Woman misses flight

Eel, I am not really into Asian Boom-Boom, so I would really rather not be married to her:) If you were meaning her actions and tissy fit she threw? Yeah I would more than likely go book myself a one-way ticket far far away!

You know that Airports are some of the funniest places to sit and watch people. I fly about 3 to 4 times a month every month and it is VERY funny to watch how people react to stress!

The funny thing is, they blame the airlines when it they would have just showed up ON time, then it would not matter!!

Funny stuff, since I am headed to the airport in about an hour.....Thanks for the laugh!!!
I saw that this morning, the morning radio show I listen to talked about it and had it on their web page, what a RANT!


What was she saying Eel? I was having a hard time trying to understand her. Didn't ya feel sorry for her? B!#@# Slap her.
Rut, she was saying "no butter flavored Crisco for you tonight if that's all the faster you can drive"

If I was her husband she damned sure wouldn't miss the next flight.

Most Oriental Women will carry on like this when someone is either hurt or killed. Now in this woman's attitute in the airport, if she was late for boarding then that thing she is married to IF NO CAMERA AROUND, would have put the boot to her sorry hiney, maybe even to the rib cage. Seen it happen a number of times while in South Asia 40 years ago. The Cambodians are the worst.


Hell... Shoot her so the rest of the world won't have to listen to that crap.

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