Wolf off of I15 in Utah County!



I was driving past Thanksgiving Point with my wife and she says "Oh look, a wolf!" I immediately think a coyote. I look over and holy CHIT a effing wolf about a hundred yards off of I15. I pulled over, got the binos out and she was right. I couldn't believe it! Utah is in trouble if we let the wolves go free.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Did you happen to get pics? Anybody else down in the alpine area seen any more big coyote activity?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-14 AT 06:10AM (MST)[p]I know wolves are in Utah. I know wolves have been here for some time, regardless of what our DWR has tried to tell us.

That would be an absolutely SHOCKING place for a wolf to be. Very out of character to be in a population center like that. Not saying you didn't see a wolf. Just saying that is odd as can be.
It kind of makes sense. The deer and elk travel down the Traverse mountains (low hills, as we call them) and the predators follow.

I suspect the wolf might have been a little disoriented and went too far.

That area was a huge and historical migration route for all the big game along the Wasatch front in the Blufdale, Sandy, Alpine, Highland area until we cut off the routes with roads and houses.

Many BG animals still make it through and winter right above Cabelas. Historically they moved as far west as Camp Williams but the freeway put an end to that!

Interesting stuff seeing a wolf there.

Wolves are generally very adverse to humans. I agree that a wolf would have to be very disoriented to be there in that location.
Just one B!tch in heat and that male wolf will move a long ways to get his joy. Might not be there for the food.

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Did it occur to you that a lot of people in the area own dogs....that look like wolves?

Perhaps one got away....in a county of 800,000 people is possible that it is a dog. No?

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato

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