Wolves you think?



Last weekend a good friend of mine was on the south fork of the Boise river and was hunting chucker when he came across no less than twenty six dead elk and deer in one area. Many of the animals were half eaten, some were not eaten at all and others were tore apart and spread all over. I wished that he had taken pictures so that they could be posted but he didn't have a camera with him. I told him to contact Idfg and report this but they probably won't care. I have yet to find out if he has. It would be nice if the people in glass houses could see what their little doggies are doing and wake up to the real facts.
godscountry, man I think it definately needs to be reported. I called idfg (nampa office) and they have not heard anything about it. They did want to know more about it for sure, in fact she said that if they could get an idea of the location they would send an officer up today to investigate. Sorry to jump the gun and call them prior to you or your friend calling. I just hate to hear about that kind of stuff though. Also sent you a PM.
I am not a wolf lover, but that sounds a bit odd. I mean, it is not the middle of winter with 10 feet of snow. What the hell was wrong with the 26 elk and or deer to just stand there and get killed (in one area)? I guess they could have been run for miles and miles and that was just where they got caught... Not saying it din't happen, just saying to me there are a lot of other things that sound plausauble as well. but I didn't see it and was not there so who knows.
I can not imagine any fish cop or IDF&G bilogist worth 1/2 pound of salt not looking into 26 big game animals piled up in one area, regaurdless of how they might have died.. the ones that I have had run ins with have been rather excitable and take their jobs pretty serious, and them selves way too serious, not to at least have a peek at something like this.
i would assume poaching over wolves, i know the wolves kill a lot of deer and elk but they arent stackin them up in one little area
reread the post guys. some were eaten, half eaten or torn apart. dont know anything else that would do that. im sure they werent in a neat little pile. the guy was chukar hunting. he probably put on a few miles.
Wolves killed 120 sheep in one night near Dillon, MT, last August. No reason the same thing couldn't have happened in this case. I would bet my last dollar on it. Get the biologists to the area as soon as possible. Then, get reporters on the scene to broadcast the carnage.
Just a little more info on the dead animals on the south fork of the Boise. I talked again with my friend and he said the location was just just above where you can reach with a boat. They traveled upriver as far as they could by boat and then started hunting. He also said there were also dead cattle in the same area. He also observed one dog running like hell out of the area but was too far away to see if it was a wolf or coyote. He has never seen a wolf in the wild so he couldn't be sure. I have never been on that part of the river and I don't have any idea about the country, I spend most of my time farther north.
Give the information to the Idaho fish and game ad give them the chance to act and reply. Several situations like this if it is wolves then they will not be able to say thier not happening and can have some hard facts for the feds and the anti's.
we found that graveyard on the chukar opener. took a few elk skulls from some of the carcasses. our guess was they fell through the ice trying to cross last winter...
I assume you are talking about the section of the SF Boise River that dumps into Arrowrock Reservoir. Probably was broken ice if they are below the high water line.
They were well above the water line. The water is so low during the winter months that i doubt that the carcasses would still be there after the summer months and spring run off.
I recently talked to my friend who found the animals and he said that he talked to fish and game and they sail they would take a look if they had someone in the area. He didn't seem to think that they cared or would even look.

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