Women, know your limits

Good PSA NVB. Here is another.

We laugh and it's a funny clip, but it's not too far from the truth. I get sick of men looking past me like I don't know what I'm talking about or pretending I didn't just speak. It happens all the time...especially when I'm in a realm that women usually don't enter (i.e. baseball coaching or handling the 4-H stock animals and especially around here. I've received some lovely PMs from some choice individuals who think they have all the answers just because they have a penis). Sometimes the disrespect is astounding but mostly its annoying and frustrating.




TripleK don't sweat it too much you should see the reception I get when I accidentally drop in on one of my wife's parties or here at the office when the lady lawyers and legal assistants are at a roundtable on some subject(probably men)...

I don't know what women are so pissed about. They have half the money in the world.... and ALL the..............
Jenn, I hope you know I was kidding. I work with more women department heads than men and like it that way. I am a strong supporter of women shattering that glass ceiling. Here, I'll hold the ladder and you swing the hammer.
NV- You'll hold the ladder? Uh Huh!! You just wanna look up her skirt!! Perv.....

Triple K- I wouldn't hold the ladder, but I'll lift you up on my shoulders!! J/K

lets see...if I bleed for a week and did not die....and
my dog buries a bone but his nose always has dirt on it and I thought you had to eat grass to give milk.....wait those are the 3 greatest thing a woman can do!

women are just to educated these days...

shut and get back into the kitchen!!



While I applaud your efforts to joke with your buddy, you need to watch where you are driving.

Men, can't live with 'em, they can't live without us. :)
The problem with men. Two heads, only enough blood to use one at a time. :) If they'd only use the head you think with more often. :) LOL.........FOOL
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-09 AT 06:44AM (MST)[p]>NV- You'll hold the ladder? Uh
>Huh!! You just wanna look
>up her skirt!! Perv.....
>Triple K- I wouldn't hold the
>ladder, but I'll lift you
>up on my shoulders!! J/K

No worries there Steve - Jenn don't wear no skirts! Just ask Kolby!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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