wolves in the southern rockies


Active Member
Everybody needs to get on board with this. The Fish and Wildlife Service is trying to release wolves in the southern rockies and in colorado this yr. Join the cause with Big Game Forever and send emails to all who care. Join at Biggameforever.com
This is all hysteria and BS! Do some reading on the subject and you will find that things are in the planning stages with a number of proposals and there is only one sentence in the thing about possibly introducing wolves. The comment period is now open until 2/25 and nothing is to be decided unitl at least 2014. This is another case of BGF crying wolf and using scare tactics just like SFW so they can put more money in their coffers. I got the email from Ryan Benson this PM and sent an email back to him to that effect. He sent a quick one back saying that he guessed I had it all figured out and asked if I wanted wolves in my state! I sent another back telling him I definitely had him, DP, BGF, and SFW figured out and we've had wolves in Michigan for 20 years, LOL!!!
Here is the full text that Ryan Benson posted today for those wanting more information:


I am sending you the official plan from the federal government to place wolves in the Southern Rockies. Every sportsman in America needs to see this plan. These plans will spread wolves into 97.5% of all elk in America.

Here is what they are doing: Baca National Wildlife refuge in Southern Colorado will have wolves transplanted in 2012 if portions of this plan are implemented. Baca is much, much smaller than Yellowstone. It is only 70 Miles from Northern New Mexico. It is only 250 Miles from Southern Utah and Northern Arizona. Wolves can travel that far in less than a week.

Yellowstone National Park was used to introduce wolves to the Northern Rockies. Without your help, history will repeat itself this year in the Southern Rockies.

See the official plan for yourself at the link below (look on page 8, bottom of the first column where they mention the introduction of wolves in Colorado's Baca National Wildlife Refuge).


Here is how you can help stop these plans:

(1) Spread the word: Send this email to 10 friends and ask them to forward this email to more friends.

(2) Join the Fight: If you haven't already, sign the online petition to stop these wolf expansion plans at http://biggameforever.org

(3) Take Action: It only takes 30 seconds to send a message to your representatives in Congress to stop these plans. Simply go to http://biggameforever.org/takeaction and click the ?Take Action? button to send a message in support of two bills in Congress, S. 249 and H.R. 509, the Big Game and Livestock Protection Act. Without S. 249 and H.R. 509, it will be very difficult to slow down these plans to expand wolves throughout 97.5% of all elk in America.

Without a very substantial outcry from sportsmen and livestock owners, wolves will very likely be placed in Colorado this year. While attempts have been made to dismiss the use of wolves as "not the preferred alternative," now that they are an official part of the plan, we are one very small step away from having wolves introduced into Baca National Widlife Refuge. We can't leave this to chance.

Over 10,000 messages have already been sent to Congress to stop the plans to put wolves in the Baca, but we need many, many more. Especially from the 600,0000 hunters in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah.

We need all need to join the fight to stop this from happening. Remember, Idaho's elk harvest has been cut in half by wolves. Wolves have been a huge burden for livestock producers.

Without substantial changes to the underlying statutes, it is a bad idea to spread these failed policies to the Southern Rockies.

Here are some news articles about these plans for wolves in Colorado.






We are continuing to research this developing story. We will keep you apprised as developments arise.

Thanks for your willingness to join the fight to protect our ranching and outdoor heritage.
Ryan Benson
[email protected]"

Here is the only mention of wolf in the entire process and it's just a small segment in Plan C of what is being talked about in the Baca and several other areas that won't even be decided on unitl 2014 at the earliest:
"The elk populations would be reduced on the refuge complex primarily through hunting and kept at a level that would foster recovery and improve the long-term health of native plant communities. The Service would explore the potential for wolf reintroduction for balancing wildlife populations."

This whole letter from Benson is complete BS tactics!
topgun, In this case I don't think now is the time to sit back and chill out. My recollection is that this is the wildlife refuge where they have so many elk it is becoming a problem. Only recently did they decide to allow hunting instead of paying government sharpshooters. Now someone decided the wolves would do a better job. For the wolf movement it is the perfect opportunity for the camel to put it's nose in the tent in the Southern Rockies. I think it is a problem. I agree with Ryan.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-12 AT 06:19PM (MST)[p]
Who said anything about sitting back and chilling out? Send in your comments to them like I already did and do it in a civl tone before 2/25! He has told a bald-faced lie in that email stating that wolves are going to be introduced into the Baca this year. Have you read the entire link with everything that's being discussed and won't be finalized until 2014 at the earliest, or are you just reading his cry for help? The only mention of wolf in the whole thing is what I C/Pd above and it's a far cry from what Ryan Benson stated in his scare tactics. I'll stick with my original comment, but will keep an open eye as to what's going on out there like everyone else should!
Topgun I looked at your comment again and then I looked at the letter and I see where you are coming from. This is a propaganda war on both sides. You seem to be saying that Ryan needs to be accurate or he risks losing credibility. That being said, I do appreciate that he is ferreting out and staying abreast of every trend and nuance on this issue. I also appreciate that you care enough to dive into it yourself.

I have to think that it will give the crafters of that document pause about pushing it forward when they see 10000 sportsman going ape.

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