Wolf Lovers Editorial Reply



Thought everyone might enjoy this response I received from
heartofthewolf.org after I sent them an e-mail saying I looked forward to legally hunting a wolf. It's a little long, but well worth reading. Honestly, I didn't make any of this up, only altered the off color words so as not to offend anyone.

"Hey a**hole,

That was a lovely letter you sent to the wolf organization I am a member of. You know what, F**K YOU! If you hate wolves so much then you get out of this country and go to a country where wolves are not a native species you redneck faggot! You anti wolf rednecks are nothing more than fascist nazis because you make up only 25% of this nations population and yet you try to dictate to the rest of us! We will fight for wolves until we are put in the ground mother f**ker! Anyway, why don't you anti wolf morons just shut the f**k up and stop tryng to get any excuse to mess with wolves. Don't you people have a life? Don't you rednecks have a clan meeting to go to? It is obvious none of you know how things work. Wolves were reintroduced because the majority of Americans wanted it. Wolves will also remain protected because the majority of Americans want it that way despite that peice of s**t George Bush and our hypocritical government of buerocracy.We will get the delisting overturned! Its not all about a few ignorant and shallow individuals such as yourselves.I also guerantee sometime in this century, trophy hunting will be banned alltogether aswell because thats the way the majority of Americans would prefer it.Besides, trophy hunting is for anyone who is disturbed and sadistic and is probably compensating for a lack of something.Plus, anyone who decorates their homes with dead animal corpses is just a few steps short of being like Jeffery Dahmer in my opinion. The only reason why you people want to kill wolves is because you want to artificially boost deer and elk populations for yourselves and if thats the case, then trophy hunting needs to be outlawed in this country. Also, the right to bear arms and hunting are two total different things. It is the trophy hunters who are depleting the deer and elk population.Wolves hunt to survive. Most humans hunt just to kill and take far more deer and elk than the wolves ever will. Leave the herbavores to the natural predators. Hunting is no longer essential to human survival. Trophy hunting is also animal cruelty and should be banned outright. Besides, if we are going to allow trophy hunting then we might aswell pardon people like Michael Vick, and allow dogfighting. Its causing an animal pain and suffering for fun so its no better than the other. Just because it is not a domestic animal, does not make trophy hunting right. I say ban all trophy hunting along with anything else people do that is inhumane and cruel. The majority of Americans are pro wolf and you people are not going to get your way because we will do everything in our power to stop you.I hate to give all of you a reality check and pull your heads out of your a**es, but thats how it is.By the way, I am getting a college education studying law and politics.Among the causes I will devote my life to after college, will be defending wolves. All the things you people say about wolves is a crock of s**t and the majority of people in this country know it.If you people don't like it, then get out this country and move to a country that doesn't have wolves and where wolves are not a native species. Modern America doesn't wan't you people in it anyway. You can go ahead and get mad and attack all you want but I know what the truth is and I will not apologize for standing up for wolves and wildlife.That is because I know for a fact just how disgusting,corrupt,cruel,and inhumane cowboys and rednecks are over their own personal greed. Horses kill more people than wolves ever have or will. In fact, there are no authentic documented cases of healthy wolves attacking humans in America. So live and let live.I know for a fact that wolves are not what ranchers or you ignorant people try to make them out to be because I had a wolf hybrid as a pet when I was a teenager.I had a great grandfather who rescued a wolf pup from ignorant people such as yourselves, and raised it. That wolf was his favorite animal companion. I have also studied about wolves from every book and article I could find. I have books that go as far back as the 1950s when scientists began studying wolves and people started fighting to protect them, I also volunteer at a wolf rescue and sanctuary to escape where I have to live so you will never brainwash me from what I already know is the truth. I will not quietly let something I love be destroyed over greed. This might strike a nerve with the ranching industry but I am going to say it anyway. As a consumer, I get a choice whether or not tuna is dolphin safe but not whether or not my steak is wolf, bear, or cougar safe? Thats not cool! Anyway, I don't care what some greedy ranchers or morons like you people think! I will fight for wolves and wildlife and any other passion that I have until I am put in the ground. Tell Butch Otter I said for him to shut his f**king mouth and join Senetor Larry Craig in the men's room! To all of you anti wolf morons; F**K YOU!!!"

You have to admire his passion. I have his e-mail if anyone
else would like to respond.

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LOL, man it sounds like this guy REALLY REALLY likes wolves, any bets that that half breed wolf he grew up with was his first lay. LOL

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Beyond the humor angle that most of will get a chuckle over, there is a lot to be gained by reading this guy's rant. It tells you a lot about the mindset of these people, and how they put emotion and impression over reasoned thought and facts. It also demonstrates why they are dangerous people, their passion outstrips their reason. I've always been a believer in taking the high road when dealing with an adversary, at least until you have to get dirty, but this "gentleman" doesn't bother with decorum. I think he gives us a clear picture of the sic mindset of others who share his values, or lack thereof.

I think everyone who visits MM should read this guy's letter. As the old saying goes...."Know thy enemy."
I would really enjoy reading his thesis, spelling errors and all, is he trying to give lawyers a bad name?? But seriously when I was at Utah State, the Natural Resource dept was full of folks like this becoming biologists and blm, forestry ect...
No shock or surprise here. "We'll be happy with 300 wolves in YNP". HA!

No point in responding to this guy (or gal). Too late now.

WOW, this guy wants to be an attorney? I think he may be smoking crack cocaine. Yep, this guy is a dope smoking hippie still attached to his mothers chest. That was incredible.
While I was reading his/her post I pictured the fag off of Jay Leno and then used his voice too. Try it it goes together well.
Wow you pushed his buttons, good work . write him back and see if you can give him a heart attack.
The fag off Jay Leno is too much of a wuss to post something like this. This comes from a methed out super cyber nature nazi.
We need to get people like this delisted too so we can have a season.
Buglin .... Now that's funny!

e-mail the guy back & ask him if he would like to buy a package of "Non-bullet proof woof steak"

I'd do it but that's the last person on the planet I want to have my return e-mail address.

Now I do feel bad for the wolf population, If that is who they got defending them.....
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-08 AT 06:19PM (MST)[p]Do you suppose he will tell the judges to F**K off when they allow the hunts to go through?
Does this nut job know how his beef is killed? Actually looks like he will be a lawyer...typical. ....Just kidding.
After reading about Wyoming need to send them a little note.

3 Down 1147 to go.
That is officially a rant.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--

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