

WOLVES with a V!!

Come on people - this is SIMPLE!!


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Since I got all A's in spelling throughout school, I cringe when I see the way people spell a lot of stuff out on the net. That's why you will see a lot of edits in my posts because I go too fast and hit post before I've looked over things for punctuation and spelling. I guess I'm a little anal or maybe even a lot anal on stuff like that. However, I'm trying to overlook it and just look at what someone is trying to say even if it looks like a first grader wrote it, LOL!
At least he didn't try to learn us the mexican name... El Wolfo


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.


Actually I DO have a lot better things - that's why this frustrates me so much! I have to keep correcting you all!! LOL

This is just a big pet peeve. Really - it is a first or second grade spelling word. We SHOULDN'T make this mistake!

I am going to keep this up and the top of the forum for as long as I can though - years maybe! At least until I never ever see "woofs" or "wolfs" on this site ever again!

>THEM LONGHORNS ?????...................................YD.

Oh and them Longhorns are doing OK - should be a lot better. The burnt orange faithful are demanding some BIG changes at the head coaching position, regardless of whether they beat OSU or not. We'll see if old Mack survives!

As for you Eel - I make exceptions for spelling errors in your case. Most of the time it actually isn't an error, just Olde English!


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Well - I may be a turd and I may be a hunter, but hardly ever both at the same time!

W O L F - singular.

W O L V E S - plural.

W O O F - how a 3 year old pronounces it.

W O L F S - how a 1st grader writes it.

W O O F S - don't even get me started.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

>Your usage of the (-) is

Actually, no, it isn't. It is a stylistic choice that isn't universally agreed upon by most English language scholars. You probably had an English 101 prof. tell you differently, and that is fine. You are right however, I probably wouldn't use it like I do here in academic writing.

But that is all beside the point, there is no debate on how to spell the plural of the word wolf.

Mtmuley - I would expect no less from you. Yeehaw. Oh what a big man you are.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Lol, Roy
I will have to remember that next semester.
My Graduate Student will appreciate your style.

Best Regards
Roy, Guess I shoulda put one of those stupid smiley faces by my post. No offense intended, just not real concerned about the mis-use of spelling and grammar anymore. Lighten up a little. Smackin a wolf don't make anyone a big man, but it's pretty cool. Have a Merry Chrismus. mtmuley
Roy, Go to the campfire and check out my "Homework" post. There are a few spelling errors in it....I think
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-12 AT 03:04AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-12 AT 03:04?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-12 AT 03:03?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-12 AT 03:03?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-12 AT 03:03?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-12 AT 03:03?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-12 AT 03:02?AM (MST)

cumeon RoY kant ewe cutt wees healBillies an reddNeckx a brake eye woOd dew it four U i dontt no wear the spelchex iS wEz just wanT to tel R storeezz an shwo R Fhotographs two averyBody an bee friendz Eye knead two bee goNe now moor Shoots ann bears R red E fore me,s Sea u's latter Brute US 54 LOL!!!!!!!!! :)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-12 AT 02:24PM (MST)[p]Mtmuley - I hear you and please understand I meant what I said in only the most sarcastic of ways as well. ;-)

HuntinFool - really? Thanks for showing your true colors and education level. Way to keep it classy guy. Guess we shouldn't expect much from a guy who can't even spell his own username.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-12 AT 03:35PM (MST)[p]Roy just wants us all to be the best we can be. It's called tough love.


Edit: Example: If you were to go on a wolf lover site and say you hate wolfs.....you would look like a frickin' idiot and everyone would just laugh. Is that what you want?
About elk's or elkes.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-12 AT 06:32PM (MST)[p]>I am far from uneducated.
>I just don't like you.

Pretty mature response there Coleman.

Since you are still just 19 though I won't expect you to understand the complexities of discourse between adult males just yet and I will forgive you your insipidness and rude behavior (while I won't tolerate rude behavior in a man, seeing that it comes from a boy on the other hand is something quite different - though your window is closing rapidly).

So, no worries big guy. You don't have to like me, my ego isn't based on internet popularity and I don't need to question another man's sexuality to affirm my own. You will know you are a real man when you don't have to either.

