Wolf Protection Poll

Everyone click on the link. It takes 2 seconds and right now the "wolf lovers" are winning 2-1. This stuff does matter to help change the uninformed public.

I voted but was not shocked.I mean,come on,it's a PBS website-I'm actually surprised that 34% are saying no.Let's do a poll on the RMEF website and check the results.
The percentage against federal management is growing, let your friends on other forums know, we can make a difference if all sportsmen vote. It's worth it!
We are up to 43% NO last I checked with 3180 votes. Keep voting!


Quite a gain for our side since yesterday!
posting this on popular hunting sites sure turned the tide.

Love to see the look on the faces of those tofu eating hippies at PBS when they don't get the response they wanted.
PBS poll:

Do wolves in the northern rockies deserve federal protection?


>PBS poll:
>Do wolves in the northern rockies
>deserve federal protection?


wow i looked at that about 1000 votes before that and it was the other way around!

?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?
It's interesting if you watch the video that 13 Conservation groups are taking USFGS to court to fight the decision of Salazar and only Wyoming is in court to defend their Wolf management plan. Sounds like to me we are under represented in court! That is worrisome.
>The power of MM CAN NOT

Actually this is one of the last of the message boards to post the link.....................
These polls are a joke. In order for there to be any validity to them I think they would need to show where the votes are coming from. I would bet most of the votes for ?yes? come from the coasts and are not from the people living with them and dealing with their impact.

They should also do a poll of California residents to see how many would support grizzlies and wolves in CA. They were there historically. Hell, even the Ca flag has a grizzly bear. I think there should be a national poll to put apex predators back in both Ca. and New York.

I am tired of people who are not living in the state pushing for both wolves and grizzlies to be protected in my state.
Dam-it i just cant figure it out,, i tried clicking on the red no on the chart but it just won't do nothin.
Its startin to chap my hide, what the heck am i missin here???
Is it the red no on the chart that cast's the vote??
I might'a clicked no on there and just didn't notice..
quote Utah4oo

>They should also do a poll
>of California residents to see
>how many would support grizzlies
>and wolves in CA.
>They were there historically.
>Hell, even the Ca flag
>has a grizzly bear.
>I think there should be
>a national poll to put
>apex predators back in both
>Ca. and New York.
>I am tired of people who
>are not living in the
>state pushing for both wolves
>and grizzlies to be protected
>in my state.

Damn 400,
I'm trying to bring as many wolves and Grizzlies back to Cali as humanly possible...


Guess I need to work more overtime.

That is great! Love the mounts. I am just thinking it's funny that people who don't have to live and deal with the critters want them. Those that have seen what they do don't want anything to do with them.

So that I am clear, I did not take your post as a dig in any way. I would love to see grizzlies in New York just as much as anyhtin. Central Park could use a few grizzlies and pack or two of wolves:)

I think that might change the disney image of the wolf and grizz.
I know.
If you look at the wolf hugger petitions most in favor of wolf protection don't live anywhere close to wolf country.
Hell, I doubt most have seen a coyote in the wild.
I'm embarassed for most of the folks that inhabit my state.
There are a few good folks left here though.

Smoke a pack a day....
Northern Ca ain't nothing like Huntington beach, that's for sure, but you did the right thing by moving to Wy!

Have you guys read the comments on the PBS site?

Here is one example....


Commenter: wolf lover
my name is wolf lover and I need me eight wolf
loving soldiers.

we're gonna be doing one thing and one thing only
killing anyone who hates wolfs and anyone who
kills them.

these wolf killers kill them by poisoining their
food killing them for sport killing the babies
and by airel hunting and thats excatly what we're
gonna do to them.

we will be cruel to these stupid wolf killers and
through our cruelty they will know who we are
and when these wolf killers go to sleep at night
and they're tortured by their subconicous by the
evil they have done it will be with thoughts of us
they are tortured with.

these wolf poachers will be sickened by us these
wolf poachers will talk about us and these wolf
poachers will fear us.

these stupid sick wolf poachers aint got no
humanity they're the footsoldiers of the stupid
coldhearted sarah pailin and they need to be

each and every man under my command owes me one
hundred wolf poachers scalps.

and I want my scalps!

sound good?

(End Quote)

These are your typical extremist freaks.
Un Freaking Believable.

Very entertaining read...
wyodeerhunter, I know little of these other boards you speak of...however, I do know when I voted the lovers were up 2-1 and shortly thereafter it was flip-flopped. Just sayin'. I wish we could vote more than once. I even tried switching computers to try and vote again and nada.


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