Wolf Tag Refund BS!



I posted this in General, but not much response...am I crazy? Or is IDFG correct?

"2010 Idaho Wolf Tag Refund Policy
Hunters who bought a 2010 gray wolf tag may be eligible for a refund.

Hunters who bought a 2010 wolf tag after March 31, are eligible for a refund.

Hunters who bought a 2010 wolf tag before April 1, and certify that they did not participate in any wolf hunt, would be eligible for a refund. They must fill in, sign and submit a refund request form with the original tag. See link below.

Hunters who bought a 2010 wolf tag before April 1, and hunted but did not kill a wolf, are not eligible for a refund.

Hunters who bought a 2010 wolf tag before April 1, but the area they had planned to hunt closed because the harvest limit was met are not eligible for a refund."

Oh and by the way, it is a Felony to provide false info on a State Document. Is this crazy or is it just me? So if a guy hunted them in 2010, but can't hunt them anymore in 2010, then he can't get a refund.

To me this "Refund Policy" is like going to a football game, watching one play and then some liberal cancels the game. And oh by the way you watched one play, so you get NO refund. IDFG wake up! This is a good way to piss off the very people who support you the most.

I would expect a full refund to anyone who still has a valid wolf tag and a full refund to anyone who wants their license fee back.

Maybe Molly, the parrot judge, could get some of his liberal butt humping animal lover buddies together and pitch in some money for screwing all us hunters and the wildlife. After all it is what they do best...

This is what is wrong with this country. Big money and big govt screwing us folks...Just sick of it.

I just laughed and shook my head when i read that on the F&G website..
It just doesn't suprise me..
This one really cracked me up.

"Hunters who bought a 2010 wolf tag before April 1, but the area they had planned to hunt closed because the harvest limit was met are not eligible for a refund."

Is this one of the most ill thought out "policies" you've ever heard of...seriously. I can't imagine the IQ of the genius who thought this through.

Another stupid article...Just what we need...the Fed Govt to run our game departments and tell how to manage our game.

How can the "defenders of wildlife" call themselves "wildlife convservators." They are single handedly slaughtering the elk, deer and other wildlife more than the settlers did when they first came to this land. There has never been a more drastic down turn of deer and elk numbers since the great wagon trains moved west.

IDFG, I hope you're aware of how stupid your "refund policy" is. Next time you might want to run it by a 3rd grader to see if it makes sense.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-10 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]>I would expect a full refund
>to anyone who still has
>a valid wolf tag and
>a full refund to anyone
>who wants their license fee

A lot of trouble for $11.50.
If I recall it was $187+/- for license and tag for me nonres. And really it is the principle of getting screwed. $11 here a couple hundred there... I bought a license and tag specifically to hunt wolves. Now I can't hunt them.

In my business if I don't fulfill my obligations, I don't get paid period. IDFG didn't fulfill their obligations to allow me to hunt, so IMO they should return all my money. That is just the way I am.

Oh well I guess I should charge for unfulfilled work that I was thinking about doing, but didn't actually do.


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