Womens Softball


Very Active Member
Womens world series of softball is on espn 2. First game of the series is on right now. Just a reminder, I know some of you like it.....Go Washington :-

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Heck yeah. My girlfriend was UW's ace from 96-99, so she's rooting pretty hard for em. Apart from all those damn chants and racket, it's been fun to watch.

..I'm sure glad Georgia is out. Those chicks/dudes were annoying as hell.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
>Heck yeah. My girlfriend was UW's
>ace from 96-99, so she's
>rooting pretty hard for em.
>Apart from all those damn
>chants and racket, it's been
>fun to watch.
>..I'm sure glad Georgia is out.
>Those chicks/dudes were annoying as

Couldn't stand Georgia as well...found it very annoying.

Have to ask, are you dating Spediacci or Graves? I went to High School with Graves and haven't talked to her in a long time. They pitched together for UW back then.
Wow, small world gator. I've been dating Jamie for about 2 years now. All you damn Moon Valley Rockets, I tell ya...it's like a cult! She's doing well though and still stays in touch with a few of the old HS crew.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Now that is cool...Yeah, I played baseball at MV and we were overshadowed by what Jamie and the rest of the softball team accomplished. They were very good, and you couldn't help but admire their talent. I can't help watching this final, wondering what Jaime and Lora might be thinking. Lora, her best friend in High School was the first recruit ever for UF. Pretty neat and miss watching them play.

Please tell her Gary Hopf says hello, and I hope all is well for the two of you...
Sorry for the AZ reunion Hardway...

Gary, Lora is still her best friend and they are both pretty stoked about their two alma-maters. It's funny how critical Jamie is about some of these pitchers. "I wouldn't have thrown that pitch.." or "..she needs to work on her dropball..", etc.

But, how that UW pitcher threw 250+ pitches Saturday is amazing. These girls are some damn good atheletes.

Anyway, I'll be headin home here in a bit, so I'll tell Jamie you said hello.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
>Sorry for the AZ reunion Hardway...

No worries...My wife pitched for Cal State Bakersfield. She went to the Div 2 world series and was the regional MVP her senior year. It was the last year they were a D2 school, and on top of that she won the coach's 1000th win and threw a no-hitter to win the reginal championships. They ended up 4th that season and she finished with 19-1 record. She is now a full time pitching instructor so I know what you guys are going through :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Congrats to the Huskies!

I never dated any women softball players, for whatever that's worth.:)

May be a bit off the subject but my brother in law took my niece and her team to the 13 and under world series in florida last year and won it. They went undefeated the entire year. I just thought it was kinda neat that they were the world series champs and all. They played something like 200 games last year

I just got back from OK City watching the games Friday and Sat. I saw some great games. Once my daughter graduated from college it left a big hole in the summer not following her around to different tournaments all summer.She played on a traveling team since she was 12. My wife and I put alot of miles on the car watching her play.
Great game last night! It sure was more exciting than the first one. Cheers to UW on a great win and season!!

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."

Watched the game that got 'em into the finals and both of the games against Florida.

UW alum - Class of '85 - School of Engineering myself.

Muskegman, no kidding. Class of '85! wow, me too. I was class of 85, artesia public schools, kindergarten!

Who woulda thunk it!

I can't belive they shut out florida in the first game. These girls came out of know where and whooped some azz. Everyone was talking up Arizona, AZ St., Stanford with Missy on the mound. Kudos girls. Hellufa team to do that.

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