Woman for an hour


Long Time Member
Say you could change into a woman for one hour, what would you do?

Maybe give birth and see if its as painful as they say.

Go to a bar, have all the guys buy drinks for you, flirt with them, then leave alone.

Play with your own boobs.

B#tch at your significant other and blame it on PMS.

There's got to be more, post em up.
I'd leave myself at a gas station for that hour and see if it is bad as they say.
:) :) Damn that made me laugh. How the h#ll do you ever expect me to leave that event in the past if you keep bringing it up? Cruel!
So what's this little "woman button" all about and how do does this little sucker work and why is it so dang important for a man to learn it?

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I'd be my deceased sister for an hour so she could say good bye to our father who has terminal cancer.
Drink a 6 pack, scratch my crotch & fart... "Oh Crap I'm a Woman!"


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
I'd go find Arnold or Tiger and then tell the National Enquirer all about it!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-11 AT 08:13PM (MST)[p]I would get a bowl of ice cream, a box of tissues, and sit down and watch Oprah.

The real question Ell is what would you do differently?


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
I think I'd hook my thumbs in my panties... pull them down real slow... look my man in the face & say "If'n you want some of this take the f'n garbage out... change the baby... mow the lawn & beg like a starving puppy asswipe"


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
One hour is all...I guess I'd b1tch and complain about absolutely nothing?? And play with my boobies for sure...that's a given!! :)

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
If I was an ugly woman for an hour...I'd rent a gun and buy a bullet!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
>The real question Ell is what
>would you do differently?
>"The Road goes on forever &
>the Party never Ends"

OK then, I'll watch Dr. Phil.....ya plick

LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-11 AT 09:31PM (MST)[p]I would do an hour long scientific study on "How and Why it takes so long to make a decision" and try to write a thesis on "I don't care, what do you think"?

Eel could buy it and read it between Oprah shows!!
Dang Eel we we're posting at the same time... I did not know Oprah was such a sore subject or I would not have brought her up....no hard feelings??

I mighty also get info for a Readers Digest short story on how to answer the question of " How do I look?" With a follow up of Does this make me look fat"? :)
I would pose half naked for an internet photo and then when F-man posted it on here call all you horny SOB's gay for drooling over my picture. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-11 AT 00:07AM (MST)[p]My best buddy is a lesbian blonde with huge knockers. Been trying for 15 years...maybe this would be my chance.

I would also strive to be a rich hooker. and play with my boobs.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Zigga's couldn't afford his internet bill this month so he asked me to post his for him...

Zigga: I would go to the alley behind the bar and s**k as many ***** as I could in one hour!

I asked him why he wouldn't do anything different!


Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!

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