pics of the game they kill. Always have a camera for that.

Until I see some proof than it's all a bunch of BS , just like UFo's , Bigfoot, and Lochness
>A smart guy would just tell
>the cops that you were
>pissed off cause they got
>to the area you wanted
>to hunt first and you
>are lying about the whole

Guess we all know how you get away with it now.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-10 AT 02:29PM (MST)[p]You bring up some good points. I actually didn't even think about the camera when talking with them. There were three of them and one of me, so I was more focused on that. We all had guns, ya know? A GW was killed a couple days ago in PA; I don't think a quad violation is worth my or anyone elses life!

The mileage thing is another, is wasn't all that far up where we walked to, like I said this was a rest day for us, It would not have been hard for them to walk in, either. I guess that is one reason I was so bent. That and that they had a youngster with them, so I wasn't impressed with their teaching skills, either.

As far as holding them, I don't know how things are in AZ, but here I am prohibited by policy in detaining someone unless it is exigent. I gathered the info I could and passed it on as I should. I would never flame anyone publically by name or photo, that denies them their right to be heard in court, by an impartial bench. Even if I did have photos of them or their vehicles, I would not post them here or anywhere else. They would go on to the appropriate investigating agency.

The gate I cannot answer for, it is Forest Service. My primary reason for posting this pic and thread was to get other people's perspectives on whether or not the gate meant the road was closed. I tried to see things from these guys point of view, but I could not get past the closed gate. I don't advocate tune-ups or caltrops, for that matter. I was venting as well, that whole day made us feel like we were the only ones trying to hunt within the law, it was just so frustrating.

The new road looked like it was made by trucks so they could park just beyond the gate. We didn't see any tracks beyond that and the upper part of the road was thick with downed pine needles.

I am in agreement with you on the all talk no action around here. I did at least confront these people and turn them in. Again, my intent here was to gain other hunters perspectives on what they thought about the gate.

Good luck in CO, I am insanely jealous. I don't think you can hunt AZ without a quad unless you have a lifetime supply of truck shocks and tires, can you? Some of those roads scare the crap outta me!

I get to spend some time in Williams soon. Dunno where you live, but I'd be willing to sit down over a cup and gain some more of your perpectives, I would think from your screen name that you are as much of an addict as I.

Anyone want to start a MM Addict Anonymous chapter??

Guess we all know how you get away with it now

OMG , now you've hurt my feelings ! Oh poor me, Really, is that the best you got. What a wimp.

Please , somebody tell me how to delete my account, I've had all I can take from you people, you win. I quit never in my life have I been around such whiners;

I leaving this site and going over to the Lesbian Scouts of America where I can count on someone with some balls telling me to go **** myself.
Thanks for your response, I really do not mean to be a *****. I'm just sick and tired of so many of the people on this forum complaining about quads. I expect some of them must be Saint's judging from what I read On MM.

I'm on a couple of other forums and the kind of talk and threats that get posted here will get you kicked off there.

My apologies to you, coffee sounds good

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