Oh, and I am not sure I would call graduating from South Summit High as being "far from uneducated" either. That is beside the point however, education isn't really about where you go to school or how long you go, it's more about how you act.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

>AT 06:32?PM (MST)

>>I am far from uneducated.
>>I just don't like you.
>Pretty mature response there Coleman.
>Since you are still just 19
>though I won't expect you
>to understand the complexities of
>discourse between adult males just
>yet and I will forgive
>you your insipidness and rude
>behavior (while I won't tolerate
>rude behavior in a man,
>seeing that it comes from
>a boy on the other
>hand is something quite different
>- though your window is
>closing rapidly).
>So, no worries big guy.
>You don't have to like
>me, my ego isn't based
>on internet popularity and I
>don't need to question another
>man's sexuality to affirm my
>own. You will know you
>are a real man when
>you don't have to either.
>Oh, and I am not sure
>I would call graduating from
>South Summit High as being
>"far from uneducated" either. That
>is beside the point however,
>education isn't really about where
>you go to school or
>how long you go, it's
>more about how you act.
>Since I am frequently asked about
>my religion on this site
>and others, I have created
>a profile that explains my
>beliefs. If you are interested
>in finding out more about
>my faith, please visit the
>link below:
Since you seem to know so much about me I suppose you checked my facebook. Good idea, but it does not paint a very clear picture. I am 16 and have most of my associates already completed. I work a job right now where I make more than most of my teachers. I am the oldest male in my household so I am familiar with the responsibilities of being a man. The only reason I called you out is because you do have an internet ego. You know that your education is more advanced than most of the men on this site and you relish that.You continually correct grammar and spew pointless facts when nobody really gives a sh!t.
While you guys argue about wolves, I think I'll go shoot a limit of doves. I might only get one, but you need several doves to make a meal.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-12 AT 07:34PM (MST)[p]>Since you seem to know so
>much about me I suppose
>you checked my facebook.
>Good idea, but it does
>not paint a very clear
>picture. I am 16
>and have most of my
>associates already completed. I
>work a job right now
>where I make more than
>most of my teachers.
>I am the oldest male
>in my household so I
>am familiar with the responsibilities
>of being a man.
>The only reason I called
>you out is because you
>do have an internet ego.
> You know that your
>education is more advanced than
>most of the men on
>this site and you relish
>that.You continually correct grammar and
>spew pointless facts when nobody
>really gives a sh!t.

Oh - so you are only 16? Your myspace account says you are 19. That's really all we needed to know. Well, then your case is not as hopeless as I had first thought. There is still time. Like I said, I forgive you your youth and misguided exuberance.

As far as me wielding my education - well, I have been on this site long before I acquired most of it and have really only insisted on only the most basic of spelling and grammar conventions - call it a pet peeve that has plagued me since grade school. The great majority of the time I totally ignore it, there are just a few things that really have no excuse. (Most likely it is because I am a teacher and it just bothers the crap out of me to see simple errors committed over and over and over again - especially by students who think it is a great coup because they make more money than I do. Even if you can't spell, at least install Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, it will catch those errors for you. Like I said, it is simple really and I don't think that holding this board to just a little higher standard isn't too much to ask. Like Eel said - just tough love!

Besides that, most of the corrections, posts, and comments I make are heavily laden with sarcasm, sorry if that is not always obvious.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Well, while you are after doves, you might want to go after elves too. Then you can place the carcasses on your shelves, something that we commonly do all by ourselves.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

That reminds me that I have some doves on the shelf in my freezer. I shot them in the dessert last year. I think I'll have my wifes cook them up for dinner.
Misspelled words and poor grammar are more that a pet peeve, it becomes difficult to understand the writers intended message. Then critics of the correction will say "Everybody knows what he meant." this is not always true. There have been posts that I have had to read 2 or three times to get the intended meaning. The fact is that if you do not use correct spelling and grammar, then you are not communicating in an understandable way.

If we want others, especially anti-hunters, to see us as inteligent sportsmen rather than knuckle dragging rednecks, good communication will go a long way. Our inteligence is judged by how well we communicate in person as well as in writing.

While we're at it here's a few more I've found on this and other sites:

stock vs stalk

their vs there vs they're

to vs two vs too

affect vs effect

accept vs except

are vs our

than vs then

wear vs where

seen vs saw

herd vs heard
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-12 AT 04:08PM (MST)[p]idelkslayer- good comments lol. The use of "are" in place of "our" is one of the most bizarre and embarrassing. BTW you forgot to include "mute" points in your list.

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