Wolf Legislation Moving

The website govtrack.us gives a prognosis on Senate Bill 659 for passage. The prognosis lists the chance of this becoming law at 21%. I wouldn't have put it that high.

just sayin...mh
The same Wolf Amendment has been added to the Energy Policy Modernization Act. Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has added the amendment. The language of the amendment is identical to the language in the amendment to Senate Bill 659. It is interesting to note that the bill also has an amendment to send $600 million to Flint, Michigan.

This is ample evidence that the ESA is broke.

just sayin...mh
The Energy Policy Modernization Act is known as S 2012. It has been given a chance of passage at 37%. Of course, all amendments to these bills can be stripped from the final legislation. Will Senator Johnson or Senator Barasso surrender their amendments when pressured to do so? My guess is both wolf amendments are for show only. Both of these senators, and the other supporters of these amendments, will likely surrender them. This gives them cover when their constituents ask them what they have done on the wolf issue.

just sayin...mh
I received an update yesterday from Senator Barasso on the status of the Energy Modernization Act that had a wolf delisting amendment.

On April 20, 2016 the Senate passed S. 2012 the Energy Modernization Act. The Senate adopted dozens of amendments to the act. However, the wolf delisting amendment was not included in the Senate version of the bill.

On May 25, 2016, the House passed it's version of the Energy Modernization Act. The House version that was passed includes a provision to delist the grey wolf.

The House and Senate bills are not identical including the wolf delisting provisions. The differences must be resolved in conference between the House and Senate. Does anyone think that wolf delisting amendment will be resolved in conference between the House and Senate? My guess is no. I am thinking the issue will be kicked down the road yet again.

The ESA is clearly broken as evidenced by all this legislative crap.

just sayin...mh
I would also be very surprised if it gets resolved in conference and also agree 100% with your ESA assessment! Thanks for the update mh!

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