Wolves-Vote Yes-Please


Long Time Member
As the fight to get public opinion for wolf management, it is critical to take 30 seconds and VOTE YES.

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle has a NEW poll online asking if you agree with the legislation being introduced to delist gray wolves.

http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/opinions/poll_60d42232-cf43-11df-a90d-001cc4c002e0.html )

Right now the "no" vote is something like 70%. We need to change that. Let's out vote them. We've done it before, and we can do it again...but you have to vote.

Forward this to all you know...and plead that they support this permanent delisting of wolves...to save elk, moose, deer and other big game...Beg them to VOTE "YES"!

Feel free to post this on other forums you visit.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-10 AT 04:43AM (MST)[p]thansk for all the help.

fellow hunters, i just spent the most 10 intense days of my life in DC, a helll of a political firefight.

we now have before congress in both the house and senate simple legislation that says

"The Gray wolf (Canis Lupus) shall not be treated as an endangered species or threatened species for the purposes of this Act." (Act means ESA).

If passed, anti-hunters will not be able to tie this issue up in court anymore, Congress makes laws. they made a bad one in 1973, subject to endless litigation.

If passed, HR 6028 would return control of wolves to states.

AFter we all come together and win this war, EVERY SPORTSMEN and RANCHER should be on the same team, we can go back to fighting over draw, season dates, age class, etc.

If we don't win the wolf war, it is over friends.

SFW, RMEF adn MDF are working like never before on this issue, the vehicle for all sportsmen to be tuned on on teh wolf fight is www.biggameforever.org


LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-10 AT 07:14AM (MST)[p]
thanks guys.

Even biologists are now coming out publically and stating they can't believe herds have dissapeared.

Hunters, who have taken bull elk every year in places in ID and MT for many years, wilderness areas, have not seen a live bull elk this fall.

for 8 years, wolves were killing all teh young, adult male and female elk numbers were decreasing, still enough food to keep lots of wolf pups, and now, complete collapse, ELk and Moose herds gone in some areas.

those wolves won't go hungy, they will simply travel to other places where game is abundant.

this is truly a fight for our hunting heritage, if every hunter in America gets behind us, we can pass HR 6028. then, we can sue the anti hunters and make them pay for the costs to transplant moose and elk back into areas they destroyed, by litigating and stopping some common sense management.

glad to answer any questions about this issue


How about spending a little of that SFW money towards building a web page that a user can simply go to and fill out a form that automatically sends it to their local congressman? I have found that if you make it easy for people they will do it. Also many have no idea how and who to contact to encourage the appropriate vote. It could even have pre-written text to send. Additionally once you did this the hunters who support the bill can post links of this simple form on the FB and twitter status thus getting more pressure on congress. Additionally it can be sent out heavily by email.

Here is an example of one that was sent to me.

We have got to come together as hunters and win this battle. The envirementalist groups are winning this battle, but I think we are finally making some progress. Thanks Don for fighting for all of us hunters!

GREAT idea it is in the works on Big Game Forever to do just what you suggest, hunters can log in, put in what state they are from and it will automatically take each hunter to links.

Great idea.

SFW has spent hundreds of thousands to get where we are today, RMEF and MDF have spent lots as well

now, sportsmen, it will cost us $3 to $4 Million in the next 4 months to win. PETA, HSUS will spend $10 million to fight it.

we can win with less money, cause hunters are warriors, and we fight for what we believe in.

A challange though is PETA etc are run by hacks that get paid 4 to 5 times what hunting industry guys do. They hire the best and the brightest from Harvard, Yale. Thier folks love them, our guys hate us. KInd of an interesting human dynamic.

Big game forever is headed up by Ryan Benson, Harvard Law grad, avid hunter.

sportsmen, we can win, we must, but we must come together.


Thanks Fellow Sportsmen,

we are now winning 60 % to 40%.

It seems like a trivial high school game, but having just spent 7 days in hand to hand combat with politicians, i can assure you they look at information and see which way the wind is blowing. Thanks for helping us win, keep it up.

We have the science, economics and biology on our side. while we are out hunting, or working for habitat protection, the anti-hunters are spending HUGe money to destroy hunting, wolf is just their biological weapon. they don't care about the wolf, they just want 80% reduction in hunting.

so, thanks to all, more and more data like this, plus the professional polling tells me we can win in Washington, that will mean each state can save itself.

thanks, glad to answer any Qs, and look forward to more good ideas from guys like ALPS.

Done and fwrd to all my hunting buddies!!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I voted, sent out a mass email, and put it on my facebook page.

MMer's you are dad-gum amazing. Turned that sucker upside down in 24 hours.

Pour the coal to this thing for another day, so we can send the right message to these guys, for the umpteenth time.

Dang it's a shame we can't coalesce on mule deer like we can on wolves.

Thanks so very much for your help with this again, your the best!

Also signed the petition on the other website provided, and told a few family members to do the same.

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
Thanks guys,

Ryan Benson of Big Game forever, was on teh panels in Montana today, overwhelming support for wolf delisting and wolf population reductions.

Ryan was asked by Congressman Reberg to stay over and do one more tomorrow.

thanks for getting to the polls, we turned it around, every politician in teh country is watching, we will win the wolf war with a united effort.

also, SFW sent out mass email as did big game forever, and otehrs.

keep it up, and keep in touch

Don't forward to BuzzH. He'll forward it to his "group" and the "no's" will increase.
fellow sportsmen

this is the first of five or six more major fights to finish wolf delisting, it can be done, we need a BIG team to take on PETA and win, so thanks to all

but, there will be many more battles to win this war, stay tuned.

and keep the pressure on


Should all of the wolf warriors receive something on this via e-mail? I hope so. I turned in a lot of e-mails. Thanks.

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