Wolf Legislation


Very Active Member

A good article with pertinent information. I thought this quote from the article to be important to passing this legislation. "we are trying to find a larger legislative vehicle to which to attach this legislation". They won't be trying to pass this as stand alone legislation but as a rider to better improve the chances of passage. The eco-elites will cry foul if this is passed as a rider. The big foul is when these wolf cases ended up in D.C. Federal Court to begin with.

just sayin...mh
Thanks MH, as it looks like this will be the only timely way to deal with the Lib Judge rulings that put them back on the ESA.
As long as the nuts don't attach their public land sales legislation along with it.
That's a common trick of the political swine.
Find a government shutdown opening, attach a bunch of bills to it and blame the president for either passing or vetoing it.

While your obsession is with wolves, mine in preserving our legacy of public land.
I'm done with the wolf issue, whatever happens, happens.

The elk in Wyoming are at or over objective in just about every unit, Yellowstone herd is showing increased numbers, and the numbers on the Jackson elk refuge are 2-3K over objective there as well.

you hear about the mountain lion in cody living in some old lady's shed? The lion was killing deer on the riverbottom in cody and dragging them to the shed
>you hear about the mountain lion
>in cody living in some
>old lady's shed? The lion
>was killing deer on the
>riverbottom in cody and dragging
>them to the shed

Smart cat!!!
>My daughter in law killed a
>nice cat in North Idaho

Try to get a picture up here for us if you can and tell her congrats from the MM guys!

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