Wolf Killed in Utah from Wyoming

>If theres no regulation no punishment.

It doesn't matter what he "thought" it was. It's under ESA protection and he violated the law. Now it will depend on which side of the bed the USFWS people that look at the case get up on. The guy that shot it turned himself in saying it was a mistake. Others, including the antis and hugger groups that carry a lot of weight, are calling for justice saying that it was intentional and that poor wolf could have helped repopulate all of Utah if it hadn't been killed! He did the right thing turning himself in and whether it costs him dearly will take some time to tell until the investigation is complete. I can't see where it should take long since it's basically just his testimony that it was a mistake. However, people that have been attacked by grizzlies in the past, including the guide in southern Co back in 1979, and killed them in self defense have been prosecuted under the ESA, so this will be another interesting case to watch until it's concluded.
>You Wyoming guys need to keep
>your dogs in your own

Sorry, but Wyoming is a 'fence out' state.
This would be a GREAT time for SFW and MDF to put some of their membership dues and profit from the expo and conservation tags to use defending one of our own. He did what they both claim is their goal of a Utah wolf free zone.
I like Deerlove's quote: That collar should of been on a semi truck headed for LA and then the Triple SSS procedure and let it go as that.

Before ya know they will have packs in Utah with full federal protection and then a decrease in moose/elk/deer numbers...
Is there any way would could heard the wolf packs down to the areas that have all the wild horses? Just a thought, maybe we could get some use out of these wolves after all?
We manage our wild horses. We round them up once a year and auction them off. Keeps population in check

They aren't "wild" horses, they're feral horses...get it right. Akin to knapweed and leafy-spurge. Too bad there isn't a spray to take care of feral horses...
"Will they prosecute?"

I hope so. Any time Wyoming loses control of their wolves, they should be prosecuted.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Buzz H,

Feral is derived from the Latin fera. Look it up, and you will see what fera means. You will see the word "wild". I now know how the minor I received in Latin (Classical Literature),in 1977 from the University of Idaho, has benefitted me in life.

FERA also is identified as the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. That is an Administration that was created to give us emergency relief from federal employees who suffer from cranial rectosis. Have a great New Year.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-14 AT 11:25AM (MST)[p]Feral animal is a domesticated animal living in the wild.

No need to look it up, studied a bit of latin myself.

You're an educated man, now I really hate you.

Ego sum Magister...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-14 AT 02:39PM (MST)[p]We got true spainard horses to that live in the pyror mountains and into Wyoming.

The mccoulough peaks herd is 1/4 horses released years and years ago. The BLM even put up signs for the 1/4 horses saying beware of wild horses. The term wild horses is a smoother word to use.

And the BLM likes the wild horses so we cant drill in the Peaks.
All horses living in the wild in the US are feral...none are native here. Knapweed of the animal world and should be treated as such.
>All horses living in the wild
>in the US are feral...none
>are native here. Knapweed of
>the animal world and should
>be treated as such.

Ain't that the truth!
Interesting. I thought the peaks herd was released by ranchers around the war or depression due to they couldnt afford the horses...
Im glad they auction them off instead of letting the herds expand. Im suprised the BLM protects them. Blm shut areas down to protect the horses. Kinda disappointing.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-15 AT 08:14AM (MST)[p]nfh,

Why are surprised the BLM and FS protect them?

Are they supposed to disregard Federal Law passed by Republican President Richard Nixon in 1971?

I'm also curious about your statement regarding the areas "shut down by the blm to protect them?"

Shut what down?

The Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 (WFRHBA), is an Act of Congress (Pub.L. 92?195), signed into law by President Richard M. Nixon on December 18, 1971. The act covered the management, protection and study of feral horses and burros on federal land.
They closed off roads to access the peaks. Areas that didnt have the horses got shut off..

I knew the spainard horses were protected . But im just suprised they would protect and give attention the peaks herd like they do..

but if anyone wants a cheap horse and a really good one the auction is worth your time. But you just need to be good at breaking horses.

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